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Margaret had to hurry.  She needed to use the restroom badly.  This was a common occurrence for her.  Even though she wore Silhouette incontinence underwear for her bladder leakage, she still got intense urges to use the restroom.  It was getting worse now that she was heading into menopause.  The restroom was only a few yards away when the feeling subsided.

No longer an emergency, she turned and resumed shopping.

Timothy, a teenager was having a different type of problem.  His penis was smaller than most boys his age, but it sure was active.  It could get hard with just the glimpse of a girl or woman.  Sometimes even a stray thought could harden it.  When what happened happened, which was quite often, he would have to adjust his underwear to find a comfortable spot.  It wasn't always possible, but he did what he could.

When his penis wasn't hard or getting hard, because of its small size, it could also find another spot that was in its way also very uncomfortable too.  Timothy's remedy was the same as before.  He would have to adjust it until he found another comfortable spot.  Only to find it uncomfortable  when it inevitably became harder again.  It seemed he readjusted his dick scores of times a day.

Timothy was about to adjust it again when he realized he didn't have to anymore.  Apparently, it had found its own comfortable position.  That was only a second before he realized he had to pee.

Timothy happened to be close by the restrooms and ducked in.  The need to pee seemed to grow exponentially.  He made his way to a stall, pulled down his zipper, and fished for his dick.  But something was blocking him.  His cottony briefs felt different somehow.  He couldn't find the fly.

He reached over the top of his underwear; his underwear felt springier than it should.  Reaching under he couldn't find his dick.  The need in his bladder was growing so he turned around and raced for a stall.  He closed the door and pulled down his briefs.  They weren't white, they were in a teal color.  Not that it registered that much at this point.

Timothy reached for his penis but couldn't find it.  He looked down only to see scraggly pubic hair that was starting the gray.  His penis was gone, but the need to pee was still there and it was increasing.

Reaching farther down, Timothy felt a bit of wetness as the leakage wet his hand.

He turned around and tried to let the flow go.  Strangely enough, even though he needed to go, wanted to go, he couldn't go very well.  He sat there trying to relieve himself.

He knew his dick was gone, but he couldn't possibly know that it was replaced with the vagina of a menopausal woman in her fifties who had given birth to four kids.  His bladder muscles were weak, and his hormones were all over the place.

Timothy sat there not knowing what to do.

Margaret returned to the housewares section.  She needed a tablecloth or two for her kitchen table.  The one on the table this morning had ripped and its replacement from the closet looked pretty old.  She arrived at the mall to buy others and anything else she fancied.

Under her tunic, inside her leggings, something felt wrong.  There was a tightness she wasn't accustomed to.  It felt like something was trying to poke out but was being held back.  She didn't dare to move her hand to her crotch to feel what was happening.  She was too much of a lady for that.  She tried instead to wriggle herself free.  That didn't work.  She had no other choice but to go to the lady's room to see what was wrong in private.

It felt uncomfortable.  It was uncomfortable in a different way than she was used to.  She didn't need to pee.  This was unusual.  She always seemed to need to pee at least a little bit.

She wanted to adjust herself but didn't dare in public.  She walked anxiously to the restroom.  She didn't know what was wrong.  Was this another symptom of her developing menopause?  She hoped not.  She had enough problems with the symptoms she already had: such as hot flashes and night sweats.  She entered the bathroom and found a stall.  She pulled down her leggings and briefs.  The relief was immediate.  Then she looked at herself.  She could see the penis in her pants.  It was a small penis, but any size penis was too big for her.  She shouldn't have one at all.  It stuck out proudly.

“Oh, my goodness gracious.”  Even though she had a penis, she still felt and acted like a lady.

She was alone so she could reach down to touch it.  It was real.  She had a cock.  She looked under the cock to see if her genitals were still there hidden underneath.  That hunt proved unfruitful.  She didn't know what to do.  There wasn't anything to do.  Her genitals were gone and replaced with this.  A quick look at herself seemed to indicate that nothing else had changed.  She found her compact in her purse and looked her face over, it was the same too.  The only difference was in her pants.  She didn't check at this point, but her hips and butt were the same as they always were.

Both Margaret and Timothy found themselves in the same position and in general, did the same thing.  They got dressed and hurried home.


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