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Chapter 41.

A couple of days later, Yvonne informed Taylor that it was time for his first dance lesson.  She then retrieved a pair of pink leotards and tights from the drawer.  But before Taylor could put it on, Yvonne asked "Do you need to use the bathroom?"


"You had better try before getting dressed."

Taylor had become frustrated.  He knew he didn't need to use the bathroom.  "I said I don't have to go."

"Suit yourself."

For dance class, Taylor put on his leotards and tights, but to get there he had to put on over it, a skirt and a t-shirt.  Taylor put on sneakers for the ride over to the studio, Yvonne carried his ballet slippers with her.

They didn't leave immediately, it took almost an hour before they finally headed out.  On the car ride, Taylor realized that he had to pee.  It wasn't too bad, but as they rode to dance class, Taylor's need became urgent.  Taylor smooshed his legs together.

"Aunt Yvonne, how much farther.  I have to go."

"I told you to before we left home."

"I know, I'm sorry.  But how much farther.

"Not too long."

When they got there, Taylor had to duck walk to get to the restroom.  He was happy to find that there was an empty stall.  The problem was since he was wearing a leotard, he had to get almost naked to relieve himself.  He pulled off his t-shirt first.  He didn't want to throw it on the floor, so he held the shirt in his hand as he continued to undress.

Next, he tried to pull off his leotard.  But taking off his leotard was harder than taking off his shirt.  It was tighter and he couldn't lift it over his head like the t-shirt.  That was obviously impossible.  He had to slip his arms out of the sleeves and pull them down.  This was made tougher as one of his hands was holding his t-shirt.  He was also stymied by the skirt he was wearing.

He had to pull his skirt completely off.  To make matters worse, this skirt didn't have an elastic waist, it had a zipper in the back, which made it impossible to pull down over his hips without being unfastened.    (Yvonne selected this style after Taylor insisted he didn't need to go.)

He was finally able to pull down his leotards.  After which came his tights.    He had to pull both his leotards and tights past his knees to allow him to open his legs wide enough to pee in the toilet.  Taylor didn't dare pee standing up.  Yvonne was outside the stall.  Every step was torture as he had to pee so badly.

Taking off his clothes never seemed so hard or taken so long as when he was dying to pee.  He didn't know what would happen if he wet himself.  Yvonne might punish him in some way.  Taylor knew that Yvonne could be creative in her punishments.  After all, his entire predicament was supposedly a punishment for his cheating.  He still hadn't admitted to Yvonne that he had cheated at all.

The relief was immediate as the pee flowed out of him.  While sitting there, Taylor resolved to always take Yvonne's advice on when to go.  He suspected that she caused his urgency.

Once done, Taylor could take his time redressing. He wiped his privates as usual.  He stood up pulled his tights into place, next his leotards, his skirt, and t-shirt.  He was only in the stall for three or four minutes, but it seemed like fifteen.

"Did you wipe?"

"Yes, Aunt Yvonne."


Taylor then washed his hands in the sink.  A minute later he was taking off his t-shirt and skirt again for dance class.  Taylor slipped off his sneakers and put on his ballet slippers.  He joined the class in the studio.

Chapter 42.

Walking out onto the dance floor, even though Taylor was fully dressed, he felt exposed.  The outline of his penis could clearly be seen under his leotard and tights.  There were little girls in the class.  He wondered if any of them had ever seen a real penis.  None had seen a man's penis (he hoped), but some might have seen their little brother's wee-wee.

Taylor tried to put such thoughts out of his head.  He knew that no one would think he was anything other than a pretty little girl.

There were seven other students, six girls, and a boy.  The boy was the only one who wore shorts over his leotards and tights.

He didn't know what to do and didn't have anyone here that he knew so he walked up to the teacher and asked her where to stand.

"Stand over there on that line," the teacher instructed him.  "But first give your dolly to your Mommy for safekeeping."

Taylor was still carrying his doll.  It had become so ingrained in him that he didn't even realize he was doing so.   He carried it the entire time he was getting undressed to pee without him realizing it.  Taylor gave his doll to Yvonne and then took his place.

"Everyone, I want you to stand with your heels together and your feet apart like this," the teacher instructed.

"This is a warm-up move.  First, everyone bend your knees."  Taylor could do this.  He knew he wasn't as flexible as the other girls, but bending his knees was pretty easy.

Continuing the teacher said, "...then we are going to put our hands up, over our head, pointing our fingers up to the ceiling, and then we are going to put our hands together."

"No gently.  Don't clap," the teacher told one of the other students.

"Then row to one side like we are rowing a boat.  Now try again.  Hands up, put together, row to the other side.  Very nice."

This continued for a while.  It was finally starting to get difficult.  At least for a man who hadn't ever moved like this and for the three-year-old who was also in the class.

"We are going to start with a passe," which Taylor had been taught earlier means to lift one foot and point it at the knee.  When he heard passe, he also knew it meant that his hands would be on his hips.  This was a bit hard for him to keep his balance.  He kept losing his balance and his foot kept falling in front of him.  If it didn't he would have ended up on his face.

"...knees out to the side, as we did before."  Taylor couldn't do it without falling.  His knee ended up in front of him.

"...then we are going to put our knee down behind us in a kneeling position.  The front leg is turned out, the knee is pointing to the side."

"God, I wish I could quit!" Taylor thought.  He was too busy trying to do the move and not fall on his face to see if the other girls were having as much trouble as he was.

Then we are going to extend our hands like a bird with the fingers pointing.  Taylor did his best, he signed.

"So beautiful," the teacher encouraged the class.  "Wonderful, let's come up and do it on the other side.  "Let's passe on this side."

The second time, while on the ground, Taylor had to put his hand on the floor to steady himself.

Beautiful, I love it," the teacher encouraged.

"And we are done," the teacher told them.  Taylor was gratified that it was all over.

"Let's come up.  Let's give ourselves a round of applause.  You were amazing."

Taylor didn't think he was amazing.  He wished he didn't have to come back, but he knew he must.  He would also have to improve.  That was probably what Yvonne was expecting.  She was watching him right now he assumed.

Chapter 43.

The lesson continued.  Taylor did what he was told, when the lesson was over, he exited the studio and looked for Yvonne, but before he could search long, a woman came up to him.

"Hello, Taylor.  I'm Mrs. Obioriah a friend of your aunt.  She told me to take you home."

Taylor saw his dolly in her hand so he knew this must be true.

Mrs. Obioriah held on to her daughter Ella's hand with one of her own and Taylor's hand as they crossed the parking lot.  Taylor held onto his dolly with his other hand.

Ella and Taylor were shown the back seat.  There was a safety seat for both of them.  They straped themselves in and headed out.  Ella had her own dolly, but it had been left in the car.

"What's your doll's name?" Ella asked.

Taylor hadn't thought of a name for his doll.  He had to make one up quickly.  He chose Doris because it sounded like 'doll'.  "Her name is Doris."

'That's a pretty name, My dolly is Lorraine."

"That is pretty too," Taylor said to be sociable.

"She's my favorite, but I have lots of dolls at home.  I think I have over a hundred."

"That's a lot."

"How many dolls do you have?"

"I don't know.  I haven't counted them all."

"Hey, I have something to show you."


"Look at my nails.  I just have them painted.  Isn't it cool, light blue with red hearts?  I just have them done.  Don't you just love them?"

"They are very pretty."

"Have you had your nails done before?"

"No never."

"You should."

"I'll think about it."

"I'll have my Mommy call your Mommy."

"She is my aunt," Taylor corrected.

"OK, your aunt."

"You know it isn't just my fingers, my toes are painted too."

The pair continued to talk.  Taylor let Ella do most of the talking and tried to sound interested.  Yvonne said he needed to get a friend his own age.  He assumed this was Yvonne's way of arranging it.

Chapter 44.

They dropped Taylor off at home.   Mrs. Obioriah walked Taylor to the door and waited for Yvonne to take Taylor inside.

"How did ballet go?" Yvonne asked.

"Awful.  I couldn't do the moves well."

"It was your first day.  You'll improve."

"I don't want to improve."

"I spent good money on ballet because you insisted.  Now you want to quit?"

"I didn't insist, you made me go."

"Are you calling me a liar?  Good girls don't call their best aunties liars."

"I never wanted to learn ballet."

"Yes, you did.  Want me to remind you that you have always loved ballet and you begged me to sign you up."

Taylor knew what Yvonne was doing.  She could make him love ballet.  She could do anything.  She was daring him to make him love ballet.  Taylor backed down, "I'm sorry.  I'll do better.  Idon't want to quit."

"And did you beg me to sign you up?"

"Yes, Aunt Yvonne.  I was just frustrated because it didnt go well."

"Don't worry Sweetie.  With some practice you'll become the best in the class. I promise."

Taylor didn't know if that was a promise or a threat.

Taylor went straight to his room.  He wanted a cigarette which now meant he wanted to suck his thumb and relax.  Which he did.

An hour later, Yvonne entered his room.  She had some nail polish.  "Ella said you wanted your nails painted."

"I didn't."

"I don't think you should hurt her feelings.  I'll paint them for you."  Taylor heard what Yvonne said as more of a command than a request.  He let Yvonne paint his nails a light pink color.

"Ella used a blue nail polish."

"I don't have that, but we'll go out and buy some later.  We'll get you many different colors."

"Now let that dry for a while."


Taylor looked at his nails.  They were painted light pink.  Was this the worst thing that happened to him in the last few days?  No, but it certainly wasn't getting better.  How could he suck his thumb if it was painted pink?

A short while later, Yvonne reentered Taylor's room.

"It's dry, you don't have to check," Taylor informed her.

"I know, but we aren't finished."

"Now what?"

"Give me your hands."  Then Yvonne used a stencil in the shape of a heart and some red nail polish to put hearts onto his nails over the pink base coat.  On a little girl, it would look adorable, on him,  it was just anything to add to his degradation.

Chapter 45.

"Wake up sleepy head!" Yvonne stated cheerfully.

"It's still early."

"I know but do you know what day today is?''

"I don't know.  We are in September sometime."

"You are right.  It's your first day of school."


"Yes, every little girl has to go to school."

"Yvonne, come on."

"Do you want me to get into trouble?  You have to go."

Taylor wished she would be in trouble, but didn't say anything.  Instead, he asked, "What am I going to do in school?"

"Learn silly."

"What can I learn in the...what grade am I in?"

"Third grade."

"What will I learn in third grade."

"Whatever they teach you."

"I know it all?"

"Would you prefer I erase everything you learned since the second grade?"

"No!" Taylor said emphatically.

"Then stop complaining."

Yvonne had prepared Taylor's outfit for school. He would be wearing a pretty cinnamon-colored jumper with a matching short-sleeved blouse, white tights, and a pair of black Mary Janes.  "Take your shower and get dressed in these," she commanded.

Taylor knew the morning routine and followed it.  He had become proficient at putting on tights and the rest of his feminine attire. Yvonne liked to keep him in tights, even on hot days.

He came down to breakfast properly dressed, which also included a necklace and hair clip.  A bowl of frosted flakes cereal was waiting for him to add milk was waiting for him.  Along with orange juice and a banana.

Yvonne appeared with a backpack filled with what Taylor assumed were school supplies.  He didn't know when Yvonne had time to purchase these things without him noticing.  He spent most of his time with Yvonne...when he wasn't over at Ella's house playing with her.  She did indeed have over a hundred dolls and stuffed animals.  Ella introduced Taylor to all of them.

They waited at the bus pickup point with several other students for the school bus to arrive.  Yvonne waited with him.

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