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Chapter 2.

"I'll give you $50 right now if you just let me put the makeup on.  We'll see if it works."

"Alright, I could use the cash."

Crystal took Jerry into the bathroom where there was plenty of light and worked on his face.  She didn't have to make him up completely, but what she had to do she had to do right.  She started with a complete facial scrub to get his face as clean and oil-free as possible.

Once cleaned, Crystal took out a tube of makeup in a pink bottle.  "This is face primer," Crystal announced.  She dabbed a small amount on her finger.  She started in the center of Jerry's face and worked outward.  Jerry had to close his eyes as she rubbed the product in.

"This is very important.  Lots of women forget this.  But this keeps your skin looking smooth which is particularly important for you.  It'll keep the makeup looking fresh all day long."


"Foundation is next.  I think with your coloration, Fresco will suit you."

Then she spread another product on (the foundation) a big flat brush and likewise spread the makeup all over his face, which included his chin and neck.

Jerry didn't know one color from the next, but who was he to complain.

"Now we don't need a complete makeover.  You are supposedly at home, not going out to see real people.  But we do need a touch of color on your eyes, cheeks, and lips."


"OK, let's use a little eyebrow pencil."


"Don't worry.  It won't look bad, I promise.  You can wash it off later.  But if you want to me to pluck it?"

"No, not that."

It was finally decided that if Jerry didn't want his eyebrows plucked, he would have to wear large round glasses with tinted frames.  That was the only way to go back and forth between his brows looking like a mature woman and a young man.

"Finally, you need setting spray.  It will keep your makeup on all day.  You don't want to have to adjust your makeup in the middle do you?"

"No, I guess not."

"Close your eyes."

Jerry felt the spray all over his face.  Crystal didn't seem to be using a little, she seemed to be using a lot.  Jerry could feel the mist all over his face.  For a moment there, it felt as if his face was actually getting damp.  But soon, the spray dried.

"OK, open your eyes, we are done."

Jerry looked at his face in the mirror.  He not only looked feminine, but he looked older too.  It looked like he was trying to hide slight wrinkles although Crystal was doing the opposite.  She was making it look like he had slight wrinkles under his makeup.

"I don't believe it!"

"Here, now look at yourself with this in front of the camera.  Crystal placed the promised plastic wrap in front of the lens.  That helped the illusion even more.

"This might work?"  Jerry said.  The computer echoed what he said in his femme voice.

"It will work.  Now here is the fingerprint reader.  Just put your finger on there whenever there is a yellow light on the screen.  It'll prove you are paying attention."


"I think that is it.  Pretty easy.  You might even learn a few things."

"Yeah, right," Jerry complained.

"I'll also show you how to put on your makeup by yourself so you won't need me to do it every day."

"OK, it's not that hard."

"It didn't seem too bad."

"The foundation is the hardest, but since we have the color right, you shouldn't have too much of a problem.  Just don't forget to cleanse your face and prime it first."


"So will you do it for me?"

"For $3000, I'll do anything."


"Wait, one last thing."


"I almost forgot."

Crystal exited and then reappeared with a wig and dangling earrings.  "You'll need these.  They'll frame your face.  It'll help hide your male cheekbones better.

"This wig is a Flip Mono, you can brush it into any style you want.  It'll be perfect for you.  I've been wearing one for years."

"You have?"

"I have a secret.  My hair is thinning a bit."

"I didn't know."

"It's my secret."

Crystal put the wig and earrings on Jerry's head.  He looked even better than before.  Maybe better wasn't the right word to use.  The style of the earrings and hair gave him an added look of maturity.

Jerry looked at himself in the mirror.  His face under the makeup looked older.   He looked like an older woman who was using makeup to minimize her age the best she could.   The adding of the wig and earrings were counter intuitive to what was usually expected.  Which was the opposite of who he actually was.  This effect was magnified when he saw his face on the monitor.

After fixating on his face for a moment, Jerry caught site of the rest of his body.  It looked odd to have such an older and obviously feminine face on top of his young masculine body.

Crystal could see the reaction in Jerry's eyes.  He looked ridiculous.

"Come with me,"  Crystal suggested.  "Now sit in front of the monitor."

Crystal adjusted the camera and turned on the Zoom software to allow Jerry to see himself.  The camera was positioned in a slight upward angle.  Only the top of his shoulder and head could be seen in the small box on the screen.

Maybe in the real world he couldn't pull off looking like a woman in her early sixties, but with the camera positioned in this angle and everything else, the plan would work.

"Oh, yeah, I'm a smoker as you know.  I want you to smoke or at least have a lit cigarette around."

"You want me to smoke?"

"Just have it in the ashtray.  No one will know you took a puff or not."

"I will do it for an extra $500."


Jerry liked the idea of an extra $500 so he didn't object.  He really was kidding when he said it.

"Let's get the look perfect," Crystal told him.

"Looks pretty good now."

"But not perfect.  Take off your shirt."

"My shirt, but they will be looking at my face."

"They'll still see the tops of your shoulders.  You need something colorful and with shoulder pads."

"Shoulder pads?"

"Yeah, they'll make your shoulders look more feminine."

"How will they do that?"

"Because no one will know that your shoulders are naturally large if you wear them.  Not from this angle."

Crystal produced a lavender floral blouse with shoulder pads to hide his real shoulders as well as his slight Adam's Apple.

"Don't I need a bra?"

"Not with the camera pointing up.  But I can get one if you want it."

"No, I think I'll pass."

"OK, now the cigarette.   Put it over here so the smoke occasionally drifts into the frame."  Crystal lit a cigarette, placed it in an ashtray, and positioned it as she explained.  The smoke did help to add to the illusion.

Jerry picked up the cigarette and put it to his lips.  He didn't take a puff.

"No that won't do."

"Was I doing it wrong?"

"Look at your hand."  It didn't look right.  But Crystal had a solution.  She spent the next ten minutes putting on false nails to his right hand.  She shaped them and painted them to match his lipstick.  Then she gave him some rings to wear on his fingers.  The transformation of his hand in the monitor was as dramatic as putting makeup on his face.

"Try that again."

Jerry brought the cigarette back to his lips.  Since it was the second time, there was some transfer of lipstick from his lips to the butt of the cigarette.

"No, no-no.  Hold your hand like this...I like that, better, better, much better."

"I was just fooling around."

"But it looks good.  Here let me show you how to light a cigarette.  Keep your left hand under the camera lens.  I mean unless you want to manicure your other hand too."

"No, that is quite alright."

"This is all coming together quite nicely," Crystal spoke out loud as she put the headphones to Jerry's ears.

"Testing, testing 1-2-3," Jerry said, liking the voice he was hearing over the headphones.  It was definitely feminine sounding.  Jerry wanted to say something lewd for the fun of it.  He wanted to say "Jerry, I want to suck your dick," just to hear what it sounded to have a woman say that to him.  But he restrained himself.  Saying that was a bit too far while Crystal was around.  Maybe he could try that when she wasn't here.  Maybe he could do it while smiling and puckering his lips.  He was starting to have fun with this.

Instead, Jerry picked up the cigarette and moved it towards his lips and said, "I love a  good cigarette,"  then he continued with "and a good man."

"Oh, you do?" Crystal said as she stared right at him.  Then she broke into a laugh.

The tension diminished and Jerry laughed too.

"Try that again, but this time say, 'My name is Crystal Hren.  I love a good cigarette with a good man.'"

Jerry repeated it.

"OK, the synthesizer helps you sound like a woman, but you have to help it along too.  Try saying it like this."

Jerry repeated what Crystal said again.  This time with his voice slightly higher than before.

"Now smile a little.  Show some teeth.  Women like to smile."

Jerry did it again.

"Don't whisper, but not so loud."

Again Jerry repeated.  This time Crystal readjusted the voice modulation software.

It took several tries before between the voice synthesis and Jerry's own inflection, did Jerry get the right look and sound of his voice.  In the end, most of the voice was produced by Jerry with only a little bit of synthesis from the computer.

While Crystal was working on adjusting the synthesizer for Jerry's voice, Jerry took a better look at his face.  He truly looked older.  He in fact looked much older.  He thought that if he was at a liquor store and wanted to buy beer he looked old enough that he wouldn't even be carded.  Jerry wondered if he could use something like this to do just that.

"How did you make me look so old?"

"You mean mature."

"Yeah, that?"

"It's the primer."

Jerry hadn't ever heard of face primer before.  He let Crystal continue.

"Primers can do many things.  They can make a dry face look moisturized and an oily face look drier.  There are other things too.  But your face is naturally dry.  I used primer to make it look even drier.  Then I over-corrected with foundation.  Since no one expects makeup to make a face look 'worse' it fools the eyes to think that the makeup is hiding something, like wrinkles.  It's all about expectations."

Jerry didn't understand what Crystal meant. Makeup wasn't any concern of his. He knew what lipstick was, and maybe eye shadow, but primer, foundation, and the other products he had never heard of before.

While Crystal was speaking, Jerry noticed a slight buzzing in his ears.

"Hey, I'm getting a little feedback or something."

"I know, it can't be helped," Crystal told him.  "It's because what you are saying is being rebroadcast a moment later in a slightly different pitch.  It causes that.  Try and ignore it.  You won't notice after a while."

"OK, I'll try."

What Jerry couldn't quite make out was a loop playing in the background at the edge of his audible range.  It kept saying "I like makeup.  I like it when people think I am Crystal.  It's fun to trick them."

"Want some lunch?  I can order something."


Crystal left to get lunch.  Jerry had to stay behind, his face was still made up.  While she was out, he played with the equipment.  He sat in front of the computer and lit a cigarette.  He watched as he pretended to be Crystal.  He put a seductive expression on his face and started to say some raunchy things to himself.  He pretended that it was an exotic older woman talking to him.  Some sexy MILF wanted him and he enjoyed hearing what she had to say.

Jerry figured out a way to record himself.  Then he could play it back as if a hot older woman wanted him.  To add his to fantasy, he lit a cigarette and whispered seductively while he told himself, how much she wanted him.  How much she needed him.  He told himself, in a hot breathy voice in detail what he wanted to do to himself.  He hid part of his face with his hand and cigarette.  The hand which was nothing like the other one.  The one with long painted nails, rings, and a bracelet.  That couldn't possibly be his hand, he forced himself to believe.

He forced himself to forget that the sexy MILF he was seeing on the screen.  The one who was smoking a cigarette, smiling at him, and enticing him with her eyes wasn't himself, it was a fine lady who wanted him.  Maybe she was a little old for him, but there wasn't any doubt about it.  She was a MILF and she was talking right to him.  His own arousal added to his delusion.

Jerry heard the door open as Crystal returned with lunch.  Over half an hour had passed.  He didn't know where the time went.

Jerry erased what he had recorded as he heard Crystal shout out that she was back.

"What were you doing?" Crystal asked when she saw him.

"Just practicing."  The cigarette was still lit.

"Good, lunch is here."

They ate in the kitchen.

After lunch, Crystal  remarked, "You should fix your lipstick."

"Umm, yeah.  I guess."

"You try and I'll help you if you need help.  This will happen during the day.  There isn't anything you can do about it.  Every hour or so, you'll have to reapply your lipstick   Everything else should stay fine.  That is what the setting spray is for."


"I want you to keep 'your purse' with you while you are on.  That is where you'll get your cigarettes and your lipstick.  You can't just place them on the table with you.  That isn't the way it is done by a woman."

"You're right."

"Now let's practice sit in front of the computer."

Jerry sat down and got into his position.  Crystal noticed the extra cigarette buts in the ashtray.  She put her purse next to him.

"OK, now what you do is reach down and pull the purse up.  Then you put it into your lap and get both the lipstick and the compact.  You need the compact for a mirror.  Hold the compact over your face between your eyes and lips so you can see both your lips and the lipstick itself."

"I see."

"Now this is important.  I purposefully made your lips look skinnier than they naturally are.  That also makes you look more mature.  You have to do the same."

"I understand.  Now you start with..."  Crystal explained how she wanted him to apply the lipstick.  They applied and reapplied the lipstick over half a dozen times before Jerry got it right.

"Ut, oh!" Crystal said.

"Now what?"

"I was wrong, you'll have to put fake nails on both hands.  People will see your other hand when you put on your lipstick.  There is no way around it."

"I guess it doesn't matter."

"OK, you saw me do your right hand (the one holding your cigarette) now tried to do your left all by yourself."

While Jerry was practicing.  Crystal got more rings and a bracelet and a thin watch for Jerry to wear.

Upon entering the room, Crystal saw Jerry lighting his cigarette again.  "Hey I have an idea," she stated.


"First before you light your cigarette, cross your legs."


"You'll see."

Jerry did as asked.  He took the cigarette between his manicured fingers, then he crossed his legs as a woman would.  This forced him to sit up straighter in a feminine way.  He had to lean back his head as the cigarette entered his mouth.  Then he lit it.  Even though the camera couldn't see the rest of his body the effect on his head and shoulders was noticeable.  It added a hint of sophistication to the procedure.  It looked very feminine in a mature way.

"Much better," Crystal enthused.  "I think you should cross your legs anytime you move your hands to your face, like when you are freshening your lipstick."

"I think you're right."  Jerry was starting to have fun with this.  It wasn't about the money, at least now it wasn't only about the money.  Fooling people would make this entire thing fun.

Crystal gave Jerry the watch and the rings, he put them on the fingers of his left hand.  Both hands were now manicured, painted, and adorned with jewelry.

After several hours of practice, Jerry had to log onto the site proper through Zoom and sign up for the program.  Crystal was in the other room helping Jerry with the process.  She told him her full name, birth date, social security number, and whatever other information he needed through the headphones he wore.  Jerry created the quick confirmation procedure with a thumbprint in lieu of a signature.  Jerry was all ready for the class tomorrow.

As Crystal was teaching Jerry how to remove his makeup and false nails, she asked him, "What are you going to tell your mother?"

"I'll tell her I'm helping you around the house."

"Is that all?"


"What about all of this?"

"I don't think I need to tell her.  Why tell anybody."

"Fine, I won't tell either.  I just wanted you to know you can tell her if you like."

"I'll probably never tell her.  Let her think I'm helping in the yard or some such thing."

"That is up to you."

Soon, Jerry was back to his original clothes and all of the makeup off his face.  His face had never been so clean as it was now.  He even replaced the dangling earrings he was wearing with his usual studs.

Crystal gave him the money he earned for the day and he headed towards home.

Jerry thought about things more clearly as he walked.  He decided not to tell his mom.  Why open a can of warms, he could use the money.  He was also worried, that she would know that he was smoking.  Technically he wasn't smoking since he didn't inhale (except to light the cigarette) but why cause trouble.

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