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Chapter 11

After their encounter, both Ryan and Steve returned to their rooms.  They both wanted to get out of the clothes they were wearing.  Neither wanted their parents to know anything about it.  For the first time since he started, Steve didn't wear a diaper to bed and turned off the receiver to Cherie's baby monitor.

Ryan who was wearing his school's cheer leading uniform, including opaque nude tights, had to wash up in the bathroom.  He had to remove the makeup from his face.  It didn't take too long before all vestiges of his secret were gone.  He hid the cheer leading uniform in a black plastic bag tied in a knot and put into the bottom of his knapsack.

Ryan was scared that his secret was out.  The only other person who knew about any part of it was his girlfriend (now his BFF) Stacy.  He had confided in her everything.  She knew he was gay and loved to wear woman's apparel.  He didn't have much opportunity until he met her, but he loved it nevertheless.

She knew the real him.  Everyone else thought he was a typical teenaged boy.  He hung out with the boys and dated girls.  But that wasn't the case.  His entire life was an act.  He wished he could be with the girls.  He loved the clothes they wore and the things they did.  He didn't consider himself a girl and he didn't want to be a girl, but he was a romantic and liked to know about who is dating who.  He couldn't tell anyone how much he really loved rom-coms, and was ambivalent to action movies which hadn't any heart.

Boys seemed to like silly things like sports and stupid jokes.  Ryan feigned an interest in all these things.  But he didn't care much about them at all.  But at least it let him be close to the person he truly loved, Wilson.  Wilson was supposedly his best friend, but what he really was to Ryan was his first and strongest crush.  Ryan thought that most of his male friends were sexy in their own way, but Wilson was something special.  They had known each other forever, but Ryan still had butterflies in his stomach when he was around him.  Even when Wilson made silly 'fart' jokes which Ryan hated.

Ryan had confessed everything to his BFF Ashley after speaking with Dr. Zaaijer.  She knew everything, that he was gay, that he wanted to wear women's clothing, his crush on Wilson and how he truly felt about her.  Ryan loved Ashley as much as he could and they were very close but he could never have any sexual feelings for her.  It was a difficult conversation, but afterwards in many ways Ryan was closer with Ashley now than he had ever been before meeting Dr. Zaaijer and they were dating.

The next day at school, Ryan found Ashley.  He returned her uniform to her in the black bag that was tied closed with two knots.

“Hey Ashley, this is yours,” Ryan said.

“How did it go?”

“Not as well as I had hoped.”

“What happened?”

“Not here, we'll talk about it after school.  I want to get you alone.”

Ashley knew something was wrong.  She knew him so well.  He had something he really wanted to tell her, but he couldn't while there were people around.  “OK, see you at my house after school?”

“Yeah, I'll see you then.”  Then Ryan was gone.  He had to put up his straight man routine with his friends.  It was an act he knew very well.  He did it every day.  It was only with Ashley that he could be his true self.

At the end of the school day, Wilson asked, “Ryan, gonna hang out with me and the guys?”

“I can't.  Ashley invited me over to her house.”

“Gonna do the nasty?”

“What d you think?”  Ryan liked to insinuate sex with Ashley.  But he would never come right out and say it.  He respected her too much.  She didn't mind what he said.  She knew it was guy talk.

“I know what you want to do.”

Ryan left the school with Ashley.

“What did you want to tell me?” Ashley asked on the way to her house.

“Not here, when we're alone,” was the reply.

“What happened?”

“Steve saw me wearing the uniform,” Ryan said in a panic.  Ryan needed to talk to Ashley all day, but he couldn't.  There were too many people around.  He couldn't tell her in a text message either.  If anyone saw what he said the cat would be out of the bag and Ryan wasn't ready for that.

“But you said no one was going to be home.”

“That's what I thought, but he was there.  The house was dark and I didn't see him until it was too late.  I had taken off my coat and when I turned on the lights he was there.  He saw me.”

“Oh my god!  Did he tell your parents?”

“No, he was wearing Cherie's diaper and nothing else.  We sort of have an understanding.”

“An agreement?”

“Not exactly.  We really didn't talk about it.  We sort of just avoided each other since I got home.  But I doubt he'll say anything.”

“Than you have nothing to worry about.  So he saw you dressed.  You saw him too.”

“I suppose.  Dressed hey that reminds me.  I really like your outfit. I have never seen you in that blouse with those leggings.”  Ryan always noticed Ashley's apparel.  But he never told her what he thought until they could be alone.  He didn't want anyone to get any ideas.

“Thank you,” she said and gave Ryan a kiss on the cheek.  “I was trying something new.  The girls liked it too.  I think I'll try these new combinations more often.  I know what'll lift your spirits.”

“You mean?”

“Yes another makeup lesson.  You get dressed and I'll give you another lesson.  What lesson is that number 624?”  No one counted the lessons, but both enjoyed them.  Ashley sometimes even tried things on Ryan that she hadn't tried on herself to see how it looked.

Both adjourned to Ashley's room to get changed.  Ashley wanted to put on something more comfortable.  Ryan wanted to put on his femme apparel.  The clothes did actually belong to Ryan, he purchased them and was the only one who wore them.  In their frequent shopping trips (trips Ryan complained to his buddies about) Ryan selected a small wardrobe of women's apparel.  It was everything he needed.  The clothes would be stored at Ashley's house with her own clothing.  No one in  Ashley's family would suspect that they weren't just her clothing as they were intermixed with her stuff.

Ashley and Ryan got naked in front of each other and didn't think anything about it.  Ryan had never seen Ashley naked when they were dating for real, now it wasn't any big deal.  Ashley's naked body held no interest for him.

Ryan put on his panties and padded-bra and anything else he felt like wearing today.  He knew where they were kept in Ashley's room.  He rarely wore any of Ashley's apparel preferring to wear what he had purchased himself.

When they were properly dressed, Ashley announced, “What should I show you how to do today?”  Besides having his own apparel, Ryan also had his own makeup.  His skin tone was different than Ashley's, plus what worked well on her face didn't necessarily work well on his. And of course, since he was a guy, different areas of his face had to be emphasized and deemphasized to bring out his natural beauty.

After the lesson, Ashley and Ryan snuggled on the couch and watched a soap opera that had been recorded while they were in school.

“You know Ryan,” Ashley said, “if you weren't gay you would be the perfect boyfriend.”

“If I wasn't gay I would snap you up in a minute.”

Ryan and Ashley cuddled closer.  Ashley could see Ryan's feet and toes past hers.  “You think I should paint your toes?” she asked.

“Naaa, I'd have to remove it before going home anyway.  Why bother.”

“You have great legs, they would look better with painted toes.  I wish I had your legs.”

“Why?  I think your legs are fine.”

“Then I would be tall like you.  I would be the tall cheer leader in the middle not the short one on the end.”

“You look great to me.”

“I love you so much.”

“I love you too.  Hey we have been talking only about me.  How's it going with your family?”

“You know, I keep telling you.  Mom wants grandma to move in with us.  She says grandma was been all alone since grandpa died.  Dad doesn't want that.”

“I can see his point.”

“But it's gotten worse since Dad lost his job  Especially since Mom says grandma can help pay the bills.”

“She can?”

“Yeah, she still works.  She's old enough to retire, but as I told you she's a buyer for a clothing boutique.”

“Yeah I remember now.”

“Anyway, Mom wants grandma here, dad is against it and they argue all the time.”

“Do you think they'll get a divorce?”

“No, but that doesn't make it any better.”

“Maybe they should go see Dr. Zaaijer.  He's a family therapist.  He certainly helped my family.  If it wasn't for him I would be denying my true self.”

“You still sort of are.  I mean no one knows your secret except me,” Ashley reminded him.

“In time I'll tell everyone.”

“You should at least talk to Steve.  Get everything out in the open.  He sort of already knows anyway.”

“You might be right.  But what about your parents and seeing Dr. Zaaijer.”

“I don't know, money is tight.”

“I'm sure he could work something out.  Dr. Zaaijer is that type of doctor.  You know the ones that care more about helping people than getting paid.”

“I don't know.  I'll think about suggesting it.  But it's getting late.  You should get out of this and back into your guy clothes.”

“If I must,” Ryan said wearily.

Chapter 12

“Ryan, I want to talk to you for a second,” Lea said as he entered the house.  Ryan feared for the worst.  “Dr. Zaaijer called and he wants to meet with the family without Cherie.  He wants to know how we are all handling the changes both separately and as a family.”

“Oh, that seems OK.”

“Friday we are all going to get together and go to Dr. Zaaijer's office.  We'll tell him how we feel.  You know.  I told him everything seems fine, but he wants to make sure.  I guess it couldn't hurt.”

“Is that all?”

“No, there's one more thing.  Since we'll all be gone, we'll need someone to babysit for Cherie.  Do you know anyone?  Cherie's old babysitter is just to weirded out by the whole thing to do it.  I have asked.”

“Well there is Ashley's friend Aisha.  I heard she is looking for babysitting jobs.”

“Do you have her number?”

“I could ask Ashley.”

“Great get me the number and numbers of anyone else you can think of and I'll hire someone.”

On the day of the appointment, Aisha was right on time.  Lea gave Aisha all the needed information: cell phone numbers, emergency numbers, what Cherie's bedtime was, what was her favorite toys and anything else that a babysitter would need.  Then the family left Cherie alone with a stranger for the first time since the accident.

Paul had always liked Aisha.  She was his brother's age so he never said anything.  Besides he had his own girlfriend.  Paul never admitted his feelings for her, not even to himself and so they were never removed from his mind when Dr. Zaaijer got to him.  But what was removed from Paul's mind was any restraint as he now has the restraint of a two year old.

Lea introduced Aisha to Cherie.  Aisha had a big smile on her face when she saw her.  She had known him before the accident although they didn't have much interaction.  Aisha same as the rest of the neighborhood knew all about what happened to Paul.  There was no way to avoid it.  She accepted what happened and tried to think of Cherie as just a two year old girl.  It also didn't hurt that Lea was paying Aisha double the regular babysitting rate to watch her.

When Cherie saw Aisha, she immediately liked her.  She seemed so friendly.  Aisha got down on the floor with her and played with her plushies.  Seeing that Cherie was getting along well with Aisha, she left the room.  She gathered her family and left the house.  She thought that it would be best for Cherie not to notice her entire family were leaving.

Cherie was innocently playing with Aisha, but she felt old feelings she didn't understand.  She seemed to avoid eye contact preferring to look at Aisha's large breasts.  In her diaper, her penis was hard for the first time since the accident.  Her diaper was thick and bulky so Aisha had no way of knowing.  She didn't even think such a thing could happen.

When Aisha pulled her in for a hug, Cherie enjoyed the feeling of Aisha's breasts on her flat male chest.  Then she broke away, Cherie reached out for Aisha's breasts with her hands.  Cherie didn't know how to squeeze them like a man would, it seemed like an innocent (if there is such a thing) grope of her breasts.

“No, no,” Aisha said forcefully, “nice girls don't do that.” as she pushed Cherie's hands away.  Cherie didn't understand why she was being yelled at and started to cry.  To make Cherie feel better, Aisha gave her another hug.  She then distracted Cherie once she stopped crying with a bribe of some candy.  The rest of the visit was uneventful.  Cherie's boner had even gone down by the time she needed a diaper change.  Aisha never knew how hard Cherie had been.

During her sleep, Cherie had some strange dreams.  Dreams that all centered on Aisha.  She touched her in the dream in many places besides her breasts, she also in her dream kiss Aisha with her tongue all over.  This was the first wet dream Cherie had since the accident.  Although no one noticed since she had had it in her diaper, a diaper that was wet in the morning.

At Dr. Zaaijer's office, the  Femrite family sans Cherie were waiting in his office.  Ryan and Steve was led into his inner office and quickly put until his hypnosis.

“Any problems?” Dr. Zaaijer inquired.

Ryan told him of what happened when he returned home in drag and Steve saw him.  Both brothers were concerned about being discovered by the other.

“Listen to me,” Dr. Zaaijer began.  “You are siblings and you must support each other.  You don't find anything out of the ordinary with what you saw.  It is all perfectly normal.  That doesn't mean you should let each other's secrets out.  But what does mean is that you will help one another.

Ryan when you are alone with Steve, you will treat him just like you treat Cherie.  You will turn on his video, let him play with toys, change his diapers, read him a story to put him a sleep and make sure he doesn't get into trouble.  He wants to be treated like a two year old girl and you don't have a problem with that.  It's no different that Cherie in her old body or new body.  It is simply who he is.

Steve, you aren't prejudiced in any way.  Your brother is gay but that doesn't matter to you.  You love him anyway.  If he wants to wear pretty clothes, especially when babysitting you that is perfectly OK.  You don't find it strange or funny, it is just a fact, just like he has brown hair and blue eyes, no different.”

When he was done with the children, it was time for the adults to be instructed by the doctor.  They were put under hypnosis just as fast as their children were.

“Any problems?”

“Well I can't put my finger on it,” Randy said, “but something is wrong with Steve.”

“What do you mean?”

“He seems to be spending too much time with Cherie.  He doesn't seem to be spending any time with friends his own age.  Not like he used to.  He is always just playing or being around Cherie.  It doesn't seem natural.”

“Randy, everything in your house is totally normal under the circumstances,” Dr. Zaaijer commanded Randy to believe.  “You don't see anything wrong with any of your children or even your wife.  You accept things as perfectly normal and quite ordinary.  If you have any concerns it's with yourself.  All women you encounter, at work, as your neighbors, random acquaintances and strangers you see in the street have no interest to you.  You will be polite and  cordial around them, but one is pretty much the same as all the others.

Men on the other hand, you will start to notice their appearance.  You will find some quite handsome.  Other's will seem even more than that, you might think they are sexy.  They may even seem arousing.  You notice their looks, their broad shoulders, their legs, their smiles, their butts and especially their crotch.  It is quite common for you to look at a man's crotch and wonder how big he is.  You sometimes imagine what a man looks like naked.  A well dressed man, is more appealing to you than a woman in a bikini.

You are slightly concerned about these thoughts, but you don't do anything to curb them.  As far as you remember you had always felt this way and you always will.”

Then to Lea Dr. Zaaijer told her,”You think your entire family is totally normal.  You love them all.  Anything you might find odd about them, you will ignore.  It doesn't matter what.  If Randy over here pulls down his pants in the middle of the living room, and I'm not saying you should Randy, and wacks off staring at a picture of some teen heartthrob you won't find any of that disturbing at all.  That goes for all of your children, no matter what they do or anything you discover that might seem odd, you will ignore it and then forget it happened in the first place.  You are a happy woman with a typical family.”

Dr. Zaaijer was happy with the session.  Each of the family would live their new lifestyle without any problems from anyone else.  The children could get more daring in their pursuits and their parents wouldn't have any problem with it.  Dr. Zaaijer just hoped that Randy wouldn't get into any fights with the men around him.

Chapter 13

Aisha felt weird babysitting Cherie.  She thought she could handle it, but something kept nagging at her.  Cherie was very touchy.  She seemed to like to touch Aisha's breasts as well as other parts of her body.  Aisha knew children did that.  She was sure that other two year olds grabbed her breasts.  They didn't know any better, but it was strange when an adult man did it.  Aisha hoped it was harmless,  Cherie acted like a normal two year old in all other respects but Aisha couldn't get over it.  She determined not to babysit again.

When the family got home, Aisha explained her problem to Lea.  Lea realized that she was without a babysitter again.  She could understand the problem.  Cherie wasn't your typical two year old girl...not anymore.  Lea knew it would be hard to find a babysitter for Cherie.  But that didn't mean she didn't need time alone for herself.  She couldn't watch Cherie everyday all the time.  She had only one solution.

Lea called Ryan and Steve to talk to them.  She knew they were good caring boys who would help out.  But she didn't want to put too much of a burden on Ryan (the oldest) alone.

“Look, we have a unique situation with Cherie and babysitters.  Cherie is physically older than almost any babysitter I could hire and well  she's not your typical two year old to say the least.  I can't go on like I have forever.  I need some help and some time to myself.  For example, when I go to the salon, I can't just leave Cherie in the playroom with all the other children there and I can't watch her while my hair is under the dryer.  I need some help.”

“I understand Mom.”

“So I am going to need you two to pitch in.”


“I want you two to babysit for Cherie sometimes.  Now I don't expect just Ryan to do it all the time.  Steve you are old enough and I know you have the maturity to handle the responsibility.  You are also so wonderful with Cherie.  So I'm going to alternate between you;  sometimes it will be Steve and sometimes it will be Ryan.  So the other one can hang out with their friends and do what he wants.”

“I don't think there will be a problem there.”

You guys are great, give Mom a great big hug.”

When the first opportunity to babysit came along, Ryan was assigned.  But Steve decided to stay to.”

“I think we should always do it together,” Steve said.  “I can be with Cherie all the time to keep her occupied.  You can do what you want.”  Steve meant Ryan could dress in drag like he wanted.

“What's the catch?”

“Well while I'm there I want you to treat me like you treat Cherie.  You know diaper and dress me, make my meals, whatever else I need.  It won't be any big deal for you since you will be doing it for Cherie anyway.”

“That just means I'll have two babies not just one.”

“But Cherie and I will keep each other company, so you won't have to.”  Steve convinced Ryan, especially this first time since it was Ryan's turn anyway.

“What I'm going to do,” Ryan informed Steve, “is to go up and get dressed.  Once I'm ready then I'll change you and we can start.”

Ryan had moved some of his femme clothes to the house.  They were hidden in the back of his drawers.  He thought he was keeping it a secret from Lea (as well as all other indications that he was a cross-dressing homosexual.)  But he didn't have to worry about that any more, Lea had been directed by Dr. Zaaijer to ignore any of the family's odd tendencies.  Se would either justify to her self what she saw/heard.  Or if that was impossible she would just ignore it like it wasn't there.  Ryan could walk around the house in drag and full makeup and Lea wouldn't notice.  The same went for Steve he could be wearing only a saggy wet diaper and Lea wouldn't care what he was wearing.

For that matter, Lea didn't notice how many diapers she was going through.  Steve wore at least two diapers a day, sometimes more if he could  use them properly.  But Lea had a blinder on when it came to these things.  That didn't mean that Ryan and Steve didn't attempt to hide their true natures.

Ryan put on panties with a matching padded bra.  Over that he wore a pretty multicolored leggings print with a cute top with a ruched neck.  On his feet he didn't wear socks but he did wear ballet flats.  With a little light makeup that he quickly applied with a practiced hand, he was dressed like a typical teenaged girl.

Once he was dressed, he came down and fetched Cherie and Steve.  He checked Cherie's diaper it was still clean so he undressed Steve like he would have Cherie, changed him into a diaper and put him into one of her outfits.  There wasn't any reason for shoes nor socks, neither liked to wear them and would take them off at their first opportunity.

Both were returned to the living room to play.  Ryan watched TV while the two 'toddlers' played in front of him.  Ryan thought this situation would work out well.  Steve kept an eye out for them, but he didn't need to worry too much, with Ryan always around, Cherie was always occupied and neither would get into too much trouble.

While texting his best friend who he fantasized was his boyfriend,  Ryan caught a glimpse of Steve in his baby dress.  For a moment he thought that Steve looked cute.  But he would look better in maybe a skirt with some layered shirts.  A little makeup would bring out his eyes and cheeks.  Ryan was becoming quite an expert on women's apparel now that he wore it as much as he could.  Ryan tried to bring up how much better Steve would look with mature clothing, but Steve said, “Me no wanna.  Me a baby.”  Then he put his thumb into his mouth and started to suck.

Lea always called to say she was coming home so there was always plenty of time to return to their regular clothes.

Ryan and Steve babysat many times.  Lea did need some time to herself.  Regardless they didn't mind anyway.  Ryan enjoyed wearing his femme clothes and showing his feminine side.  Not that he thought of himself as a girl.  Ryan didn't see anything wrong with wearing girl's clothing especially since he was a closeted homosexual.  But he couldn't understand why anyone would want to wear diapers if they didn't have to.

While Steve was on the changing table, just after pulling off his tabs, Ryan asked him, “You really like wearing diapers?”

“I do.”

“But you have to piss yourself.”

“That is sort of the point.”

“Doesn't it get uncomfortable?”

“No the diapers sop it all up.  It feels great.”


“Yeah, I really enjoy it.”

“And being treated like a two year old.  You are just pretending.  You don't want to be treated like that all the time?”  Ryan asked while finishing wiping Steve's privates.

“I do, I wish I could be just like Cherie.”

“But if that was true, then you wouldn't be able to go to school, be with your friends, go where you want.  You know grow up.”

“I don't want to grow up.  No one wants to go to school.  My 'friends' as you call them, don't like to play like I do.  Even having you change me.  I feel like royalty, it's so cool not to have to do anything.  All I do is play.  If I don't like something I can just cry.  There is no holding back.  You should try it, it is so much fun.”  Steve couldn't say anything about what Ryan was wearing, as he was wearing girl's clothing too.  Baby girl clothing but still girl's apparel.

“I don't understand why anyone would want to be treated like a baby all the time.”

“I just like it.  Does Ashley know you a sissy?”

“I'm not a sissy.”

“You wear girl's clothing.”

“But I'm not a sissy, I just like to wear this stuff.  I think I look pretty in it.”  Ryan never told Steve that he was gay.  But despite that and that he wore women's apparel he didn't consider himself a sissy.

“OK, not a sissy, does she know you wear dresses?”  Steve had forgotten that he discovered Ryan's secret when he was coming home from Ashley's.

“Of course she knows.  She knows everything about me.  She's my best friend.”

“What about Wilson?  Does he know?”

“No I haven't told him.  He couldn't understand.”  Wilson is the person Ryan really has a crush on although  Wilson thinks they are really good friends.  Wilson doesn't know that Ryan fantasizes of him and Wilson in a real relationship.  “We are all done,” Ryan continued as he fastened the tabs on Steve's diaper.  You can get down now and play.”

“Dank oo baba,” Steve said in a babyish voice.

While Ryan and Steve were babysitting, Lea wasn't with her friends as she said she was.  She liked to go to high school sporting events and watch the cheerleaders.  She wished she was like them, especially those with big breasts and little intelligence.  She thought they had the life.  They didn't have to worry about anything.  They didn't have any responsibilities.  All they had to do was look pretty and jump around.  She had a very low and high opinion of them at the same time.

It appealed to her to get all pretty and jump around exciting a crowd.  They would scream a few dumb slogans and even if they messed up the choreography who cared as long as they looked cute doing it.  She knew they were in high school, but that didn't mean they were learning anything.  After all, almost all the sentences they uttered had the word 'like' in it.

She wished that was her: big tits, small brains and no responsibilities.  She couldn't just become a bimbo, it was too late.  But she could do some things, she determined to start wearing push up bras and thongs instead of the 'sensible' underwear she usually wore.

Looking over the cheerleaders to determine the one she liked the best (the dumbest one with the biggest tits.)  Lea saw a very pretty one who seemed to be going through the motions but whose heart wasn't in it.  Her smile looked forced.  Little did Lea know that this girl have been to Dr. Zaaijer's office a while back.

Chapter 14

Christi Shine was a very pretty girl when she entered Dr. Zaaijer's office. The guidance counselor at her school, Mrs. Atkinson suggested that she visit.  No one knew that Mrs. Atkinson did everything that Dr. Zaaijer told her, she belonged to him.  But that is another story.

Christi  felt the world owed her.  She had everyone tied around her little finger.  With her pretty looks, vivacious personality and flirty nature she could get whatever she wanted from those around her.  She had supple breasts, a tight waist and firm thighs to go with doe eyes and pouty lips.  She did work hard at her cheerleading, not because she had to but because she wanted to.

Christi's English teacher gave her a grade that she deserved but didn't like.  Christi went to complain to the counselor that the teacher inappropriately touched her and  Mrs. Atkinson sent her to Dr. Zaaijer.  It took her some time to decide upon an outfit.  She had to decide between the degree of sexiness and modesty in her outfit.  It was a light pink number which showed a hint of cleavage and went down to just above her knees.

Dr. Zaaijer put her under his control quickly and found that she was lying about the whole thing.  Not that that mattered.  He was going to screw with her life anyway.

Under hypnosis, Dr. Zaaijer dictated the changes to Christi's identity. “Christi, you haven't any memory of any of your accusations.  What you do know is how you were before you entered my office.  You are a handsome man with a deep voice in your twenties.  You have a wife who you love and two children you adore.  That is who you are and who you expect to be.  Finally no matter what you want to do, you cannot hurt me or yourself in any way.”

Dr. Zaaijer changed who Christi thought she was, but didn't make any other changes to her mind including her personality nor her memory.  Then he woke her from her trance.

“Ah I see you are awake now,” Dr. Zaaijer said.  “I have fixed your problem, you needn't worry about being arrested.”

“Arrested?  What are you talking abo...,”  Christi said.  “My voice what happened to my voice?” she said in an even higher pitch than she just used as panic entered her speech.

“That's what I did, I changed your life.  I am very powerful.  I changed reality.  Everything about you has changed.  For example, what is your name?”.”

“My name is Christi..” then a second later she continued, “wait that can't be my name, I don't have a girl's name, do I.”  But that was the only name she remembered.  She looked down and saw her breasts and her hands.  She instinctively moved her small hands to her breasts.  She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

“You are Christi Shine, sixteen years old  a junior in high school. You live with your parents and you are a cheerleader.  That is what everyone thinks.”

“That isn't me.  I'M A MAN.”

“I think you can tell you aren't a man.  Not anymore.”

Christi needed a mirror, she needed to know what she looked like. But before she did, she had something to check first.  She reached her hand to her crotch and screamed, “IT'S GONE!”

“Of course it is, as far as everyone knows it never existed.  You're a girl.”

“I'm not.  I'm a man.  Change me back.”


“Then I'll call the police, tell them what you did.”

“Tell them what?  No one will believe you.  Everyone thinks you have always been a girl.  You have parents and friends, people from the neighborhood all know you and all will say you are Christi, a teenaged girl.  If you make a fuss they will lock you up.  Is that what you want to be locked up in a loony bin?”

“No, I want to be me.”

“I assure you, you are you.”

What what about my wife, my family?”

“They don't remember you.”

“I'll find them, I'll make them remember.”

“What are their names?  It'll be hard to find them if you don't know their names.”

Christi tried hard to think, she couldn't remember her family.  She remembered her mother and father, but not her 'wife' but she knew she had one.

“Besides,” Dr. Zaaijer continued, “Christi my dear, you don't like girl's anymore do you?”

He was right.  The thought of being with a woman disgusted her.  She was a straight girl.  Christi started to tear up.

“There, there.  Why don't you go home and drown your sorrows like girls do in a quart of rocky road ice cream.  Or call one of your friends and just talk.  But don't tell her about you really being a man.  She'll think you are sick.  The ice cream is probably your best choice until you can come to terms with your new life.”

“My new life?”

“Yes, your new life as a typical pretty cheerleader in high school.”  Dr. Zaaijer gave Christi a tissue to blow her nose and wipe her tears.

“But I don't want to be a girl.  I want to be myself.”

“You have to get over it.  This is who you are now.  At least you are pretty.  Maybe you can make a life out of it.”

A question occurred to Christi.  “Why did you do this to me?”

“You did something very bad.  But I removed that.  Not only from your memory, but from everyone's memory too.  It's as if it never happened.  As I said you don't have to worry about the police anymore.”

“Did I hurt someone?”

“It's all forgotten.  This is the new you.  You should go home now.”

Christi thought about her home, her parents her life.  “It wasn't a bad life, but she knew it wasn't hers.  She was a man, not a girl or even a teen.  She was stuck back in high school and this time,” she thought, “she would have to do it as a girl.”

“If...if I am good?  Will you turn me back?”  Christi definitely wanted to get back to a life she didn't remember but she believed was her REAL life.

“I'm afraid this is permanent.  You have to go.”

“Can I at least see what I look like?”

“Of course,” then he handed her a mirror.

Christi looked at her face streaked with tears.  She admitted it was very pretty.  She could do worse, but it wasn't the face she wanted.  She wanted a man's face.  She wanted her own face even though she didn't know what that face would look like.  This face seemed familiar.  She knew it was hers when she first saw it, but she knew that couldn't be right.  It was all a trick.  This isn't her.  She shouldn't be a she at all.

After a moment, Dr. Zaaijer reiterated softly, “You have to go now.”

Christi left the office and headed home.

Chapter 15

Ryan was feeling pretty good.  He discovered he liked babysitting.  He could do it wearing all his femme clothes without hiding them.  Wearing his femme clothes was alright, he liked it, but if he did it while babysitting then he felt useful.  He wasn't wearing femme clothes just to wear them, but he was wearing them as part of doing what he normally did.  It was true that he couldn't wear them with his friends (except Ashley) but this was the next step.

As far as Wilson, his unrequited love, things were going well there too.  He couldn't tell him that he was gay and that he loved him.  It was too early for that.  If Wilson didn't love him back that would destroy Ryan.  He didn't want to come out just yet.  But he did spend a lot of time with Wilson.  He would find reasons to touch him.  There were plenty of high-fives, back pats and butt slaps.  Ryan would do them at appropriate times as to not give himself away.  But each felt good to him in a way that only someone in love would feel.  Wilson not seeing anything wrong with this would sometimes initiate his own pats and slaps to Ryan's delight.

Ryan was very clever in the way he would get close to Wilson, even though he didn't have to, Ryan would maneuver himself in crowded buses (or other places) such that his body would be in direct contact with Wilson's.  Sometimes, Wilson would push him away, which would result in some playful punching and slapping which was just as nice to Ryan.

Ryan knew it would be just a matter of time before he would tell Wilson how he felt.  Wilson had just broken up with his girlfriend which gave Ryan an opportunity to tell him to move the relationship to a new level.  He just had to find the right time.

Steve was also happy with his situation.  With Ryan acting as babysitter, Steve could live out his toddler girl fantasies.  He was having someone change his diaper for real.  Steve knew that while Ryan was babysitting he would treat Steve and Cherie exactly the same.  It wasn't just the obvious thing like the aforementioned diaper change, but all the little things too.  Ryan wouldn't let Steve do the simplest things that he wouldn't let Cherie do.  If Steve got too close to an electrical outlet or if Steve tried to leave the room to a place where Ryan couldn't watch him (such as Steve's own room) Ryan would call out.  There were a hundred little things that teenaged Steve could do that Ryan wouldn't allow.  Steve loved it.

After a while, Steve started thinking, Steve was too much of a boys name.  He should be called something else.  How about Stevie, or better yet Stevi.  It's true he wouldn't be spelling it out, but in his mind it would be spelled that way, even though when Steve was acting like a toddler, he couldn't spell at all.  He didn't even know the alphabet.

The final thing Steve wanted to do was soil his diapers.  He had peed in them many times, but he found it hard to poo.  He was obviously potty trained and so it was unnatural to poo in his diapers without trying.  But if he purposefully tried to poo, then he wouldn't be a toddler that pooed naturally.  Steve decided the only way to do it was to take a laxative in the morning on the day Ryan would be babysitting.  He sort of felt sorry that Ryan would have to clean up all that sticky, watery mess but it was what he wanted.  Besides Cherie had diarrhea sometimes so Ryan should be used to it.  Steve hadn't taken the laxative yet, but soon he would.

“Ryan, can I ask you something?” Steve inquired while Ryan was changing him.

How Steve asked him was strange.  Usually when Steve was dressed like a toddler, Steve talked like a toddler too.  “Sure what is it?”

“Ryan, can you give me a bath.  You know like how Mom or Dad gives Cherie a bath?”

“You want me to give you a bath?”


“I don't even give Cherie a bath.”

“I know, but it's not like I can ask Mom to do it.  I want to know what it feels like.”

“I don't think so.”

“Why not.  I won't be of any trouble,” Steve said hopefully.

“While I am bathing you, who'll be watching Cherie?”

“You can bath us together.”

“I don't know if you both will fit in the tub, you are pretty big for toddlers.  Besides I really don't want to do it.”



“OK, OK, if you won't bathe me.  Can you at least dress me in white tights?”

“Tights?  I don't remember the last time Cherie wore tights...not even before the accident when she was small.  Hell I'm not even sure if she has some in her drawers.”

“She does, I saw them.”

“What has come over you?”

“I just want to experience it all.”

“OK, if you want to wear tights, than you have to wear shoes too.  Don't take them off.”

“I won't I promise.”

“Where are the tights?”

“In the middle drawer in the back.”

Ryan found them.  He knew how to put them on properly.  He didn't wear them often, but Ashley had taught him some time back.  He hadn't ever put them on someone else, but it was probably easier than putting them on his own legs the few times he tried.

Ryan returned with the tights, they were white of course.  They were opaque in his hand, but a bit translucent as they were stretched to be pulled up Steve's legs.  Steve had been wearing only a diaper and a baby dress.  Ryan balled one leg of the hose in his hands and then pulled it over Steve's foot and then up to his calf, then he did the same with the other side.  He inched the hose up to his knees on one side then the other, then up to his thighs and finally over his diaper, smoothing it out on top.  Steve enjoyed the feel and had a big smile on his face.

Cherie who was playing with her toys saw this and came over to Ryan while he was dressing Steve.  “I wanna wear dose too,” Cherie said.

Maybe later.”

“No I wanna wear dose now!” Cherie demanded.  Ryan knew Cherie well enough that if he didn't indulge her she might throw a fit.

“OK Sweetie, let me finish with Stevi and I'll get some for you too.”

Cherie waited for Ryan to be done.  After pulling the hose into place, Ryan had Steve sit up on the changing table.  Then he found a pair of mary janes (black in color of course) and put them on his feet.  He fastened the strap and reminded Steve, “Don't take these off.”  Then he scooted Steve off the changing table and put Cherie into tights as she requested.

It didn't take long before Cherie decided she didn't like tights and tried to pull them off which wasn't easy for her.  Ryan helped her out so she wouldn't rip them.  But he 'demanded' that Steve stay in his with his shoes the entire time he was dressed.

Cherie was the most confused of the three brothers.  Ever since Aisha babysat she had these strange dreams she had never felt before.  In them Aisha would babysit again and this time she would touch her all over.  While having these dreams inside her diaper her penis would get hard.  She had her first wet dream since the accident, not that she remembered most of it in the morning.  Nor did anyone recognize the spunk in her diaper.  She was simply changed in the morning regardless of her diaper's state.

Cherie wished Aisha would babysit again.  When she asked Mommy, she would say that Aisha wants to babysit, but she is very busy and just can't.  Lea wasn't going to tell Cherie that her babysitter felt strange around her.  There was no reason to hurt Cherie's feelings or make her feel self conscious.  Cherie was disappointed at the answer and would pout.  But Lea knew how to distract Cherie getting her out of her pout.

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