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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused trouble to others for his own amusement. Cardonali had the ability to put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted to. He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an elevator waiting to see who would get in. 

Rapheal Nagel was taking his daughter, Kayden to girl scouts.  He did this every week.  Rapheal would drop her off, run his errands and return to pick her up.  Rapheal didn't mind, it gave him an hour or however long the troop met, to do what he wanted.  It was a win-win for both himself and his daughter.

They entered the elevator together and headed for the garage level.  The ride down to the garage and to the girl scout meeting mall was the same as it had always been.  Rapheal put on Radio Disney for his daughter to hear on the ride over.

Rapheal escorted his daughter into the hall and then went to the administration office.

"Hello," Rapheal said cheerfully, "I want to sign someone up for Girl Scouts Juniors."

"What age is your daughter?"

"This isn't for my daughter.  This is for me."

"You mean you want to volunteer?"

"No, I want to be a girl scout."


"I want to be a girl scout."

The person who was taking Rapheal's information thought he must be pulling her leg.  "Haha, very funny.  Now, what do you really want?"

"I told you.  I want to be a girl scout.  What do I do?"


"Don't sir me.  I want to join,"  Rapheal could tell that this wasn't going well, he started to feel distressed.

"You can't be a girl scout."

"W-w-why not?"

"You aren't a girl."

"W-w-where does it s-s-say you have to be a girl to be a girl scout?"  Rapheal said defensively.

"OK, then you are too old.  How old are you 35?"

"I'm 33 actually.  But that shouldn't matter.  I want to be a girl scout and I want to be at the junior level.  I have already know the girl scout motto.  Wanna see?  

'I will do my best to be

honest and fair,

friendly and helpful,

considerate and caring,

courageous and st...'"

Rapheal was cut off.  The attendant at the desk told him.  "Stop fooling around."

"I can't be a girl scout?"


This was too much for Rapheal  He had been trying to hold back tears for a while, but hearing that they wouldn't allow him to join something he desperately wanted to join, he started to cry.

"I-I-I wanna be a girl scout!" Rapheal wailed.

The attendant couldn't believe what she was seeing."

"You have to let me join!  You just have to!" Rapheal yelled at the same time as crying his eyes out.

"I'm sorry, but you can't"

"B-b-but I wanna."  Rapheal was having a full-on little girl's tantrum.  He could be heard down the hall and beyond.  People started to enter the room out of curiosity.

"What's wrong?"

Rapheal ran out to the person making the inquiry.  "i-I-I wanna be a girl scout.  She won't let me-me."  Rapheal pointed at the woman at the desk.  The young woman, several years younger than Rapheal looked at him in amazement.  She didn't know how to respond.

Rapheal threw himself onto his stomach, his feet were in the air kicking, his fists were punching the floor.  He was crying and screaming, "No, no, no, no, no.  You gotta let me in."

The people gathered to discuss the matter.  They didn't know whether to call the guy's wife or the police.  he was obviously having some sort of breakdown.

"If you calm down, we can fill in the papers," the head of this troop soothed.  She wasn't going to let him join for obvious reasons.  But if she could calm him down that would be best before the police get there.

"Ya-ya-you mean it?  The other woman said..."

"Of course I do.  I'm the head of this troop.  I can make an exception for you."

Rapheal started to feel better.  His sobs weren't gone but they were quieter.  He used his fist to rub the tears from his eyes.

"Come with me, and we'll get those forms all filled out.  That's what you want?"


"Great.  I'll also give you some water and maybe if your good a lollipop."


"But you have to stop crying," the head of the troop told him as she led Rapheal to her office."

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