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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused  trouble to others for his own amusement.  Cardonali had the ability to  put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted  to.  He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an  elevator waiting to see who would get in.

"I don't know if I want to go," Jaclyn complained to her older sister Oakleigh,

"It'll be fun at Lucille Roberts," Oakleigh encouraged.

"It's just a gym."

"It's not a gym, it's a health and fitness club."

"What will I do there?  Lift some dumb weights?

"There is a lot to do besides that."

"Like what?'

"There's Zumba, yoga, kickboxing, dancing and there is even a pool."

"I still don't know if I want to go."

Cardonali used his magic and soon Jaclyn was all in and eager to visit the gym.

Jack and Owen entered the elevator.  Cardonali had changed their perspectives on the way out and now they were returning home.

Jack was twirling his fingers in what he thought was only a wig.  "No one suspected a thing!" he stated with a smug smile on his lips.

"I told you they wouldn't," Owen replied.  He had his hands folded across his chest.  All we had to do was put on girl's clothes and a little makeup and the women at the gym wouldn't suspect a thing.  It's because you have such smooth girlie skin."

"F**k you!  I can tell you one thing, I will be happy to get out of this skirt and put on some normal clothes."

"Awe why?  You look good in a skirt."

"F**k you again."

"My gawd, I'll never forget this day.  All those gorgeous girls getting undressed in front of us like it was no big deal."

"Did you see that one the really big..."

"I don't know how she found a shirt that would fit her.  She almost made me cream my pants."

"Good thing your dick is so small that no one saw it."

"F**k you.  My dick is bigger than yours."

"Yeah, right."

"Where will we tell mom we were?"

"At the gym of course.  No reason to lie.  She has no reason to suspect we were dressed like this and were in the girl's locker room."

"Good point."

The doors opened and the 'boys' got out.  They walked to their apartment and entered the room they shared.  Jack unzipped his skirt from the back and pulled it off.  Owen pulled down his jeans.  Jack pulled his arms out of his leopard skin leotard and let it fall to the ground.  Owen pulled off his t-shirt, revealing his bra underneath.  Jack was still removing his bra when he heard a scream.

"What's wrong?" Owen asked as he turned to Jack.

"It's gone!  My dick is gone!  I have a pussy!" Jack screamed.  

Owen saw what jack said was right.  He wasn't a boy anymore.  It was then that Owen realized that he had breasts on his chest.  They were 'small' but they were there.  He pulled down his panties and found that his member was also missing.

"We pretended to be girls, now we are girls!"

"How could this happen?"

"I don't know.  I know as much as you do."

Jack and Owen, formerly Jaclyn and Oakleigh, found that they were trapped in the lives of girls.  Even all their clothes had changed and everyone they knew thought they had always been girls.  It was a horror they would have to live with the rest of their lives.

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Mindy Murdoch

I love it! This is my favorite floor! I would not mind following more of Jaclyn and Oakleigh’s new lives. 🥰