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Running around the outer edge of the park was ordinary for Rickey.  He ran it every day of the week.  He lived close by, and he liked that the distance was clearly marked.  He left his apartment, walked to the park, and then ran the roughly five-mile stretch in approximately 33 minutes.  He ran at a comfortable pace.  He didn't need to push his pace nor to slack his pace.   He used this to get in his daily exercise and it was good enough for him.

The weather could slow him down when it was raining hard or worse snowing.  There was little to be done if he wanted to run his usual park course.

Mary also used the outer edge of the park for her daily exercise.  At least she used part of it.  Ricky had to run around the park seven times to get in his five miles.  Mary used a different part that overlapped the park perimeter for a short stretch.

There was another difference between how Ricky and Mary exercised, Ricky liked to jog, Mary was doing more of a power walk.  Mary could have jogged if she liked, and Ricky could have power walked, but this was their own personal preference.  This was a gender-based thing, that is what they liked and neither saw any reason to change

When Ricky happened to pass Mary (he passed her as he was going faster) the Trait Swapper made a small swap that neither noticed at that second.  The Trait Swapper swapped their feet.  The change didn't slow or speed up either person, they were now simply running with each other's feet.

The only difference besides Ricky's feet diminishing to what would be a size five woman's foot and Mary's expanding to a size ten men's foot was that their shoes had also been resized to accommodate their feet's new proportions.  The style of the shoes hadn't changed, just the size.

Ricky returned home after his run, got out a drink to re-hydrate himself, and sat down in front of the TV to relax.  As his feet were on the ground, he didn't notice anything different about them.

Mary had a similar experience except she set out to answer her messages on her phone.  Neither noticed anything, not even when Mary kicked off her larger shoes which she always did.  She liked to walk around barefoot when in her house.

Ricky was the first to notice when he got undressed to have his nightly shower.  She liked to shower at night after his run.  It was better than waking up early and running and then showering after.  When he took off his shoes and socks and saw his feet, the size wasn't what he noticed first.  His nails were painted in a peach color.

“What?” he thought.

Ricky wondered who had painted the toenails of his feet?  He knew he didn't do it.  He had never done it before.  How could anyone do such a thing without him noticing?  It was after a few seconds that he took a better look at his feet.  They were much smaller.  They were also smooth and hairless.

His nonchalant 'what' was replaced with a much more forceful, “What the Fuck!”

“MY feet what happened to them?”

They were small.  How is this possible.  Ricky thought back to what his feet should look like.  He hadn't paid them much attention, but he knew what they should look like.  Much bigger, with a certainly bigger big toe.  “These feet and delicate.”

Ricky sat on the toilet, the only seat in his bathroom, and brought his left foot up and placed its heel on the toilet seat so he could get a better look at it.  It wasn't as he remembered.  He wiggled his toes experimentally.  He didn't know what to do.  The painted toes wiggled in front of him.  He touched his foot, it felt smooth.   He felt the smoothness from both sides: from his fingers and from the foot itself.   Ricky let his fingers rub the top of his foot and then his fingers continued past the end of his toes to under his foot.  That felt smooth too.  He lifted his heel over the toilet seat and felt under there also.  The foot was obviously his now and it was very smooth.

Ricky looked at the foot that was on the floor.  It was a matched set with his left foot.

After the initial shock had subsided, Ricky realized that he liked the foot, it was very sexy.  The toes were pretty.  He wiggled them again.  “What am I thinking?”

Ricky looked for his shoe.  He wondered how why he hadn't noticed it was so small.  His shoes should be much bigger, but this shoe was the proper size for this smaller foot.

“Was this the shoe he put on before but didn't notice?”  He didn't think so.  He thought his feet were 'normal' when he left the house.  They weren't normal now.  That wasn't the right word.  They looked like normal enough feet.  They just weren't his feet.

Forgetting about the shower, Ricky exited the bathroom.  He went to his bedroom and looked for another pair of shoes.  He didn't have many pairs, a few pairs of dress shoes, and a couple of pairs of sneakers.  They were as he remembered them except, they were all 'small' like his feet.  He fit his foot into these shoes, they fit fine.

Ricky didn't know what to do.  He didn't know if he had to do anything about them.  There was something attractive about his new feet.  He liked women's feet.  But was it right to think your own feet are sexy?  He didn't know.

Mary was snuggling on her couch.  She was still wearing her socks when she realized that her feet looked different.  The size anyway.

“Is my feet bloated?”  That was her initial thought.

She took off her socks.  His feet were bigger and slightly hairy.  His feet were never that big and certainly not hairy.  On her legs with their narrow ankles, they sort of look like clown feet.  She was sitting on the couch and brought her feet closer to her face.  She didn't know what to do.  The nails weren't painted as they should be, but she ignored that.  She didn't know what happened to make her feet look that much larger and be in the condition they were in.  She kept them smooth, and soft.  There were callouses on the bottom of her feet, she had had those before, but they weren't smooth as they should be, and they were hairy and big.

“Did I hit my feet and they swelled up?”

“No, I didn't!”  Even if I did, they wouldn't look like this.

Mary looked for her shoes.  They were also big, like her feet.  “What?”

“This is impossible!”

Mary liked shoes, she had scores of pairs in many styles and levels of formality.  She couldn't wear any of them, his old shoes wouldn't fit her.  His feet were too large.

Mary decided to look at her shoes, even though she knew they wouldn't fit.  She went into her bedroom to see.  When she got there, she found her shoes were much bigger than she remembered.  They would fit her feet.  She found a pair of heeled sandals and put them on.  She didn't like how her feet looked in them.  They were too big and too masculine.  Even if she shaved her feet and painted the nails, she couldn't go out in public wearing sandals so people could see her feet.

Most of her shoes were like that.  What helped her pretty feet look cute, looked ridiculous with a foot that she had now.  She didn't know what to do.  She cried.


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