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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused  trouble to others for his own amusement.  Cardonali had the ability to  put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted  to.  He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an  elevator waiting to see who would get in.

Baby Petie and his mother entered the elevator.   Petie (actually Peter Allan, not that he knew that) was an infant nine months old.  His mother carried him in her arms while pushing the stroller in front of her.

Pete came out of a fog to awareness.  He was being carried.  Looking up he saw he was being held by a giant woman.  It startled him and filled him full of fear.  He tried to scream out, but all that came out of his mouth was loud gibberish.

When he saw his pudgy little hand, Pete realized that the woman wasn't a giant, he was small.  He was stunned into silence when he saw himself in the reflection of the wall of the elevator.  He could see a little baby.  he wasn't a baby, he was an adult man in his thirties.  Probably older than the woman who was carrying him.  He didn't know her, even though before entering the elevator he was indeed the baby he saw in front of himself and that was his mother.

He could feel the woman's arms under his butt.  He could feel that he was wearing a diaper.  When he concentrated, he also realized that not only was he wearing a diaper, but it was wet.  The urine was still warm.  He had just 'made a pee-pee' during the shock of seeing his reflection.  Not that he realized he was doing so at the time.

Pete didn't know what to do, so he pushed off the woman with his hands.

"Petie, why so fussy?" the woman asked him in a sugary sweet voice that adults reserve for little babies.

"I'm not your baby Miss," Pete tried to say, but more baby gibberish came out of his mouth instead of words.  The gibberish didn't even sound anything like the words he was saying.  

The woman repeated the gibberish back to Pete. "ma wat ya baba muhss"

"Listen to me," Pete tried to say enunciating his words carefully.  I'm not a baby."  But that didn't work any better now than it had done a few moments ago.

Between the babbling and the pushing, Pete's mother decided it would be best not to hold him anymore.  She put him in his stroller.

There wasn't anything that Pete could do.  He had to make this woman understand.  But he couldn't.  She was going to strap him into a stroller despite his protests.  He wasn't strong enough.  He couldn't make himself be understood.

His mother tried to put a pacifier into his mouth, but Pete spits it out.

Strapped into the stroller, Pete was turned away from the woman.  With the top down, he couldn't even see her anymore.  Sitting there, Pete tried to come up with a plan, but he couldn't come up with any good ideas.  He was stuck as a baby.

The doors opened and Pete in his stroller was pushed out into the world.

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