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Author's note:  This is a continuation of Pureed Lasagna.


After finishing his lasagna, Merle escorted Jamie (as she calls him now) to his room.  He needed a nap.  It had been a big day for him.  He was exhausted.  He didn't have any more fight left in him.  While he was napping, Merle replaced James' apparel with what she purchased.  She filled one drawer alone with diapers.

Merle didn't want to do any of these things.  She felt incredible guilt, but she did what she had to.  Jamie would sleep for several hours, maybe throughout the night.

James Douglas Sr. returned home a while later.

"We have to go see my mother," Merle informed him.

"We will, we will soon."

"No, now.  We have to see her now."

'What happened?"

"She almost fell and hurt herself.  She can't live alone anymore."

"She's not coming here."

"I know what you said.  But I think this fall scared her.  She's ready to sign the papers.  I'll talk to her and she'll do what I say."


The papers Merle was referring to were for her mother to move into an assisted living facility.  Peta, Merle's elderly mother had been resistant on going.  Merle and James had filled out all the paperwork and inspected the facility.  They knew she couldn't live alone anymore.  But, Peta wouldn't commit and sign the papers.

"I'll call the facility and have them send someone over tonight."

"Are you sure she won't change her mind again?"

"I told you the papers will be signed."

James and Merle drove to her mother's house.

"It's a fantastic place.  If I was in your mother's position I would go.  Look it's in a six-story hotel-style building. The rooms have spacious floor plans with beautiful views of the city.  There are full baths and kitchenettes.   The staff is well trained and is available 24 hours per day, including a full-time on-staff nurse. There's an on-call medical service.  Nutritious meals are provided for residents.  They can accommodate your mother's dietary requirements.  There are snacks throughout the day.  They even have weekly housekeeping and laundry services.  It's great!"

"I'm sure the papers will be signed this time."

"I hope so.

Merle and James entered Peta's house.

"Merle what a surprise," Peta smiled at her daughter.

"James, you wait here.  I'm going to talk to Mom in private."

James waited patiently in the living room.  Merle and Peta walked to the bedroom and closed the door.

When Merle returned she was carrying an armful of clothes.  On top were an adult diaper and some soft slippers.  The diaper wasn't folded like a new one, it had clearly been worn.  She also had a nightgown and a bra.

"What that?" James asked.

"I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry," Merle told him.  She couldn't cry anymore.  She used up all her tears on James Jr.  "But I have to do this."

"Do what?"

"Take off all your clothes."

"Take off my clothes?  At your mother's house..." James trailed off.  He was kicking off his shoes then he unbuttoned his slacks.

"What the hell is going on?" James asked.  He was bewildered.

"I didn't want for this to happen.  Believe me, but I can't help it."

"You're doing this to me?"

"You could say that, but not really." Merle was being forced to do what she was doing, just like James was being forced to remove his clothes.

"But what?"

"I wish I knew.  Hurry up."

Peta returned to the living room.  She was completely naked.

When James had completely disrobed, Merle told Peta to take his clothes and put them on.

James was talking non-stop but Merle wasn't listening to him.

"Sit down and I'll help you get dressed.  Merle started with the diaper.  It was the kind where the tabs could be refastened for a better fit.  Peta had a bladder control problem so the crotch was slightly wet.  Not that that stopped Merle from putting James into this specific diaper.  The bra was wrapped around his chest and fastened and then finally the nightgown was pulled over his head and fell down his body.  James stepped into the soft slippers.

"This is totally nuts!"

"It is what it is.  Now, are you going to do it?"

"Do what?"

"Sign the papers of course.  The ambulance will be here soon."

"No, I'm not."  

The papers were filled out with all of James's information and included a picture of him.  All was the same except for the name on the top.  That said Peta Anderson.

James did sign the papers.  He signed his name as Peta Anderson.

"You must be hungry, I know you didn't have any dinner.  You wait there and I'll get you something.

There was pureed lasagna in the refrigerator. Peta couldn't eat it any other way.  Merle warmed it up in the microwave and gave it to James with a spoon.

James refused to take a bite.

A short while later, James was transported to the care facility that he had so eagerly endorsed an hour before.

Merle and Peta returned to Merle's house.  Jamie was still napping when they arrive home.


Pureed Lasagna    Chicken Lasagna Primavera 


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