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Hope Rogers couldn't believe she got her father to say the spell.  Now he was coming out of his daze.  He had her body and she had his.  For the next few minutes, Dad would be highly suggestible.  She had practiced what she would tell him, but now she had to get it right.  She had to tell him how he would be from now on.

"What was I saying?" Hope's former dad asked.

"You were saying, you don't need to exercise, you like the pretty girl you are now."

"That's right."

"You were saying that what was wrong with you wasn't your weight, but what you wore.  No more jeans and t-shirts for you.  From now on it's pretty things, like blouses, skirts, and dresses."

"Do you hear me?"

"You were saying that you are fourteen and you are old enough to wear makeup and date boys a little older than you."

"I'm not a little girl anymore."

"You were saying that just because you date lots of boys, that doesn't make you a bad girl."

"No, it doesn't.  This is the 20s, not the last century."

"You were saying, Daddy, I love you, but you have to let me live my life as a confident young woman no matter what my weight."

"I have to be allowed to grow up.  You can't treat me like I'm a child."

"You were saying that when you see your mother, you will tell her all the things you have told me."

"I'm going to do that.

Hope saw that her Daddy was coming out of his spell.  She hoped the life she gave him would be enough to let him be happy.  

"I'm glad, you told me.   Now get ready, your mom will be picking you up in a few minutes."

"I love you dad!" the new Hope said.  Then she packed the stuff she had brought with her 'to her father's house'.

As for herself, now that she was in the body of her divorced father, Jeremy.  She could live his life.  No more taunts for being fat, or for acting too much like a 'tomboy'.  She could pursue the life she (no not she, he) wanted.


Photo by Darina Belonogova from Pexels



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