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"What happened?" Dad asked.  It was a rhetorical question, he knew exactly what happened.  Dad swapped bodied with his fifteen-year-old daughter Kristalina.

Dad looked up at his former body which was now inhabited by Kristalina.  She returned the gaze.  "You know."

Dad shook his head.  His long brown hair washed across his face.  "OK, let's just swap back."

"We can't."

"We can't?"

"Well not yet.  The charm has to recharge it'll take about a day and a half and then when we swap back, it has to be you who initiates it.  You can only swap once with any one person, and then only with permission."

"If you can only swap once, then how can we swap back."

"I swapped with you.  You can swap once with me.  It's different."

"OK.  So now what?  We just wait."

"Yeah, but you have to go on my date."

"I do, not going to happen."

"If you don't live my life as I would that you won't be allowed to swap back that is the way it is.  I don't make the rules for magic."  In this case, she was, there wasn't any such rule.  "You have to do what I would have done or it won't work again."

"I don't want to."

"There isn't any choice, you have to.  Besides, you can get to meet Jeremy.  You can see why I like him.  Don't blow this for me."

Dad was in the body of his pretty fifteen-year-old daughter.  He was now five foot four and 105 pounds, wavy brown hair that extended to his shoulder blades.  He has C-cup breasts and legs that aren't that long but were still shapely.  She wasn't going to get any taller, but he body would fill out more in feminine proportions as she proceeded through her teenage years and into her twenties.  He certainly wasn't as strong nor as fast as he was in his former body, but he still felt energized, and much more flexible than he had a few minutes before.  He wasn't 41 anymore, with the aches and pains that come with getting older.

"You want me to date that boy, what's his name, Jeremy?"

"You have to."

"Why don't we call off the date.  You know tell him you have a cold or something."

"Don't ruin this for me."

Dad decided it was better for him to have a date with this boy than his daughter.  Jeremy was 17, a full two years older than Kristalina.  They were arguing about the date when the accident happened.

"OK, I'll go, but I"m not going to kiss him."

"It's the first date, all you have to do is be pretty and it'll be fine.  He'll do most of the walking.   You can just tell him about my life."

"Fine.  What time is he picking me up."

"He'll be here in three and a half hours.  We have to get ready."


"Yeah, it takes a while.  Come on, we have to start with a shower."

"OK, I'll take a shower."

"I'll help you."

"I've been taken showers for a long time.  I think I can handle it."

"It's my body. There is more to it now.  I'll show you want to do.  Let's go."

They entered the bathroom.  Dad felt strange.  He was in there with his daughter and he was going to take off his clothes in front of her.  But it was her clothes and what was her body.  Dad rubbed his smooth face with his small hand in frustration.

"This is weird."

"Don't I know it.  but take off your clothes.  There isn't anything I haven't seen.  It's you who hasn't seen it."

"Yeah, I guess."

"I'll get a robe for after your shower and you get undressed."

Dad pulled his shirt over his head and then unfastened his jeans and pulled them off.  This left him in knee-high socks, blue floral bikini cut panties, and a matching bra.  Dad didn't know what this style was called.  It didn't matter.  He sat down on the toilet seat and pulled off his socks.  He stood to pull off his panties then tried to reach behind him to unfasten his bra.  But then decided to pull it off like a t-shirt.  What did it matter if he stretched it?  he wasn't going to wear it again.  besides as far as he knew, Kristalina had scores of pairs of bras.

He was naked and turning on the shower water when Kristalina returned with a robe and a new pair of panties.



"You have to take out your tampon first."

Dad didn't know he had one in.  He hadn't thought about it at all.  But then when he concentrated and 'flexed' muscles he never had before he realized that Kristalina was right.

"Oh great."

"Sit down with your legs spread apart and I'll pull it out."  She meant on the toilet seat.

"If mom saw us like this, she would freak."

"No one is home."

Kristalina stuck her fingers inside her former body, found the string, and yanked it out.  She then wrapped it in toilet paper as he had hundreds of times before and threw it in the trash.

Dad quickly got into the shower, he didn't want to think about what just happened.

"OK, here's what you have to do.  We are going to take a hot shower."

"Is that hot enough?"

"No, a little hotter."

Dad got into the shower and let the water spray all over him, although he guessed he was a her now.  He still considers himself a him no matter what body he has.    He noticed immediately how smooth his body is not that he was touching and the water was dripping off it.

"Hey what is that?" Dad asked as Kristalina threw something onto the floor of the shower.

"It's my Vicks VapoShower.shower bomb.  I always use them.  It adds a nice aroma to the shower.  It also clears my sinuses, they are amazing."

"What do I care about that?  I think I'm breathing fine."

"Hey, it's what I always do.  Besides, it's already done.  Stop complaining."

"What now?"

"I always wash my hair first, so brush it out while you're getting it wet and then push your hair back with your hands.  Never mind, I'll do it for you."

Kristalina didn't take off her father's clothes to get into the shower with him,  so her arm and shirt sleeve was getting wet as she reached in to help her father.  There was also stray that was getting the rest of the shirt and pants also a little damp.

"OK, now we are going to use the Luseta perfect bonding No 1 shampoo."

"Like I care."

"It is what it is."

"Is there a number 2 shampoo?"

"There must be. This is number 1.  Anyway, pump this onto your palm   Use four big pumps and then lather this into your hair.  Fucus on the roots and over here and there.  Thet get the oiliest."  Kristalina pointed out a few places to concentrate on.

"You have to rinse everything out thoroughly."

"I know how to get the shampoo out of hair."

"Your hair has never been this long.  You have to make sure it's all out or believe me you will break out on your forehead or your back.  You don't want that."

"OK, ok, it's all rinsed out."

Kristalina looked it over to make sure.  "Now, we are going to use a deep conditioner.  Lather this in your hair.  It's extremely creamy.  It'll detangle your hair.  It'll be super easy to comb through when you're done.  Now use this wooden comb to comb a few times and here, I'll put your hair up in a butterfly clip for you.  We have to let it sit in your hair for a few minutes."

"OK, now what?"

"IT's time to clean down there."

"You want me to?"

"It's got to be clean.  Especially at this time of the month."

"Maybe you had ought to do that yourself?"

"OK,  I'll do it.  It's not that hard, you just use Dove Soap for Sensitive Skin."

Dad was afraid that Kristalina was going to stick a finger inside him.  But, thankfully she didn't.  She just lathered it with her hand and stayed on the outside.  It did feel good for a second, but Dad tried to keep his mind off that.

Dad thought that she was done, but then she lathered her pubes with a conditioner, not that same one she used for her hair and shaved down there.  Dad kept his eyes staying at the top of the shower curtain.


"Raise your arms."

Dad was happy that the lower region was done, so he immediately raised his arms.  Then Kristalina scrubbed his armpits and then shaved his armpits smooth.

"Come here."  Then she rolled something on Dad's face.

"What's this?"

"It's a quartz roller.  It helps to relax the muscles in your jaw and it increases the circulation in your skin."

"You can rub it for a thousand years, there will be tension in my jaw, believe me."

"OK, I always do this.  It's worth it, it'll give you a brighter complexion.  Just a few more seconds."


"Now it's time to remove the conditioner."  Kristalina removed the butterfly clip.  Dad had forgotten all about the conditioneer in his hair.  It seemed like he put it in there half an hour ago.   "Rince it out thoroughly!"

"I will, I will."

Then Kristalina put it back up in the butterfly clip again.  "That's to make sure nothing gets in your hair."

"Now lather a washcloth with the Done Soap....No more, more.  Really get it lathery.  Now rub it all over your body.  Start at the neck and move down."

Dad looked down and saw his boobs below his neck.  He decided not to scrub them too hard or too long.  But he did scrub his neck and upper chest, then down his arms.  His boobs, not so much.  Kristalina didn't complain.  He finished with his stomach.

"OK, now use this to clean your back."

"What's that."

"Castile soap.  IT prevents acne on your back."

"If you say so."

"I say so."

Dad didn't realize what Kristalina did just to keep away acne.  He didn't realize it was such a big problem.  Her skin always looks so clear.

"OK, now use this scrub."

"I'm clean."

"Yeah, but this Lemon Blueberry Tart Scrub by Tree Hut will make your skin look incredibly smooth."

"Do I have to?"


"It'll make your skin look like it's been polished.  You are exfoliating your skin"

Dad thought about his own shower routine.  He takes off his clothes, he washes his hair, he washes his body, he gets out.  It's that easy.  This is taking forever.

"Are we don't yet?"

"The reason we have to exfoliate is that you have to shave your legs."

"Oh my god."

"OK, now that we are finished with the scrub, you have to use this body conditioner.  It's Olay's Body Conditioner.  Rinse it right off. "

"Now it's time to shave my legs?"

"No, you have to wash your face."

"Didn't I already?"

"No.  I do it last to make sure everything is cleaned off your face, like shampoo and conditioner.  I told you I get acne very easily."

"OK< is there anything special you use to clean your face?"

"NO just Dove Soap."

"It's always Dove, why not Ivory soap?"

"Dad!" Kristalina said with exasperation.

That was the first time called him Dad since the swap.

"OK, time to shave."

"I can do that."

"Be careful, my legs are softer than your face.  But they are smoother too, so go for it.  What are you doing?"

"I'm about to shave my legs."

"What about your stomach.  You have to shave that too."


"Wish it off again before shaving."

"But we did that exfoliating and the other thing already."

"You mean the lemon blueberry tart scrub?"


"Doesn't matter have to wash again."


"Can I shave now?  Do you use shaving cream?"

"No conditioner."

Dad sighs, then proceeded to shave his stomach and then his legs one leg at a time.  He was very gentle, he didn't want to cut his legs.  He could feel the smoothness while shaving.  His face never felt this smooth while shaving.

"Am I done?"

"No, you have to use a pumice stone for callouses."

"Fine, I'll do that."

Dad was dragging through.  He just wanted this to be over.  He had in some ways forgotten that he was washing his daughter's body.  That weirdness had passed now that it was just taking so long to shower.

"That's all?  Right, I'm finally finished?"



"So I can get out now?"

"First you have to drain as much of the water out of your hair."

"That makes sense."

"Use your wooden comb."


"Now use the hair flip back and forth to get as much water out of your hair."

Dad did the flips.

"OK, now you have to put this microfiber towel in my hair."

"Isn't a terry towel good enough?"

"No.  I know what works."


"Now we are going to use a face mask."

"We just cleaned your face and I'm going out, not to bed."

"Doesn't matter.  Here, use this mint julep mask.  Brush it on with this."

The mask was a light green color.  Dad looked at it.  Then he brushed it on all over his face.

"Don't forget the bridge of you're nose."

Dad saw himself in the mirror with the mask.  He never realized it took so much effort.   Did his wife do all this or just his daughter?

"Let's put a new tampon in."

Dad had totally forgotten about that."

"How about a pad?'

"It's a date, you need a tampon."

"Spread your legs, I'll do it."  it's not that hard."  It only took a few seconds to apply the tampon.  Dad tried to think of something else.

"Now take a q-tip and clean your ears."

"Shouldn't we take off the mask?"

"No, it stays on for ten minutes.  But we'll use this time."

"For what?"

"To moisturize your body with coconut oil."

"I thought we did that with the scrubs?"

"That isn't enough.  Rub this all over your body."

"Is this going to take much longer?"

"It'll take as long as it takes.  But it's all worth it.  Now put on your robe and then wash the mask off."

"I got it, clean it all over.  Make sure nothing remains."


"Now it's time to moisturize your face."

"With coconut oil?"

"No, with Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream.  Put it all over your face."

"Not your lips.  Everyplace else."

"You use Bag Bomb to moisturize your lips."

"Brush your teeth, you can do that."

"Yeah."  Finally, something he didn't need to be shown how to do.

"Next here is some deodorant."

Dad did that himself too.  He could feel the softness of his underarms.  Something he never even thought about before.

"I'll close your eyes."  Kristalina sprayed Brazilian Crush Body Spray all over his wrists, neck, and face.

"OK, now we need a heat protectant in your hair and we can use the Revlon hairstyle to dry and brush out your hair at the same time.

"Now, we comb it out some more."

"Are we done?"

"Well, there is makeup and we have to get dressed."

"How long will that take?"

"As long as it takes, but don't worry, we still have two and a half hours before Jeremy arrives."

Another thing that dad forgot.  He was doing all of this because he had a date with Jeremy.

"Do I really have to?"


"What's next?  I get dressed?"

"No, makeup first.  You don't want to get specks of makeup on your clothes."

"How long will this take?"

"As long as it does."

"What's first?"

"Sit down, I'll put it on you."

"Your face is nice and clean.  Let's put your hair back.  Now, this is a first day so we want you to look good. You want to look beautiful, you want to look natural, you want to look perfect."


"Not for a first date."


"First we start with Too Faced Primer."

"Two-faced?  What a strange name for a beauty product."

"Too Faced...T-O-O Faced."


"What is it?"

"It's a face primer."

"What's that?"

"It evens out skin tone."

"I thought that foundation does that."  Dad giving up the extreme part of his makeup knowledge.

"It does, but this goes on first."

"How do you know?"

"Makeup tutorials on The Internet and magazines and such."

Kristalina pored a little on her middle and index finger and then spread it on Dad's face.  "Now I apply the foundation.  I'm going to put on the foundation with my fingers."  She started with the lower right cheek right above the lip and then worked into her chin.  Then here and there.  "I'm going to blend it in with a Beaty Blender."  Which looked to dad like a small pink sponge.

"I'm going to use Studio Fix by Mac to cover my under-eye circle."

"You don't have under-eye circles."

"You just can't see them.  I know they are there."

"Anyway, I'm going to blend it again using the Beaty Blender.  Now I'm going to use this concealer by Maybelline."

"I remember mom using concealer.  I thought ti went first."

"This one is going to highlight.  I'm going to apply it in a triangle shape under the eyes and then on the highest point on the forehead.  I apply the Fix+"


"It refreshes the skin and finishes makeup.  Close your eyes.  I have to spritz it on."

Dad closed his eyes.  Kristalina sprayed Dad's face a few times and then used the Beaty Blender to blend everything in again.

"Now the famous banana powder. I'm going to use a face brush.  You don't want your face to look shiny on your first date."

"My only date."

"This is my favorite bronzer.  It's called Bahama Mama by TheBalm.  I'm going to apply it to the brush and then I'm going to blend it up the cheek."

"I don't care if it's your favorite."

"Now I'm going to apply a lighter bronzer."

"You don't have to tell me."

"But I want to.  She started on a lower area of the cheek and applied then blended in the lighter bronzer.

"It's called the MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Bronzer in Dark."

"You said it's lighter."

"It is lighter than Bahama Mama."

"You have put on a dozen things on my face and you still haven't gotten to my eyes, cheeks and mouth."

"It's coming."

"Let's put some on the nose too."

"Fine, come on," Dad signed again.

"Now the blush."


"This is called Wet n Wild."

"Doesn't look wet."

"Over that Mary-Lou Manizer.  Before you ask, it's highlighting powder.  We dush it on the upper part of the cheap, the upper bridge of the nose and upper part of the lips."

"Now we are going to fill in my brows with Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Gel.  I like it darker on the ends and lighter on the brows so it looks more natural."

"With all the makeup you have on, calling it natural is a stretch."

"Then apply a primer.  Hopefully, you won't cry, but if you do, your eyeshadows are not going to move.

"There won't be any crying."

"Just in case."

"I'm going to put the same bronzer over your eyes.  IT'll make your eyes look sexy."

"You said not sexy."

"Not TOO sexy."

"Use a Fix+ every time you use pigment.  Then apply pigment to your eyelid.  You are going to look so cute."

"What about sexy?"

"That too."

"Highlight the inner corners of your eyes with the same pigment.  Open your eyes a little more.  That's it."

"Now apply a little brown on the lower lash line."

"That is 10 colors."

"Not that many, but you always need more than one."

"Now it's time for mascara.  Don't blink.  I promise I won't get any into your eye."

"I'm now going to put on the liquid lipstick.  You have to be careful if you were applying it yourself."

"Like I would do that."

"When it dries, it won't transfer."

"I'm not going to kiss him."

"He might be cute. and way finally, you need this setting spray.  It'll keep your makeup[ on your face all nice."

"It comes off?"

"If you don't use the setter.  Close your eyes."

Dad could feel the mist all over his face.

"Are we done?"

"Yes, we can take the clip out of your hair.  Look in the mirror."

Dad looked at his face, it was very pretty.  The makeup made Kristalina look older.

"We can get dressed now.  Let's start with panties and bras."

"Here put these on."

Kristalina handing Dad a pair of lacy brief style panties in red with a matching demi bra.  Kristalina fastened the bra's clasps for him.

Between the shower and the makeup, the actual outfit was the easiest.  Kristalina had already selected an outfit.  It was a blue minidress that descended to the mid-thigh with large red flowers.  The v-neckline showed a hint of cleavage, but not too much.  The length of his hair also hid his new cleavage somewhat.  The sleeves puffed out a little but narrowed at the bicep with a little ruffle after.  It did look cute but wasn't too much.  There wasn't a way that Dad would allow a really skimpy dress.

The back was slightly opened, but Dad couldn't see that well.  It fastened with a couple of buttons at the back of the neck.

Kristalina put some hoop earrings in Dad's ears and a thin gold necklace around his neck.  He put on a pair of two and a half-inch brown pumps, an ankle strap, and a thick heel.  "You shouldn't have any trouble with talking in these," Kristalina assured him and then handing him a brown purse with a long strap.

"Everything you need is in here."

dad looked through it.  It contained tissues, some lipstick, safety pins, her phone, other things, and an extra tampon.

"I see you noticed the tampon.  It should be fine, but this is just in case."

Since the heel was thick, he really didn't have any trouble walking in them.

"You can relax now, but don't touch your face.  You don't want to do anything to your makeup.  Although it should be OK because of the setting spray.

"When Jeremy comes, wait upstairs for a little while and then come down.  I'll talk to him like a father should."

"Be tough on him!"

"I'll let him know if anything happens, he'll have me to deal with."

"Yeah, be very tough."

"One more thing I forgot to tell you."


"Your dress is short.  Keep your knees together or crossed.  Don't let anyone see your panties."

"Maybe I should put on a longer dress."

"No, this is the one."

Dad sat down and waited for Jeremy.  He was too nervous to sit.  So he got up and looked at himself closely in the mirror.  He saw the open back of his dress.  He inspected his makeup more closely.  He felt the softness of his legs.  It felt different from this side of the touch.  It actually felt really good.

As the time ticked by, Dad started to get butterflies in his stomach.  This was crazy.  He was going to go on a date with a boy.  He knew he shouldn't do it, but he had to.   Kristalina said if he didn't do what she would do, he could never get his body and his life back.  He was having a hard time breathing.

Dad went into the bathroom and got a glass of water.  He started to drink.

"Hey will my lipstick rub off?" he wondered a moment too late.  He didn't see lipstick smudge on the class.  But he checked in the mirror anyway.  His makeup was secure.  He decided to comb his hair a couple of times while he was looking at it.

The doorbell rang.  It was Jeremy.  He had to wait a few minutes before coming down.  he had to let  Kristalina talk to him as if she was his father.  The butterflies in Dad's stomach grew.  he wanted to fly down and see him.  He didn't know why, but now that Jeremy was her, he wanted to see him.

Dad couldn't hear what  Kristalina and Jeremy were talking about.  The blood was rushing to his ears.

Finally, Dad threw his purse over his shoulder and entered the living room where Jeremy and  Kristalina were.  He forced himself to smile.  Jeremy looked at him closely.  Dad knew he liked what he saw.  Why shouldn't he, he looked very pretty.  Dad didn't worry about moving in a feminine matter, the heels and the body itself gave his gait a feminine appearance.

"Hello, Jeremy."

"Hi, Kristalina.  You look great."

"Thank you."

"Are you ready to go?"

"If my father is done with you."

"I am.  He's a fine gentleman."

"Then let's go."

Jeremy took Dad's hand and led him to his car.  He electronically unlocked the door.  Dad could feel wetness below.  He hoped his tampon was OK.  Regardless, he opened the door and got in.  Jeremy got into the driver's seat.  The pair drove off.  Dad didn't know where they were going.

At the movie, Jeremy asked Dad what he wanted.  They got a large popcorn which they shared and two sodas.  dad got a diet soda because he thought that was what Kristalina would have chosen.

The time flew by.  Dad was in heaven, his mind had never been subjected to the strong feelings and emotion, not to mention the hormones of a young woman going through puberty.

The hand rests were removed from between them.  Dad knew what this mean.  Soon, Jeremy's arm was around dad's shoulders.  Dad lay his head on Jeremy's shoulder.  Jeremy pulled him in tight.

After the movie, Jeremy took Dad for a snack.  dad ordered a slice of cake and a coffee.  What Jeremy ordered, Dad didn't notice.  At the diner, Dad couldn't help but to look into Jeremy's eyes.  They were  gorgeous.  He loved Jeremy's smile too.  His panties had gotten soaked from his excitement, not that Dad minded.  He didn't even realize what was happening, he thought that it must have something to do with his period.  He didn't want to go to the lady's room to change his tampon.

Jeremy mostly talked about himself, not that Dad cared.  He just enjoyed being with him.  Dad's eyes were classy and his gaze was far away, lost in Jeremy's eyes.  He was in love.  Not the love an adult man has for a woman, or even the lust that he might feel when his dick was erect after seeing a hot woman.

What he felt was all consuming and more passionate than he could feel.  It overcame all of his senses.  He was willing to give up everything to be with Jeremy.. Dad wondered why he was in such a hurry to get back to his body.  This was much better.  He didn't have the stress of his job or of supporting a family.  he justified to himself staying as Kristalina.

On the way home, Dad insisted that they find a place private to talk.

"Won't your parents be worried?"

"I have a very understanding father.  He won't mind if we are a little late.

They stopped and Dad showed Jeremy how appreciative he was.  Kristalina was right, his lipstick didn't rub off at all.

Jeremy didn't want to be too forward on a first date.  He would let Dad take the lead.  He would be more aggressive on the second date.  Besides, his date was already all over him.

Jeremy dropped Dad off.

"How did it go?" Kristalina asked.

"Dad, I have something to tell you."


"I'm Kristalina now.  I'm never going to swap back.  Good night!"


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