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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused trouble to others for his own amusement. Cardonali had the ability to put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted to. He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an elevator waiting to see who would get in. 

Jamison Garrett and his wife Allison had had the same argument that they had had a million times before.  When they got into the elevator neither could bear to look at the other.  They turned away and were mostly looking at the ceiling.  They both knew they were right and crossed their arms as if in an impenetrable fortress.

They didn't speak as the elevator sent them on their way.  With his hands across his chest, Jamison realized something was wrong.  It didn't feel right.  He looked down and noticed immediately.  "They were gone," he thought.  He should be able to feel them under his jacket, but they weren't there.

Jamison's hands were wrapped around his arms,  He released that grip and moved his open hands up his torso to his chest.  There wasn't any doubt about it, the soft mounds he expected were totally gone.  he was flat as a board.  As flat as he was when he was ten years old.

He couldn't hold his alarm back. He shouted, "They're gone!"

"What's gone?" Allison asked.

Looking at Allison, Jamison saw where his breasts had gone.  Allison got them.  But that was impossible.  Despite that, Jamison pointed at Allison and said, "You have them.  You have my breasts."

"Don't be ridiculous," Allison replied, before looking down to see that Jamison was right.  She reached for them and cupped them like she had never before.  She had boobs on her chest.  This shouldn't be.  She rubbed her breast, not in a groping matter, but out of curiosity.  She had never had boobs before.  This was a new experience for her.

"STOP RUBBING MY BREASTS!" Jamison shouted.

"I'm sorry."  Allison felt ashamed that she was touching such an intimate area of Jamison's body without his permission.

"How did this happen?"

"I don't have any clue."

"You didn't wish for breasts like in those stories?"

"Of course not.  I'm not seventeen."

"It's almost our floor.  Let's be quiet until we are in our apartment and then we can talk about this."


Their previous argument was forgotten.   They had something more important to worry about than whatever they had been arguing about before.  The Garrett's left the elevator and quickly walked to their apartment, both holding their arms in front of their chest for protection.  Neither wanted their neighbors to see what had happened to them.

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