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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused   trouble to others for his own amusement. Cardonali had the ability to   put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted   to. He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an   elevator waiting to see who would get in.

Months ago, Alyssa found it so charming that Gregory was so shy when she tried to flirt with him.  That is until Cardonali got involved and swapped all her flirting confidence from Alyssa to Gregory.  As they passed each floor, more and more of Alyssa's mannerisms and preferences were swapped into Gregory.  One by one, Alyssa's traits were passed to Gregory, with 64 floors to go, it made quite an impact on Gregory's life.  

By the time Gregory exited the elevator, he had Alyssa's fashion sense especially her love of wearing skirts.  But there were much, much more traits great and small swapped.   He also had her posture, her gait, her favorite color, her love of horses, her love of spicy foods, her veganism, her aerobic regiment, her sexual preferences, her love of smoking, and 54 other mannerisms and preferences.

Gregory didn't consider himself a woman, nor did he consider himself gay, but he was definitely now an extremely flirty cock tease who dated lots of men.


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Portions of Photo by Mikail Duran on Unsplash

I would like to thank the patreon who allowed me to use their image to make this deepfake of a woman with a male face. 



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