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The New Cherie:  A Dr. Zaaijer Story


Paul Femrite was going crazy.  He looked everywhere but couldn't find a bottle of beer anywhere in the house.  At nineteen years old, Paul was already an alcoholic.  It ran in his family.  No one knew he was drinking though. He had to hide it from everyone.  Not only because of the family alcoholism, but because he wasn't old enough to drink any alcohol at all.

His hidden stash had run out which made him desperate.  The problem was that he was stuck in the house watching his two year old sister Cherie.

Cherie was a cute little thing, always dressed in colorful outfits.  Cherie owned more dresses than the average two year old.  She had three brothers (Paul was the oldest) and when Paul's mother, Lea finally had a girl she over indulged on the girlish things: dresses, dolls, pink walls and furniture in her room.  Lea even sub-consciously limited Cherie's exposure to Cinderella since she wore a blue dress and Lea had had enough of blue things.  Everybody loved Cherie.

After a while, Paul decided he couldn't take it anymore.  He had to go out and get something to drink.  He couldn't leave Cherie alone of course, so he would take her with him.

"Come-on sweetie, we're going to go for a ride," Paul told her.

"OK, let me get Brabra," Cherie replied referring to her stuffed zebra which she called Brabra since when she got him she couldn't pronounce zebra.

They looked around for Brabra but she was no where to be found.  Cherie was always leaving her somewhere and then forgetting where she was.  Soon Paul had enough.  "Maybe she is in the car?" Paul suggested.

He took the car seat out of the garage and took it with him to the

car.  But Brabra wasn't there as he knew.  When he got Cherie into the car, he made her sit in the car seat.  She fussed so much he didn't fasten her in properly.

The drive to pick up beer was uneventful.  But the drive back, once he had a beer in his hand was tragic.  Paul lost control while driving and veered into oncoming traffic.  There was a head-on collision..  Cherie's car seat was thrown around the car and landed on the floor.  Paul hit his head during the crash knocking him unconscious.

Chapter 1.

Lea and her husband Randy were at the hospital immediately after hearing about the accident.  It took some time to locate them, but as soon as they heard, they were there as soon as possible.  They were told that it was very serious and that both their children were in surgery.  They had to perform the operation without consent as it was an emergency situation.  All that could be done was being done and that the doctor would let them know what happened as soon as the surgery was over.

The Femrite's paced nervously hoping for the best.

"What was he doing in the car with her?  He was just supposed to watch her?" Lea asked rhetorically.

"I don't know?  We may never know," Randy told her.  He wanted to comfort his wife, but he was in just as much shock as she was.  They could lose both their children at once.

The police told them what they knew and that alcohol was involved in the accident.

After many hours of waiting, the doctor finally came out and talked to the Femrite's.

"Well how are they?" Lea excitedly asked.

"It was very difficult, we tried very hard but only one survived," the doctor said trying to keep a professional demeanor.

"Which one?"

"I want to say that the one who is gone, gave their life for the one who lived."

"Which one?"


"And what did you mean gave their life."

"Well when they arrived, both were in very bad shape.  Paul has a very serious head injury and Cherie had multiple internal injuries.  With her small body, she wasn't going to make it.  But when we looked at Paul we found him brain dead.  We couldn't reach you and we knew you would want to save at least one of them.  So we put Cherie's brain inside Paul's body.  It may look like Paul, but that is Cherie.  We've had to induce a coma so her body can heal.  But I think she'll come out of this in time.  Then she'll have to grow up just like any other normal toddler."

Neither Lea nor Randy could believe what they were hearing.  Paul is dead, but Cherie had his body.  "You did what?" Lea finally exclaimed.

"I saved Cherie by transplanting her brain into Paul's body.  Paul gave up his life for his little sister.  In a way they are both still alive.  But when you see her remember that is really Cherie."

"Can we see her?"

"Yes you can but she is in a coma.  We think coma patients can hear what is going on.  IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU REFER TO HER AS CHERIE AND A SHE, despite she looking like Paul.  You mustn't confuse her.  This would be hard on anyone but especially a toddler."  The doctor raised his voice for emphasis.

"OK, I want to see her now!"

"She's in recovery.  Her head is heavily bandaged of course and she is in a coma.  But I think she'll be fine."

Lea and Paul were led into the room.  They saw their son lying on a bed.  His head was as the doctor said heavily bandaged.  He was bruised all over with several IVs connected to his arms.  He wore a pink hospital gown and was covered to his chest in a white sheet.

Lea ran towards him.  The doctor called again, "Remember that is Cherie, You mustn't confuse her, even while she is asleep."

Lea put Paul's hand in her own (the one which wasn't attached to the IV and started to talk to him.  "Cherie mommy's here.  You're going to be alright.  I love you sweetie."

Randy looked at his son, but he knew it was really his daughter.  He was conflicted as to how to treat him.  He wanted to be strong for him like he was a man, but also gentle because he knew he was still a little girl.  Randy forced himself to do as the doctor said and call Paul his 'Little Princess.'

After a few minutes, the doctor ushered them out of the room.  "She needs her rest.  Besides I wanted to talk to you.  It'll be a long road to recovery.  I don't think there is any real brain damage, but despite how she looks, she is still two.  She isn't out of diapers yet, is she?"


"Well she'll still have to learn her ABCs and everything else, she may look nineteen, but she is two.  Her new body will be confusing for her, but we have one thing in our favor."

"What is that?"

"That she is two, she doesn't know that she can't just wake up as someone else.  Children like to pretend.  But for this not to be a shock to her, you have to treat her in all ways as you always have. You can't start calling her 'he'.  You can't call her 'Paul'.  You have to firmly entrench her in her old life in every way.  It would be best if you over exaggerate that she is a girl and a toddler."

"What do you mean?'

"Obviously she's going to be in diapers, but make sure they look like girl's diapers.  You should keep her in dresses and pretty girlie things, avoid plain t-shirts or pants.  Stay away from even the unisex items if you can.  She has to be convinced she is still Cherie or the confusion will be detrimental."

"I see."

"Also she is a toddler, don't expect her to be reading in a couple weeks and then doing everything that a teenager would do.  She is hardly more than a baby, even if she says she is not.  Treat her like one.  You must be strict.  I know it might be hard.  But you have to remember she is a little girl.  The clothing will help remind you.  But you mustn't forget."

"We'll do our best."

"Finally, are there some things from home that she really likes?  I want you to bring them here.  The more normal we can make this the better it'll be for her."

"Well there is her favorite stuffed zebra."

"OK, bring it with you and anything else you can remember. She'll be in a coma for a week and then a couple more days in the hospital.  Then you can bring her home.  In the meantime, make her room appropriate for a toddler her new size and strength.  But remember try to keep it as close to as it had been as possible.  And buy her some new clothes.  Nothing of the old Paul can be used."

"We'll do it."

"One more thing.  I want to move Cherie from the hospital and bring her to a special children's nursing facility.  She is out of danger and she'll get better care there.  I am affiliated with the place and will oversee her care," the doctor said.

"Are you sure it's the right place."

"I am.  What she needs most is rest and that will be the perfect place for her."

"Whatever you think is best."

The doctor left and the  Femrite's rejoined their 'daughter' in her room.  They purposefully called her 'Cherie' at every opportunity.

Chapter 2:

Lea brought several items from Cherie's room.  They brought her favorite stuffed animal, a zebra.  Cherie named it Brabra from a time when she couldn't pronounce the 'Z' in zebra.  They also brought the blanket that used to be in her crib before she was allowed to sleep in her own bed.  There was also a decal that hung on the wall in her room.

Cherie was still hooked to IVs and monitors but the room was very different than a hospital room.  It was like a typical toddler's bedroom.  The walls were painted a pale shade of peach.  The bed had a large pastel green and pink comforter and many matching pillows by the headboard.  Most of the furniture was white, but the lamp and the other accents of the room were pastels to match the comforter and pillows.  On the walls were bright posters with the alphabet and brightly colored pictures.

On the bed, Cherie looked like she was sleeping peacefully.  Only the IVs gave an indication that she wasn't simply sleeping.

Lea put Cherie's baby blanket over her comforter and slipped her stuffed Zebra under her arm. Cherie didn't stir.  Finally, Lea taped one of the wall decals from Cherie's room directly in front of her bed so it would be the first thing she saw if she woke up unexpectedly.  The doctor assured her that wouldn't happen, but Lea felt better having it where Cherie could see it.

As a final touch, Lea left a picture of the entire family in Cherie's room.  She wanted her to know that they would always be there.  She also had a recording made to be played while they weren't there.  It was a repeating tape of the whole family wishing Cherie well one at a time.

Under the doctor's insistence each family member should mention their name and to call Cherie whatever they usually called her.  Such that 24 hours a day, Cherie would always hear her family's voice calling her name, wishing her well, telling her how much they loved her and telling her all the things they would do with her when she got home.

Lea came everyday.  She knew that Cherie wasn't going to wake up, but

she talked to her just the same.  She told her that she loved her and called her Cherie over and over just as the doctor instructed.  She also read her a story and played the music she liked from a CD she brought with her.  Sometimes though Lea would sing to  Cherie too.  Lea was even encouraged to change Cherie's diapers.

By the time it was time to take Cherie out of her coma, Lea and everyone in the family thought of Cherie when they saw Paul's body. This was especially true when they buried Cherie's body under a tombstone which had Paul's name on it.  Every one had convinced themselves that Paul had died and Cherie had lived.

Chapter 3

The family knew the day Cherie was to wake up.  The doctor told them how long he wanted her in a coma.  He gathered the family outside the room to talk to them before waking her up.

The doctor pulled Randy aside.  "Randy, you need to remember that is Cherie your little daughter, even though she looks like your son. You have to treat her like you would Cherie.

"What do you mean?"

"I have seen you with her while she was unconscious, you talked to her like a girl.  But you never once touched her.  Nothing more than a simple pat.  She's your little girl be soft and tender with her.  Kiss her and hug her.  I know you love her, don't just tell her, show her how you feel.  I know it's tough, but you have to.  Your son is gone, this is your little daughter.  Her emotional health is just as important as her physical health."

"I understand, I'll show her how much her Daddy loves his little girl."

Returning to the group, the doctor told them, "Everyone, Cherie is doing very well considering all she has gone through.  But she has gone through a lot.  She has been in the induced coma for a while now, but that isn't real rest.  That is what she really needs.  So even after I wake her she's bound to be very tired and sleep a lot. It's all perfectly natural."

The family was lead in and circled her bed for the moment when Cherie was to be wakened.  They put smiles on their face for the big moment.  The doctor injected medicine into the IV and everyone waited for Cherie to wake up.  Mom was closest to the head of the bed tenderly holding Cherie's hand.

Slowly Cherie stirred as her eyes fluttered open.  Upon seeing Lea, she through herself into her mother's arms for a big hug.  Something Paul had never done for over a decade.  Cherie was now much taller (and stronger) than Lea.  Lea had tears in her eyes as her daughter was returned to her.  She swore to herself that she would make sure that Cherie would be treated like the best little girl there was, because she deserved it.

After mom was ready to release her, Cherie returned to the bed.  "What happened, Mommy?" she asked.

"Oh you just had a little accident, but you are going to be all better.  I promise."

"Can go home?"

"Not yet, you have to rest, but n a few days.  I'll be here everyday. And even when I'm not here, Brabra will be here with you all the time."  The thought of Brabra not being with her, caused Cherie to panic for a second.  Her thumb flew into her mouth to comfort herself while she searched for Brabra.

Lea picked up Brabra who had fallen out of Cherie's arms and landed on the bed behind her and gave her to Cherie.  Cherie clutched the plushie in her arms and hugged her as tightly as she had hugged Mommy.

One by one, each family member, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins talked to Cherie.  Then it was time for Cherie to get more rest.  The family was ushered out as a groggy Cherie  fell back to sleep.  Randy had made sure to give Cherie a big hung and a kiss on the cheek.  He told her that he loved his 'Little Princess.'  A phrase he had used many times before.

Lea and the family left to let Cherie get some rest.  Now that she was awake, Lea could plan for the future.  The first thing she needed was clothing for her daughter.  She didn't fit into toddler's clothes anymore, she was a six foot man now.  She couldn't wear Paul's old clothes either.  The doctor made it clear that Cherie had to be returned to as close as normal as possible.  Everything had to be for a very young girl.  There had to be no confusion, Cherie wasn't a boy now.  She was still a little girl.  (Lea didn't let herself think about if Cherie would need an operation to help her be a girl again.  She had to heal first.)

Lea discovered that the best place to find the clothes she wanted was at a store that sold clothing for plus sized children.  The apparel would be properly girlie without being either too small for her new frame or too curvy.  She was still a child, she shouldn't wear anything a teen girl would wear.  Plus she didn't have any curves anyway.

The tween girls plus sized department at Justice was her first stop. She wanted clothing in soft colors that had sweet cartoon animals on them.  She bought a few t-shirts and some leggings, but she wanted to stay away from those.  She wanted shirts that were not only distinctly 'childish' but also those that were distinctly girlie.  She stayed away from crew necks and regular sleeves preferring round and square necks, thin straps, puff sleeves, flutter sleeves or cap sleeves.  The pants the few she got, had to not have a zipper or zip in the back.  She found as many dresses and skirts as possible. Buying two or three of the same design if they would be appropriate for a toddler in her new size.

Lea enjoyed filling up Cherie's closets with new clothing.  Her old clothing and that of Paul was thrown out.

Everyday, Cherie was awake for more of the time.  Mommy was there as often as possible.  Lea played with her, sang to her, read her books and just in general mommied her.  When Cherie needed a diaper change Lea was the one to do it.

The day or two before being released, Lea took Cherie to the play area at the nursing home.  It had swings and other things for children.  Lea watched as Cherie played.  Cherie played like a typical toddler, getting herself into trouble and getting dirty.  She lost her shoes very early in her play, preferring to play barefoot.  Cherie was wearing a  cutesy dress.  When she slid down the slide,  the skirt of her dress would fly up, but Cherie didn't care.  Just as before, Cherie hadn't any modesty when it came to these things.  When she tired herself out, she didn't come back to Mommy.  Instead she just sat on the floor and sucked her thumb.  Her thumb was dirty but she didn't care about that either.

The doctor was watching too, deciding it was time for Cherie to go home.

Chapter 4

Cherie arrived home to her own room.  It looked mostly the same.  Some things had to be changed though.  The little chair that Cherie used to sit in was replaced with a larger one that looked similar.  The room had been given a once over to make it 'child proof' for a child who was six feet tall.  Her diapers were just as juvenile as before but they were in larger sizes.  And as mentioned before all her clothing was new.  But the rug, the bed, the window treatments, the furniture, the books on the shelves and the decals on the walls, etc were all as Cherie had left it.

Cherie immediately found her bin with the rest of her stuffed animals (she was already carrying Brabra) and pulled them out to play with.  She grabbed them as she saw fit and played with them on the floor.  Her thumb firmly stuck between her lips.

Lea watched her 'little girl' and smiled to have her baby back.  Lea knew it would be a long hard road for Cherie, but she was determined to see that Cherie would make it.  What Lea would do in a few years when it was time for kindergarten she didn't know, but she would figure it out later.

Lea's revelry was interrupted by Cherie herself.  "Me need change," she said.

"You certainly do."

Lea fell into her old routine.  Wake up and check Cherie.  Change her if needed, brush her hair and teeth.  Bring her to dinner and give her cereal or something she would eat.  Then put her in the living room to play with a video or listen to some appropriate music.  Once the rest of the family had gone, then it was time to give Cherie a bath and dress her for the day.  Then she would play some more as Lea did what she needed to do around the house.  If she had to run errands Cherie was always with her (or a babysitter).  Lunch was strictly at noon and Cherie took an hour nap right after.  More playtime, dinner, get ready for bed at 6:30 and then to bed at 7 with a bedtime story.

She had returned, despite her new body to the life she had right before the accident.  She was as adaptable as any toddler, but as much as possible she was kept to a strict routine.  To Lea, this was Cherie her two year old little girl and was treated as Lea had always done.

Word of what had happened had spread throughout the neighborhood.  There wasn't a soul who didn't know.  Everyone loved Cherie (Those that knew her.  Who doesn't like a toddler?)  A party was arranged for a week after Cherie arrived home.  This was to introduce the new Cherie with the neighbors and start everything on a proper footing.  If there was talk, the neighbors kept it to themselves.

At the party, other little children were brought to play with Cherie. Their parents were wary but after watching her for a little while, no one had any doubt that there was anything to fear about her.  She might be big for a little girl, but she was definitely a little girl.

Chapter 5

(Cherie's day)

I wake up in the morning, throw my covers to one side and  get out of bed.  I take Brabra with me and look in my toy bin.  I find a cute bunny and take her out with a couple of other plushies.  I'm on the floor playing with my plushies.  Hoppy and Brabra are talking to each other.  Brabra says she can go faster than Hoppy.  Brabra runs away with Hoppy hopping behind.  It looks like fun to hop so I stand up and put my feet together and my arms close to my body and hop around the room.

I see the door and want to leave but there is a gate in the way.  I try to pull it open, but it won't move.  "Mommy, Mommy," I call.  But then I decide to hop some more.

Daddy comes in.

"Look, me bunny," I scream as I hop around.

"You're the prettiest bunny there is," Daddy agrees.  He chases me and I hop away giggling.

"Come hop onto the table so I can change you," daddy says.  I don't want to so I hop away.  He catches me and grabs me by the arm..  I try and hop away, still giggling, but daddy guides me to the table.

"Hop up little bunny," he says.  Daddy helps me up and puts me on my back.  He has Hoppy and is making it hop up my body.  I'm giggling again.  He puts Hoppy into my arms and pulls up my hem of my nightgown exposing my diaper.

"Rip...Rip," I hear.  With the diaper loosened, the last of my pee escapes my body.  (Daddy has the diaper up in front of him so he doesn't get wet.)  I feel the cool dampness over my bottom as daddy wipes me clean before putting on another diaper.

"All done," Daddy says and I'm let down off the changing table. "Come little bunny, time to eat."  Daddy holds my hand and leads me to the kitchen.  I am hopping right besides him.

"Me bunny," I tell mom when I see her.

"You're a bunny?  No you're not, you are mommy's very special girl," she says and gives me a big hug.

She gets me into a chair.  In front of me is a bowl of cereal and a sippy cup of juice.  Mommy pours milk into the cereal and gives me a spoon.  I take a drink of the cool juice and then stab the cereal with my spoon.  I lift the spoon and bring it to my mouth.  I'm hungry.  Some of the cereal goes into my mouth.  Some doesn't quite make it, ending up on my face and down my nightgown.

I'm tired of eating and want to play, so I try to get up.  But mommy who is sitting besides me says, “Just a few more bites.”

“Me no want more,” I say.

“Just a few more bites and I'll put in a video for you.”

I take another spoonful. “Done,” I tell her.

“More than that, if you want to watch a video.”

I take another spoonful.  Mommy gives me a look.  I take another.  Mommy helps me finish up.  “OK all done,” she announces.

Then she follows me to the living room and puts in the promised video.  I watch for a while and then I see a toy and start to play with that.  They're singing on the video and I drop the toy.

“Have a great day Cherie,” my brother Ryan says as he and daddy leave the house.  Daddy kisses me on the cheek before going.

“Wanna go,” I say.

“No you have to stay home and watch Mommy,” Daddy tells me.

Later, Mommy fetches me.  “Time to get dressed for the day.”

“No wanna.”

“I'm going out later.  Brabra is coming with me.  You don't want to stay home alone?  Do you?”


“Well you can't go out until you are dressed.”

Mommy leads me to the bathroom.  “Uppies,” she says as she lifts her arms and I raise my arms imitating her.  She pulls the nightgown off of me.  Then she removes my diaper.  I'm still standing.  The diaper drops to the floor.  Mommy starts to fill the tub with warm water.  While Mommy's back is turned, I run out of the bathroom.  I don't care that I'm not wearing anything.  Mommy runs after me.  I'm looking back at Mommy while running, I'm giggling.  But I don't see the table and trip over it.  I fall on my bum, I'm crying.

“Did my little jay bird fall down and hurt herself?” Mommy says.

I nod.

“Well you know what is perfect for helping little ouchies?”


“A nice warm bath.  The water makes it all go away.”

I go back to the bathroom and get into the tub.  She then pours in bubble bath and the bubbles start to build.  The bubbles are so much fun and she hands me a fish and boat.  I drop them into the water and they float.  I'm splashing, playing with the bubbles and giggling.  Mommy is washing me all over but I don't care.

“All clean,” she declares.  “Time to get out.”

“No,” I say.  I'm having too much fun.  Mom tries to pull me out of the tub.  I start to cry.  She opens the drain and the water drains away.  Soon there isn't any water although I am covered in bubbles.  It was getting a little cold so I stood up and let Mommy dry me off.

Mommy puts me in a new diaper and a light green dress with short sleeves and a froggy on it.  She also puts  shoes and socks on my feet.  I don't like wearing shoes.

Mommy hands me Brabra and we leave the house towards the car.  In the car, Mommy straps me into the car seat.  Brabra is still in my arms.  I put my thumb into my mouth.  We drive away.  Mommy turns on some music for the ride, but I'm not listening.  It is more fun to watch what is going on outside.  I wanted to remove my shoes, but I couldn't reach them while strapped into the car seat.

The car parks and Mommy gets out.  I see her go around to the back of the car.  Then she is by my door.  She opens it.  I get out of the car and stand up.  I'm taller than Mommy.  She has me sit in a stroller.  She fastens me into it.  She gives me Brabra and I again put my thumb back into my mouth.  She pushes me to the building.  I am looking at the people and the people seem to all be looking at me.  I wave at them.

In the store, there are so many things to see: the aisles, the products, the people and everything else.  Sometimes when I look at people, they turn their heads quickly away, sometimes they stare right at me.  Brabra never leaves my arms.

Soon we are heading out the door with a cart full of groceries. Mommy puts it in the trunk while I wait in the stroller.  She unfastens me from the stroller.  With nothing pushing on my butt anymore, a loud fart escapes and soon some poo too.  I don't mind the warm lumps on my bottom.

I am placed into the car seat again and we drive towards home.

“Looks like someone made a stinky,” Mommy says while driving.  “We'll have to get you changed as soon as we get home.”

Back home, Mommy takes me to my room.  I want her to carry me, but she doesn't.  (She can't anymore.)  She changes my diaper.  It was starting to itch.  Then she gave me a toy and I started to play.  I didn't notice as she left the room and closed the gate so I couldn't get out.

Before I knew it it was lunch time, then after lunch Mommy put me down for a nap.  She played some soothing music until I fell asleep.

“I woke up, my thumb was in my mouth, I removed it as I got out of bed and grabbed some more toys.  They had all been put back in the plushie bin.

Mommy came into the room and let me out.  I walked around the house and played.  Mommy was talking to one of her friends.  Her friend was very nice, she gave me some candy and told me “You're such a big girl.”  She was grinning while she said this.

My brother's came home. I went into their room.  I am taller than both of my brothers.  I wanted them to play with me.  Stevie did, for a while.

Daddy came home.  I was playing but I dropped everything when I saw him and flew into his arms.  I gave him a big hug and kisses all over his face.  I love Daddy soooooo much.

We had dinner.  I sat next to Daddy at the table.  After dinner he got me ready for bed, taking off my dress.  I had long since ditched my socks.  He changed my diaper, brushed my teeth and hair, washed my face and put me into a nightgown.

Then he tucked me in and kissed me.  Mommy came in and she read me a story until I fell asleep.  I didn't know it but it was only 7:00 PM.

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