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Chapter 36.

"Let's try on your leotards, I want to make sure they fit," Yvonne said.  A moment later after Taylor didn't reply.  "Oh, I just had your room finished.  Don't you just love it?"

"It's nice," Taylor replied noncommittally.

"Great, now try this one."  She handed him a leotard and a pair of tights in black.

Taylor knew there wasn't anything to be gained by not complying so he started to take off his apparel.

"Hey don't throw your clothes around.  Fold it nicely."

"OK, Yvo...Aunt Yvonne."

Taylor didn't take much care in folding his clothes, but he did fold them and leave it on a stand in his room. 

"Do I wear panties?"

"No, you don't need panties with these.  They have a cotton gusset."

He folded his panties once in half and placed them on top of the rest.  Then he sat down to put on his tights. He had seen Yvonne put on hose often enough to know what to do.  He pulled it up one left to just below his knee and then the other.  Then he stood up to pull it the rest of the way to his waist.

Next, he stepped into the leotard and pulled it up.  It was big enough and stretchy enough to fit him comfortably.

"Don't forget the slippers."

Taylor slipped his feet into the ballet slippers.  They felt like a cross between shoes and socks at the same time.

"Turn around," Yvonne commanded.  "That is fine, just fine. Let me see you in the other leotards."

Taylor put on the white one and then the pink one without changing his tights.  They were slightly different from each other in a way other than the color.  One had short sleeves, one was a tank and one had spaghetti straps.  They all fit.

Taylor took off his dance clothes and returned to his 'regular' apparel.  As Yvonne was putting his new stuff away, she remarked, "There is a book on dance on the shelf.  You should read it."

Taylor didn't know if this was a command or just a suggestion.

Taylor found the book she was referring to.  It's called "Little Ballerina Dancing Book"  It introduces five dances from famous ballets and shows young readers how to do some of the simpler steps.  Taylor didn't want to, but he read through the book in case Yvonne asked about it.  It wasn't really any big deal to look through it.  It was definitely a book for children.  It is only ten animated pages,   The first page was the name of the dance and a small paragraph about it.  The second page shows some moves/positions from that dance.  There is also a button that turns on a click of music to dance to such as stand on your toes and twirl around or point down to your toes.  It might be more for a five-year-old than his apparent age of eight.

It didn't take long to look through it.  After Taylor was done, he laid back on his bed put his thumb into his mouth, and sucked.  Sucking his thumb was becoming one of the few things he enjoyed.  Like smoking had been previously, it realized his stress.  He didn't dare think that Yvonne was making him suck his thumb.  He didn't want to give up the only thing that made him feel good.

The rest of the evening was uneventful.  Taylor was called to dinner.  It was a dinner of hot dogs with baked beans and juice.  Then what was now his early bedtime.

Chapter 37.

The next day, Yvonne laid out Taylor's clothes.  She wanted him to wear a pretty but casual dress with nude opaque tights and a matching bikini pantie.  It was a burgundy floral dress with flutter sleeves, a round neck, and a ruffle trim.  It extended to his knee tops.

Taylor took it all in stride.  He pulled on his panties and then rolled the tights up his legs.  The dress was pulled into place from over his head.  On his feet, he wore his first pair of Mary Janes.

"Beautiful, I just wish your hair was long enough for a ribbon," Yvonne remarked.  "Ehh, someday."

Taylor didn't comment.  There wasn't anything to say.

Taylor ate his breakfast.  He tried to keep quiet, but he was just too curious.  "Where are we going?"

"I'm sorry to say, but due to your apparent theft from the company, you have been fired.  I am going to your former job and pick up your personal items.  You're coming with me."

"Oh my god," Taylor said.  He knew better than to say what he was thinking.  "I don't want to go."

"Don't worry. We won't be there long.  No one will blame you.  I'm sure they will think you are cute as a button.  I know I do."

After breakfast, Yvonne personally fixed Taylor's hair.  She loved his new bangs.  But while fixing his hair, she just couldn't resist, she put a  butterfly hair clip into Taylor's hair.

When it was time to leave, Yvonne gave Taylor his dolly and escorted him to the car.  This was the first time he had ever worn tights outside the house. They felt different on his legs. He had never worn anything so formfitting.  It was a new experience. Taylor wasn't sure if he had ever worn anything made of nylon in his life?  Could some of his t-shirts have been made of this material?  He didn't know.  Maybe he wore a nylon blend.  Taylor liked the feel of nylon when he stroked women's legs, but wearing it himself felt totally different. He was even aware of the difference when he was just sitting down.  

Taylor resisted the urge to rub his hands up and down his legs.  He had more to think about.  The people at work he had spent more time with than any other people anywhere, except Yvonne of course.

"Taylor, we are about to leave.  You had better go to the bathroom."

"I don't have to go."

"Do you remember what happened at the mall?  Do you want that to happen again?"

Taylor didn't know if this was a warning or a threat.  Regardless, he entered the bathroom, sat down on the toilet, and tried to relieve himself.

"Did you wipe when you finished?"

"Yes, Aunt Yvonne."

"Good and washed your hands too?"


As they approached the car, Yvonne reminded Taylor to "Smooth your dress under you when you get in.  We don't want it to get all wrinkly."

In the car, Taylor got to thinking.  He instinctively put his thumb into his mouth.  It calmed him and made it easier to think.  His thumb had taken the place of his smoking habit.  If truth be told, he had his thumb in his mouth longer than he usually had a cigarette in his mouth.

Yvonne saw Taylor in the rearview mirror.  He was wearing a floral dress with tights.  She knew he was wearing Mary Janes too, but she couldn't see those.  His thumb was in his mouth and he was actively sucking it.  In his other arm, he was hugging his dolly.  Yvonne smiled.

Taylor knew a great deal about the people at work.  They knew a lot about him.  They shared the events that happened at the job.  If he could convince anyone that he was really himself, these people would be it.  But they weren't his friends.  Even if he could convince one or more, none of them would risk everything to help him.  Besides, Taylor didn't know how they could help him.  

"Would anyone at work risk everything to help him?"  That was the question that was going through Taylor's mind.  He knew he wasn't exaggerating either.  A person helping him could literally lose everything.  Their very identity could be whisked away.  Would they do that for him?  Could he even subject them to that type of danger?

Taylor decided that since he didn't know any plan that had a chance of working, there wasn't any reason to try anything.

Chapter 38.

Yvonne parked the car and they walked to the building that Taylor had once worked at.  This could be the last time he was ever here.  It felt different to him now.  He wasn't going in as an employee anymore.  He was a little girl visiting the building.  He probably wouldn't have to say a word.

Entering the building they waited for the elevator.  He recognized some of the people who were also waiting.  He didn't know them by name, but he had seen them in the building.

As he entered the elevator, near the floor, Taylor thought he saw a very small person that was covered in red from head to toe.  But when he looked again, it was gone.  He turned to face the door as others got in.  He was holding Yvonne's hand and his dolly.

Unbeknownst to Taylor, Yvonne nodded slightly towards Cardonali.  Cardonali returned the nod, not that anyone else except Yvonne and for a moment Taylor saw him at all.

The pair exited at the firm's floor.  Taylor walked towards his old office.  He was reminded again by the feeling that he was wearing tights.  It seemed even more noticeable than the swish of the dress he was wearing.

The receptionist in the outer office greeted them.  Taylor knew her name was Mindy Murdoch.  She took pride in her appearance and was very friendly, which made her the perfect receptionist.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm Mrs. Hernandez.  I'm here to take home my husband's things."

"One second," Mindy said.  She phoned someone and told them who Yvonne was and what she wanted.  Yvonne was escorted to Taylor's work area.  Taylor didn't need to be told where to go, but no one knew that.  Besides, the company wanted to keep an eye on anyone who would collect Taylor's things.

Taylor tried to avoid looking at any of these former coworkers.  He kept reminding himself, that all they see is a pretty little girl.  He wondered for a second what they would think if they knew who he really was?  They would kill themselves laughing seeing him wearing his dress and tights and carrying a dolly.  He would probably be sucking his thumb if Yvonne wasn't holding his hand.  Taylor pushed this thought out of his mind, he tried to replace it with "I'm just a little girl.  I'm just a little girl."

To avoid eye contact, Taylor kept looking down at the floor.  He saw the bottom of his dress, his nylon-covered legs, and his Mary Jane shoes.

Chapter 39.

They were received at Taylor's former desk by his former boss.  Taylor's desk was cleaned off.  His former boss, Mr. Conner was carrying a cardboard box.

"Mrs. Hernandez?"


"...and who is this?"

"She is my niece Taylor."

"What a cutie you are.  And what a pretty dress," Mr. Conner remarked.  

"Say thank you to the nice man," Yvonne admonished Taylor.

Taylor looked up shyly and said, "Thank you."  Then he returned his gaze to the ground.

Mr. Conner turned his attention back to Yvonne.  "You didn't have to come.  We could have sent the items to your place."

"I wanted to come.  I wanted to tell you that Taylor couldn't have done such a thing."

"I'm sorry but the evidence is clear.  If he was innocent then where is he?"

"Taylor is many things, but he isn't a thief!" Yvonne said defending him.

"There isn't any use in arguing about it.  If he returns, he'll have an opportunity to clear his name."

"Well good day sir.  We have to be going.  I promised Taylor here that we would get some ice cream."

"I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances.  But have a good day to you too."

Chapter 39.

Yvonne was holding the box of Taylor's belongings so she couldn't Taylor's hand.  She instead let Taylor lead them out of the office.  But when they came to the receptionist, Yvonne bid Taylor to "Wait."

"Excuse me, do you have a bathroom," Yvonne asked Megan.

"Yes, it's just down the hall."

"Thank you."

"Mrs. Hernandez, I really liked your husband.  I'm sorry.  I don't believe he did what they said he did."

"Thank you again.  I don't think so either."

Yvonne directed Taylor to the restroom.  "I think you should go, we have a long drive."

"I don't have to."

"Just try.  I don't want you to have any accidents!"

Taylor entered the stall, and pulled up his skirt, and then pulled down his panties and tights at the same time.  He sat on the toilet for two minutes, but couldn't go.  Then he pulled up his clothing and got out.

"Did you remember to wipe?"

"I didn't have to go."

"OK, then."

The pair left the office building and headed towards to car.

"Hold on to me, while we are in the parking lot," Yvonne reminded.


Taylor held Yvonne's hand which was still holding the box.  They arrived at the car.  Taylor got into the back.  He held his dolly in his lap.  It was starting to become routine.

"Are we getting ice cream?" Taylor asked.  He didn't care, he was just curious.

"Sure, you were good.  You deserve a treat!"

Taylor remembered to smooth his dress when he returned to the car.  He buckled his safety belt and held his dolly in his arms.  He was finally growing used to wearing tights.  They didn't feel strange on his legs anymore.  He also didn't feel as nervous as he did when he arrived, so he didn't feel the need to suck his thumb.

What occupied his time on this trip was what Megan said.  He had always said hello to her when he saw her, but he didn't think about her much.  She seemed to like him more than he had ever realized. He should have made a play for her when he had a chance.  But that was water under the bridge. 

Chapter 40.

Yvonne took Taylor to Friendly's.  It was a restaurant that specializes in ice cream desserts.  

Taylor smoothed out his skirt as he sat down. He placed his dolly next to him on the seat.

Similar to IHOP, Taylor was given a children's menu, a kiddie's placemat with activities on it, and a box of four crayons.  Taylor did as he was expected and took the crayons out of the box and did the activities.  Yvonne selected a children's grilled cheese with chocolate milk for him.  The grilled cheese was called a Cheesywich on the menu and it came with apple slices.  Taylor hadn't remembered the last time he ate grilled cheese.  It tasted pretty good, but somehow it didn't feel adult enough for him.  

Taylor was acting the 'good little girl'.  There was little else he could do while Yvonne was around.  The problem was that Yvonne was always around.

Taylor was given a choice of ice cream treats.  He selected a strawberry and banana friend-z ice cream cup.  When it was ready, several of the waitstaff gathered around and sang a birthday song.  It wasn't Taylor's birthday, but he didn't complain.  He assumed that Yvonne told him it was his birthday as they knew his name and made it part of the song.  Taylor forced a smile on his face until the song was over.  Taylor felt foolish, but not embarrassed as they sang, but there was little for him to do but sit there.

As with everywhere else, they went, Yvonne asked Taylor before they left, "Do you have to use the restroom?"


"I think you should just in case."

"OK," Taylor said in resignation.

They walked together to the lady's room.  Taylor entered one of the stalls.  He pulled up his skirt, pulled down his tights and panties, and sat on the toilet.  He waited to go.  It took a few seconds before a little pee came out.  When he was done, he wiped his privates, stood up, wiped pulled his panties and his tights into place, and exited the stall.

"Did you wipe?"


Then he went over to the sink and washed his hands.  Yvonne gave Taylor his dolly.  He took it.  They exited the restroom and the restaurant.  Yvonne took his hand as they entered the parking lot.   He opened the door to the back seat, got in and fastened his seat belt, put his dolly in his lap, and waited to be driven home.  Everything was becoming commonplace.  Even the feel of his tights on his legs had become commonplace.  The life of a little girl was his life now.

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