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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused trouble to others for his own amusement. Cardonali had the ability to put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted to. He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an elevator waiting to see who would get in.

Gary and Karen Delancy ran to the elevator leaving their mother behind.  When they heard their mother click-clacking her way down the hall, they posed in the stance they were going to take for the final of their routine.

Roberta, their mother stood in front of the elevator door beholding her children. "You look great, just great," Roberta enthused.

Gary knew something was wrong.  At first, he didn't know what it was, he just didn't feel right.  But when he looked down at himself and saw a white round-neck top instead of his jacket he was very confused.  Looking lower he saw he was wearing a red skirt.  Even though he couldn't see them, he could tell he was wearing open-toed dance sandals with a strap around the ankle.

Roberta got into the elevator and pressed the button for the garage level.  She didn't know anything was wrong with her children.

He could feel the bra around his chest, feel the tights on his legs, feel the earring weighing now his ear lobes, feel the ponytail down his hack  and that the top he was wearing was actually a bodysuit that wrapped around his crotch.  He looked at the mirrored surface of the elevator and saw that he was in his sister Karen's body.   He saw for the first time, everything he could feel.  But he couldn't show the horror on his face.  Something was preventing him from doing that.  His smile faded, but there wasn't the look of terror he felt.

He looked just like Karen.

His mother continued, "Don't be nervous you will do great.  You have practiced over and over.  You know the routine by heart."

Gary wanted to say something.  To tell his mother what was happening, but he couldn't, he had to stand there and listen to her.

Gary looked at Karen.  He saw his body standing there.  She looked perfectly calm.  She didn't show any indication that something was f'ed.  Gary caught her eye and noticed an extremely slight nod of her head.  She knew what was happening too.  Gary did his best to nod back.  He hoped she saw it.

Despite telling them they knew the routine by heart, Roberta continued with reminders about the routine, "Karen when you are seated on the floor and Gary pulls you up and you jump into his arms?  Remember to look deeply into his eyes, not at the audience.  You have to be in the moment!"

Gary thought about the routine, he knew Karen's part as well as his own.  But he hadn't danced her part.  Could he do it?  Would he have to?  He thought he was stuck.  He couldn't complain.  He couldn't act in any other way that Karen was expected to act.

"...and when Karen is in your arms, spin her around and let her go in stride.  Remember for this dance, you are not brother and sister you have to sell that you are in love.  As you know, the dance is called Teenage Love Affair."

Gary hoped that when he and Karen were alone they could discuss what happened.  Obviously, he couldn't while mom was around.  Gary had been looking to this competition for months, but now he didn't want to do it at all.  Certainly not with him playing Karen's part.

The elevator reached the garage level.  Roberta got out and Gary and Karen followed her not knowing what the day or the rest of their life would hold.

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