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Jamie and Merrill left in the morning to go to school.  Merrill was a year older than Jamie but about a half-inch shorter than her.  Both had red hair and freckles, although Jamie discovered foundation and hid her freckles away from the world.  Jamie had had a growth spurt, but Merrill hadn't had his yet. They were also going to different schools.  Merrill was a freshman in high school.  Jamie was in her last year of middle school.

As soon as her children left, Peta, their mother went to work.  She was sick about what she knew she had to do, but couldn't help herself.  She entered Jamie's room first.  She looked through the girl's clothing and removed anything that was in the slightest way unisex.  All pants were removed, this included leggings and even girly jeans that zipped in the back.  Next Peta removed Jamie's t-shirts and any top that didn't have a feminine accent. Finally, she removed all of Jamie's sneakers and all socks except tights and stockings.

Peta looked around the room one last time to make sure there wasn't anything that a boy would like was in there, such as Jamie's Scooby-Doo bedding.

Next, Peta went into her son Merrill's room.  Merrill had a thing for horses, he had figurines as well as plush horses that he kept.  Peta removed them from his room.  She logged onto his computer and erased all games that didn't involve driving and killing things.

Peta didn't want to do it, but she knew what was going to happen. She didn't have any choice.  She cried and waited for her children to return home from school

When she was sure they were heading home, Peta remotely swapped her children's operating system on their phones.  Jamie noticed that his phone started to reboot and that it was taking a while for it to complete.  She determined to ask her mother about it when she saw her.

Peta greeted her children when they entered the house.

"I decided that you should swap rooms," Peta told them.  Jamie was the younger but she needed the bigger closets was the reason she had the bigger room in the first place. "I've been moving stuff all day."

Jamie wasn't happy to be losing the bigger room.

Continuing Peta told them, "I left your scout uniforms on your beds.  You can put them on and we'll work out the room swap later.

Merrill headed towards his former room, but Peta corrected him as well as Jamie.

Merrill went into Jamie's room and found it hadn't changed at all.  On the bed was a complete girl scout uniform.  It included not just the blouse, skirt, and vest, but also the girl's panties, bra, white tights, and Mary Janes.

"What is this?" Merrill thought.  He was about to leave the room when instead he closed the door.  He couldn't help himself, he removed all his clothes including his underwear, and got dressed in the uniform.  He pulled the panties up his legs, they were white cotton panties with a pink butterfly print.

Merrill fought against himself.  He didn't want to do it but he couldn't help himself.  He wanted to scream out but couldn't do that either.

Jamie in Merrill's room had a similar experience.  She too closed the door and got undressed.  She put on the boy's briefs, then a white t-shirt, and then the boy's khaki short sleeve uniform shirt.  The pants, socks, and shoes followed.  She tied a neckerchief around her collar and put the cap on her head.

Merrill took much longer than Jamie.  He had trouble fastening her bra around his chest and pulling the tights up his legs.  He had never done anything like that before.

When Jamie was fully dressed she found her mother waiting for her in the other room.

"I'm sorry," Peta told her.  "I couldn't help it.  I didn't want this to happen, but I couldn't do anything about it.  Come over here."

Jamie approached her mother.  "Why?"

"I don't know.  Sit down."

When Jamie sat, Peta took the cap off of Jamie's head and sheered Jamie's hair off.  Soon all that was left of Jamie's hair was a short crew cut.  Jamie started to  cry.  But she couldn't do anything more than sit while her hair ended up on the floor.  Jamie hadn't consider what was happening to Merrill in her former room.

"It didn't take long to sheer Jamie's head with the electric clippers.   Before Merrill emerged  Peta sent Jamie off to the bathroom to remove any makeup she had on her face and to remove her nail polish.

"Mommy, I don't want to."

"I know.  I know."

But that didn't stop her from going.

Merrill exited Jamie's room dressed completely in Jamie's uniform.  The uniform could have included pants, socks, and sneakers, but they didn't.  He was wearing a skirt, white tights, and Mary Janes.

"Mom, what's happening?"

"I don't know.  I just have to do this.  So sit down."

"I don't want to dress like a girl."

"That doesn't matter," Peta said as she styled Merrill's hair into a girl's style.  She even decorated his hair with butterfly hair clips that matched the panties he was wearing.  Merrill wished he hadn't let his hair grow so long.  He had been putting off mom's request to cut it for weeks.

Jamie returned after Peta was done with Merrill's hair and was using foundation to hide his freckles.  Jamie's freckles were evident again and the tears from her eyes were gone but to the washing off of her makeup.

When Peta was done, it was hard to tell which was the boy and which was the girl.  Jamie's small A-cup breasts were hidden until her uniform shirt.  Maybe if someone was looking for them it might be seen, but not anyone who wasn't paying close attention.  Merrill's bulge in his crotch was completely hidden under his loose-fitting skirt.

A moment later the carpool that was going to take them to scouts (boy and girl) had arrived and honked the horn.

"I can't go like this," they both said.

"I'm sorry you have to.  From now on, you are Jamie and you are Merrill."

"For how long?"

"Forever, I think."

The pair tried to simply stay put, but they followed Peta to the door and exited the house on the way to their swapped lives.

Neither Jamie nor Merrill knew what they were going to do at scouts this week.  Jamie at boy scouts would to learning how to wrestle the other boys.  Merrill at girl scouts would be getting her cooking merit badge.  The troop would be divided into groups of three or four and prepare a different thing.  For Merrill's (who would be called Jamie from now on) group, they would prepare a baked lasagna.


Chicken Lasagna Primavera    Room Service Lasagna 


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