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Thirteen-year-old Merrill didn't know how his sister, Peta roped him into babysitting for four-year-old Jamie.  Jamie's mother called Peta begging her to babysit.  There was some sort of emergency.  But, Fifteen-year-old Peta had plans and couldn't do it.  She didn't want to lose her best client by demurring, so she asked Merrill to do it for her.  Jamie's mother was paying double since it was an emergency job.  With the encouragement of twice the money, Merrill took the job.

Jamie was a vivacious little girl, but she was a bit slow.  She still wore pull-ups.  She had been tested by doctors who didn't find anything wrong with her.  They assumed, or at least hoped, that Jamie would catch up by the time she entered Pre-K or soon thereafter.

Jamie was playing with some dolls in front of a TV which was playing some cartoons when she announced to Merrill, "I made a potty in my pants."

"You did?"


"Number 1 or number 2?"

"Number 1."

Merrill was relieved.  He didn't want to deal with the mess of a number two.    He spread out a changing mat on the floor.  It would be easier for both of them if she was on the ground.

"Lay down."

Jamie wasn't wearing shoes or socks.  (Merrill had also removed his sneakers.  He preferred bare feet.) So changing her would be easy.  he pulled off her stretch bright pink leggings, exposing the diaper.  he could see the wet spot in the crotch of the pull-up.

Merrill had forgotten to bring with him a fresh pull-up.

"Wait right here," he told Jamie as Merrill retrieved another pull-up and some wet naps.

When he returned, Jamie was standing completely naked.  She had removed her own t-shirt.

"Lay down on the mat," Jamie commanded.  It was a command, but she said it in a gentle voice.

Merrill asked, "What?" but he still got down on the floor.  Jamie was standing over him.  She got onto her knees and stated, "Don't fuss.  This will be all over in a minute.  Please, lift your butt."

Merrill didn't want to, but he complied regardless.

Jamie bent over Merrill and pulled down his shorts.  It was easy to do as it had an elastic waist.  Then she pulled off his underwear.

To both of their surprise, Merrill shot a spray of urine into the air.  It hit Jamie in the chest.  It would have drenched her t-shirt if she had been wearing one.  She used the clean pull-up to deflect the stream.

Jamie took it in stride.  She cleaned Merrill up with a wet nap and put a fresh diaper on him.  Then she pulled her own pink leggings up Merrill's legs.  It didn't come all the way down to his ankles at it had on her, but it was plenty stretchy to be pulled up his legs and over his pull-up.

"Sit up and raise your arms," Jamie told him.

Merrill complied.  Jamie pulled her former t-shirt over Merrill's chest.  It left his belly button exposed but was otherwise large enough to fit him.  The green t-shirt that contrasted with the pink leggings, proclaimed, "I <heart> MOMMY & DADDY.  GRANDMA & GRANDPA ARE THE BEST."

"OK, now watch your toons while I get dressed."

Merrill got up and scampered over to the TV.  Jamie patted his diapered rear as he ran by.

Jamie used a wet nap on herself to clear the urine from her chest and elsewhere.  Then she pulled on Merrill's briefs and shorts.  The elastic waist kept it from falling down her thin legs.  She put on his The Avengers t-shirt last.  It was long enough to look like a dress on her.

"I'm going to get dinner.  You watch your shows or play with your toys."

Merrill didn't want to say it, but he responded with "OK."

Merrill fished the skillet of leftover lasagna out of the fridge.  She scooped a serving into a bowl and let it microwave for 90 seconds until warm.  Then she used a knife to put the lasagna into small relatively square pieces.  She put a spoon into the bowl and found Jamie on the floor where she had been fifteen minutes before.  He was simultaneously playing with some toys and watching cartoons.

He was mumbling to himself, "What am I doing?  What am I doing?"

Jamie got onto the couch where she could watch Merrill.  She could see the top of his pull-up sticking up over the waistband of his tights.  She used to pee herself on purpose so that Mommy wouldn't put her into big-girl undies.  She wasn't concerned about that anymore.

There was a knock at the door.  Jamie got it.  It was Peta.

"What are you doing here?"

"My plans fell though.  I can babysit now."

"OK, Jamie has already been changed.  I'll see you at home.  You can pay me when you get there?"

"Pay you?"

"Yeah, I babysat for over an hour."

Jamie slipped her feet into Merrill's sneakers, tied the laces tight and walked to Merrill's house.


Spinach Lasagna     Three Cheese Lasagna 


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