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Mr. Merrill Douglas was at home in his shower.  It was a special day.  It was his wedding anniversary.  He and his wife, Peta were planning on spending a romantic evening at home to celebrate.

Peta entered the bathroom.  Merrill couldn't see her as the shower curtain obstructed his view, but he knew she had entered.

"Merrill, I have to go to the market to pick up a few things.  I'll be back in an hour, if I'm not back, take the lasagna out of the oven and put it on the table.  I have already set the table."

"OK, take the lasagna out in an hour."

"I set Alexa to remind you."

"Fine."  Merrill would have preferred a traditional meat lasagna, but Peta still made a very good vegetable lasagna.  She replaces the traditional lasagna noodles with grilled eggplant and adds bell peppers, spinach and zucchini with a small amount of mozzarella and ricotta cheese.

Peta had already gotten dressed for her anniversary.  She had started the lasagna, set the table (with Merrill's help), gotten dressed in a flattering red chiffon dress, and applied her makeup.  Now she was going to go out and get some Italian bread, red wine and chocolate cake for dessert.  Merrill could get dressed in the interim.

Merrill exited the shower wearing only some boxer shorts.  He walked to the bedroom to prepare himself, just as Peta had prepared before.

He selected a grey wool blazer with dress pants and a brown leather belt.  A white shirt was next and then a silk blue tie and pocket square to add color to his ensemble.  Brown shoes to match his belt and he was ready to get dressed.

Merrill wasn't the biggest of men.  He was only five foot eight with a 36-inch waist and a slightly sagging belly that came with middle age and not enough exercise.

His entire outfit was laid out on the bed for him to wear.  Before he could begin, he heard urgent knocking on the front door.  He quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a random T-shirt.  He quickly walked to the door to see who it was.  Merrill didn't even have time to put on shoes.

The knocking grew more urgent as he approached the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Jamie Anderson from down the street.  I need your help."

Merrill knew Jamie and her family.  They only lived a few houses away.  Jamie was a pretty sixteen-year-old.  She was on the chunky side, but she had a pretty face.  She was five foot six, 155 pounds, brown hair, and blue eyes.  She looked distressed.

"Come in.  Come in.  What's wrong?"

"You have to understand, I didn't mean for this to happen.  I'm so sorry, but I can't help it."

"I'm sure it'll all be alright.  But what is wrong?"

"I was heading home and I got a message on my phone.  I knew what I had to do.  I'm so sorry!  It's not my fault."

"No one is blaming you.  What can I do to help?"

"You have to take off all your clothes."

"I have to what?" Merrill asked.  He thought that he didn't hear her right.  But before the words left his mouth, his hands had reached the hem of his shirt and started to pull it up.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this.  I'm helpless, I have to do it."  Jamie said as she used her toes to wedge off her flats.  Jamie and Merrill had the same waist and shoe size, but the rest of their bodies were proportioned very differently.

"This can't be happening,"  Merrill said as he unfastened the button on his jeans and pulled them down.  In front of him, Jamie's bare chest was exposed.   As a gentleman, Merrill averted his eyes from the disrobing teen.

It took Merrill slightly longer to get undressed than Jamie.  Merrill was fighting against what he had been instructed to do, Jamie had accepted her fate and got undressed more quickly.  Merrill tried to hide his privates from Jamie's view by covering them with his hands.  Jamie didn't show any such concern.  Jamie didn't look directly at Merrill's naked body, but she didn't look away either.  She still seemed to be distressed, but being naked in front of this man didn't increase her anxiety.

"Now what?"

"It's all written here on my phone.  See?" Jamie held out her cell phone.  Merrill looked at it but didn't see any messages, all he saw was the start-up icons from the latest version of the iPhone.

"I don't..."

Jamie cut him off.  "Put this on."  She handed Merrill the apparel she had formerly worn.  It consisted of her print Capri-length leggings, her satiny tank top, a pink t-shirt bra and matching bikini panties, and her flats.  IF Merrill could have inspected Jamie's bra he would have found its size was 38-D.  (Merrill also had approximately a 38-inch chest.)

Merrill pulled the panties up his legs covering his penis.  He was both relieved to hide his dick and horrified that he was wearing a girl's pair of panties.

"When you are finished, here is some makeup, put it on,"  Jamie remarked as she left the room.

Merrill redoubled his efforts to resist what he was told, but he couldn't.  He put on her bra next, then her top and leggings.  Finally, he slipped his feet into her flats.  Merrill couldn't help himself, he took the makeup he had been given, lipstick, eye shadow, and blush, and found a mirror so he could apply them properly.  At least as properly as his unpracticed hand could manage.  It took much longer to apply his makeup than to dress in Jamie's clothing.  Jamie's clothing more or less fit Merrill's body.  The materials were mostly soft and stretchy, especially the bra, pantie, and leggings.  The top was also big enough to fit, although the cleavage that could usually be seen when Jamie wore it, only showed Merrill's flat hairy chest.

Jamie joined Merrill in the bathroom.  She had dressed in the apparel that Merrill had laid out for his anniversary dinner with Peta.  The belt had to be tightened a little more than usual.   Jamie's breasts pushed out Merrill's jacket in a way it had never done before,   Not to mention that the pants were tight around the hips, butt, and thighs, but all in all, Jamie could fit into Merrill's garments.

"Now what?" Merrill asked then a moment later he continue with   "What the hell?" when he realized that his voice had changed.  His baritone was gone, replaced with Jamie's teenaged alto.

"Now you had better head home.  My wife won't like it if she finds me in the house with a young woman.

"Your wife?"

"Yeah, it's our anniversary.  She should be here soon."


"I'm sorry, I didn't want this to happen, but I had no choice.  If I could have prevented it."  Then she let it slip, "If there was any other way..."

Alexa announced, "Take Lasagna Out of Oven.   Take Lasagna Out of Oven."

"You have to go.  I'm sorry.  Please forgive me.  It's really not my fault."

Merrill felt his feet move toward the door.  He couldn't stop himself.  He looked back pleadingly.  But Jamie turned toward the kitchen to retrieve the lasagna.

As Merrill was turning onto the sidewalk and heading towards Jamie's house, Jamie was putting the lasagna onto the trivet in the middle of the dining room table.  She lit the candles on either side of it and waited for Peta to arrive.

"Oh my god," Jamie said to herself.  She ran to the bathroom and removed all the makeup on her face.  She had almost forgotten.  If Peta saw her husband wearing makeup that might spoil their anniversary.


Microwave Lasagna     Dessert Lasagna



For those who want me to continue, there is such a thing as cheese lasagna ;-) Let me know. If you do, you should let me know how the Merle/Merrill and James/Jamie characters are related for a new story.


Story possibility that occurs to me is adult Merrill going to teenage Jamie's home and initiating swap instead. Or both characters (Merle/James or Merill/Jamie) being in the same family and swap occurs before someone comes to pickup up the "teenage" one for date, outing with friends, etc.


Btw the idea that it might be caused by a phone app is interesting but not sure it explains why Merrill would be affected before he looked at it as well. Unless it IS magical in nature and Jamie is just enchanted to believe she sees something there.


There are also apparently several ways to make "bad" lasagna too. Had more than my share. lol


Each Lasagna story is a separate story with similar elements. Why is it called Lasagna, because I needed something to be cooking that would take a certain amount of time so that a bell would go off and pot roast takes 4 1/2 hours. Lasagna takes the right about of time, about one hour. I didn't have a name for the story and so it became Lasagna. It was never meant to be more than one story. But as will The Elevator, once I get started on a theme it can expand into many stories.


The phone enchanted was originally how I was going to do it. She was fed instructions by the phone and couldn't ignore them. But only she could see the instructions so no one could find her out by looking at her phone later. But I changed my mind while writing and decided that Jamie was a lesbian who wanted Merrill's wife. It doesn't matter.


An adult Merrill coming to teenage Jamie's house demanding she take off all her clothes is a bit creepy. Not that I mind (I explore all angles of a stories), but it's also pretty standard. Maybe I'll look into that later. If more people request that, that will be a big influence on me.


My next story I am about to write is Dessert Lasagna. It seems there is a such a thing and it looks delicious. I found a recipe, I'll try to include it in the story.