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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused  trouble to others for his own amusement. Cardonali had the ability to  put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted  to. He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an  elevator waiting to see who would get in.

Wyatt and Marissa entered the elevator.  They weren't together, they simply arrived at the elevator at the same time.  Marissa looked away, then she took out her cell phone and started to text.  Wyatt looked at the woman's backside.  He liked what he saw.  The woman was too old for him, but that didn't mean she wasn't sexy.

Cardonali changed the woman's wants, desires, and life goals.

Suddenly, Marissa turned a bit and started to look in Wyatt's direction.  Wyatt quickly turned away.  He was slightly embarrassed that the woman caught him googling her butt.

Then she came over to him.

"I've made a decision, Marissa told Wyatt.  Wyatt didn't like the sound of that.

"I decided I am your sex slave from now on."


'You heard me.  I'm now your sex slave.  I'll do anything you want."

"Look, lady..."

"My name is Marissa," she interjected.

"Look Marissa," Wyatt started again.  "I am sorry I was staring at you.  It won't happen again."

"I don't care if you stare.  I belong to you now.  You can do anything you want."

"I'm sorry.  You don't have to be cruel."

"I'm not.  This is true.  I want to be your sex slave.  That is what I want.  Please let me be your sex slave."

"Stop, I said I'm sorry."

"What can I do to prove it to you?"


"I'm Marissa...Unless you want me to change my name."

"Marissa, I'm really sorry."

"I heard you before.  But this is real.  I made a decision.  I'm your sex slave now."

"For how long?"

"Forever.  What do you want me to do?"

The doors opened.  "This is my floor go get lost!"

Wyatt got out and Marissa waited inside the elevator.

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