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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused     trouble to others for his own amusement. Cardonali had the ability to     put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he  wanted    to. He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back  of an    elevator waiting to see who would get in.

Ben wearing a button-down shirt, tie and slacks entered the elevator on his way to work.

A little girl of about seven and her mother were already in the elevator.

"Mommy, you're going to buy me a doll?"

"Yes Honey, right after we are through with my errands."

"But I want a doll now.  You know so I can carry it around."

"I'm sorry honey you will have to wait."

"I can get any dolly I want?"

"We'll see."

Suddenly the girl stopped complaining.

When everyone exited the elevator, Ben decided he wasn't going to work anymore.


Returning to the elevator after a day of shopping, Ben put down his bags and called his wife.   He wanted her to know what he bought.  He had already unbuttoned the top buttons on his shirt and had lost his tie somewhere.

"Maggy, guess what I got?"


"Well I went shopping and I went to the toy store.  Actually, I went to several toy stores and I bought let me see."  Ben looked down in his bags, I have five, no six teddy bears, a stuffed cow, a stuffed rabbit, a stuffed dog. I have three of the cutest dolls, I think one will be my best friend and I bought three or four Barbies."

"You got what?"

"I got six teddy bears, a stuffed cow, a stuffed rabbit..." Ben repeated.

Maggy couldn't believe what she was hearing.  It would be worse when she came home and saw Ben in his underwear, on the floor playing with his new things.

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