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Lewis, an ordinary man with ordinary problems, life was about to get more complicated when the Trait Swapper got involved.  The Trait Swapper usually swapped traits (naturally) between two people and then moved on.  But on the occasion with Lewis, the Trait Swapper would stay involved for an extended period.

The first swap was hardly noticed by Lewis.  Lewis wasn't a very hairy man, so when all the hair on his chest was removed and swapped with a woman he never knew, he didn't care one bit.

The woman who discovered a while later that her breasts were covered with hair was frantic.  She hadn't noticed all day.  When she was getting undressed to discover that her boobs were covered with hair, even the relatively sparse hair of Lewis, she immediately redressed, find a 24-hour pharmacy, and bought a depilatory.   She immediately took a shower and applied the cream.  The hairs came off easily.  She would have to repeat this procedure every four or five days.  Either that or wear tops with a higher neckline than she used to.  Eventually, she considered laser hair removal.  After that, his life returned to normal.

Lewis wouldn't be so lucky.  After some time, the Trait Swapper didn't have any conception of time, it struck again.  This time it swapped Lewis' chest with the chest of a nine-year-old girl whose chest had just started to develop.  Lewis didn't have boobs, not really, but his chest was both puffy and sensitive.  The relatively rough material of the shirts he was wearing, made his chest feel itchy.

Lewis looked for remedies on the Internet for itchy skin.  He found a site that claimed there were eight options to try to relieve itchy skin.  The first was an 'oatmeal bath' and the last was to simply stop scratching.  Each technique had a different degree of effectiveness.  In the end, he started to wear softer clothing that wouldn't rub against his skin a much and an aloe vera based product.

The little girl didn't mind that her puffy new breasts were gone, replaced with Lewis' less sensitive male ones.  It would take years before the girl realized when she wouldn't have any boobs at all that she and her mother would become concerned and see a doctor.

Later when Lewis received the AA-cup breasts of a woman with tiny breasts, he was just happy that the itching had stopped.  His breasts were more sensitive in their way than they had ever been, but he didn't feel the itch of growing breasts.  His breasts were small, but they were now obvious women's breasts with defined nipples.

Looking at the shape of his small breasts and especially his new much wider areola, Lewis became concerned.  It was his time to see a doctor.

The doctor performed several tests.  There wasn't anything wrong with the small breast.  Lewis didn't have cancer; his body wasn't producing more female hormones than it should.  InHisormone levels were completely normal for a man his age.

“I don't know what to tell you,” the endocrinologist told him.  There isn't anything wrong with you.”

“I have boobs.”

“I can't see a reason why.  You can have a mastectomy if you want.”

Lewis didn't want to have surgery if he didn't have to.  Besides his new boobs were pretty small.

The woman who received the pre-pubescent boobs that Lewis had formerly had was distraught at first.  Her breasts had been small, but they hadn't been little nubs like they are now.  The swap turned out to be one of the best things to happen to the woman.  Her new boobs were just starting to grow.  When they were at their most mature in eight or ten years, they would be between a large B-cup or a small C.  She loved every inch of them.

Lewis change from an AA-cup to an A-cup he hardly noticed.  He was trying to hide his boobs under large shirts and sweaters.  He was trying to ignore them.  They might be a little bigger now but wasn't any more of a problem than before.

The truth be told, Lewis found it pleasurable to rub his boobs.  He liked the sensation it gave him.  He would rub his boobs with one hand and his dick with the other.  As long as they were small, he didn't mind them at all.

When Lewis swapped with a woman who had B-cup breasts, he couldn't deny it anymore.  He had cleavage he couldn't ignore.  His breasts were perky, but he really couldn't go around without a bra.  He needed the support.  Maybe not immediately but soon.  It would be only a matter of time until his back would start to hurt.

Besides with B-cup breasts and the warmer weather coming, he couldn't hide them from the people around him.  Thick jackets and sweaters could disguise A-cup breasts, but T-shirts couldn't hide B-cup breasts.

Lewis returned to the doctor.  The doctor ran the same tests as before and didn't find anything wrong.

“Nothing wrong?  I have tits!” Lewis screamed at the doctor.

“I know, but I can't find any physical reason.  Have you reconsidered surgery?”

Lewis knew the doctor was right.  He made an appointment with a surgeon.  They would do the surgery in a couple of weeks.  There was a delay while Lewis argued with his insurance company who called breast reduction surgery elective and wouldn't pay for it.  In the interim, the Trait Swapper stuck again.  Lewis now had C-cup breasts.

The woman he received them from, wasn't happy what her boobs shrank.  At first, she just thought that her bras had stretched.  But she had to give in that she was a B-cup now.  She didn't like it, but she didn't know what to do about it.

Lewis used a binder to hide his C-cup boobs the best he could until his surgery.  It wasn't easy and it was somewhat painful.  He didn't have a choice.

The day after the surgery was the happiest that Lewis had in quite some time.  He had to wear a bandage around his chest, but his boobs were gone.  He could return to a normal life.

The next time, Lewis swapped boobs with a lady with D-cup breasts, everyone was panicking  Lewis had breasts bigger than ever before.  They were round and bouncy and needed to be controlled.  His back would have been aching in just a few days if he didn't get a bra.

The woman found herself with her breasts suddenly removed by apparent surgery (according to the doctor she saw).  “I never had a mastectomy,” she insisted.  The best the doctor could suggest was breast reconstruction surgery.  An operation that she couldn't afford at this time.

At a D-cup breast, there wasn't a way to hide his boobs under his clothes or even bind them properly like a trans-man.

Lewis knew that another surgery wouldn't solve his problem.  He was running out of options especially when his D-cups became DD-cups.  There wasn't a way to keep his secret.  A new article was written about him, first in a medical journal and then in the tabloids.  Lewis became a celebrity in some circles.  One owner of a certain type of club offered Lewis a lot of money to 'perform' at his club.  It was an offer that Lewis considered seriously.

Lewis was left with three options, take the offer, make peace with what he had become or take the coward's way out.  He didn't know what to choose.

How big were they when the Trait Swapper lost interest, I'll leave it up to your imagination.


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