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Father Murphy entered the plane. Being a priest Father Murphy was one of the first to enter. The purpose of this trip was that he was being reassigned to a new parish. Some of the boys had complained and it was thought that changing his venue, particularly to a new country would be best. He had been transferred many times since becoming a priest.

Father Murphy didn't know why these boys complained time and time again. It always started with one boy, a troublemaker. Then other boys would come out too and before he knew it there was the beginning of an outcry.

It was all so innocent Father Murphy thought. These were poor boys, they couldn't afford to see a doctor due to any small ailment. Father Murphy took it upon himself to examine the boys several times a year to make sure that nothing was wrong.

Each boy would take off his clothes. Father Murphy preferred this method as a completely naked boy could be examined quickly and any problems would be seen most readily without the clothing getting in the way.

There would be touching of the boy. How else could a boy be examined without touching?  Father Murphy washed his hands between each boy so as to not contaminate him. He did such a good job that plastic gloves were never necessary. Besides, it was easier to feel for any problems if there weren't any gloves used.

All examinations were videotaped by the overhead surveillance cameras. Father Murphy examined these tapes too to see if he missed anything in the examination or to compare how the boy's status was changing. Or sometimes to compare the growth rate of several boys. He wasn't a medical doctor he was a priest, he needed these comparisons for his own peace of mind.

It was all so innocent, but invariably someone would complain (a trouble maker) and then he would have to relocate as he was doing now.

Father Murphy didn't carry any luggage. That wasn't necessary. He owned nothing, it all belonged to the church and they would send what he needed. All he had was the clothes on his back which were his traditional priestly garments including his clerical collar.

He took his seat near the back. He was on the window seat of a row with only two seats. No one was seated in his row. He adjusted the headrest for his comfort and then took his seat. He liked the way the headrest molded itself to the back of his head. It was so comfortable that he didn't notice as a small device attached itself from the headrest to the back of his skull.

The passengers entered the plane as with any other flight. When everyone had taken their seat, a young girl entered the plane. She was escorted by a flight attendant.

“Hello Father,” the attendant said, “this young lady is traveling alone. Can you look after her?”

“It would be my pleasure,” Father Murphy said with a smile.

The young girl was three or maybe four years old. She was dressed in a red and blue plaid jumper. It had an ironed-on crest in the shape of a shield with a stylized cross in the middle and the words “Quod Innocentia et Fidem.” Father Murphy could read Latin so he knew it meant “Faith and Innocence.” Under the jumper was a white blouse with a rounded collar. She wore white tights and black mary-janes. This was clearly a uniform of some sort for a religious school. In her hair, matching the jumper was a plaid bow. It was attached at the base of the back of her head.

She was a pretty little girl with brown eyes and brown hair in a ponytail. Her eyes revealed her soul to the priest, they were full of both intelligence and purity. In her arms was a stuffed teddy bear that had on a clerical collar much like his own.

The attendant placed the little girl's bag under the seat in front of her. Then the attendant lowered the headrest for her and she took her seat.

Father Murphy felt a slight shock in the back of his head. But it passed so quickly that he didn't move his hand to his head to feel if there was a problem. He didn't think it was necessary.

“Now if you need me at all,” the attendant told the girl, “just press this call button and I'll be here before you know it. If not me, then someone else will come to help you. I'll be back to check on you often.”

“Thank you,” the girl said.

Continuing the attendant said, “I'm sure this nice man can help you too. So be good and enjoy your flight.”

When the attendant had gone, Father Murphy greeted the girl.'

“Hi, I'm Father Murphy. What's your name?” he said in the voice adults use when speaking to small children.

“My name is Grace,” she answered.

“Grace is such a pretty name. What is the name of your little friend there?” referring to the bear in Grace's arms.

“I don't know. They gave him to me when I entered the plane. But I love him already. What do you think I should name him?”

“He belongs to you, you should pick out a name for him.”

“How about Murphy? Do you think that would be a good name?”

“I'm honored you would name such a distinguished bear after me?”

'What does distinguished mean?”

“Hmm, it means honored or special.”

“Yes, Murphy is very special. I think I'll keep the name.”

“How old are you?”

“I'm four.”

“Really? So big for four.”


“I'll bet you are smart?”

“Yes, I am, I can count all the way up to twenty.”

“You can?”

“Yes want to see?”

“I sure would.”

“One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Nineteen, Twenty.”

She missed a couple of numbers and mispronounced fifteen. “That's great.”

“Do you know the alphabet?”

“Yes I know all of it,” then Grace proceeded to sing the alphabet song. She again missed a few, but it was still very good for a four-year-old. Father Murphy assumed that the girl had turned four very recently.

“Wow, you are smart.”

“Why are you taking this trip?”

“I'm going to a special camp. It's for smart girls like me.”

“How long will you be there?”

“Two weeks. I know my days of the weeks too. Wanna see.”


“One day, Today, Threeday, Four-day, Fiveday, Saturday, and Sunday.”

“You know everything. Tell me about the school.”

“Well, it's just for smart girls like me. We all get to wear this cute uniform and we'll play and learn lots of stuff.”

“Will there be any boys there?”

“No, there are only girls. I hate boys. They are all so smelly and mean.”

“I don't know, some boys are nice.”

“I don't think so.”

“Maybe you're right, I know some boys who are very mean.” Father Murphy thought remembering the boys who necessitated his transfer.

“I'm very smart. I know these things,” Grace said with a surety in her voice.

“I see you are.”

Their conversation continued through the takeoff of the plane. Then the attendant returned.

“Would you like a cookie?” the attendant asked Grace.

“Yes, very much thank you.”

“Would you like something to drink with it, milk or juice?”

“Juice please.”

The attendant handed Grace a cookie sealed in plastic and an apple juice box.

“Would you like something Father?”

“I think a cookie would hit the spot.”

“OK, and to drink?”

“I think I could go for some juice too.”

“I only have them in these boxes.”

”That would be fine. What is good enough for my friend Grace here, is good enough for me.”

Father Murphy turned on the TVs for both he and Grace. Grace selected a channel that showed cartoons and Father Murphy put on a station that showed the news.

Father Murphy started to watch the news, but his mind started to wander. He wasn't following the stories anyway. He started to think that Grace was right, boys were all mean. All he was doing was playing doctor with the boys and then the boys went off and told their mommies. Playing doctor is fun, just like playing tea-party or dress-up. There wasn't any reason to be mean.  Then the boys said it was all his fault and he got into trouble. That wasn't very nice. It was like playing tag and someone fell down. It wasn't anyone's fault. They didn't have to blame only him. Everyone wanted to play. It was just a game.

“When you play dress-up,” he thought, “you have to take off your clothes too. How can you play dress-up without taking off what you are wearing? The doctor was like that. When you see the doctor he tells you to take off your clothes. IT ISN'T MY FAULT. The boys were being mean.”

He looked up that the TV but had lost its place. His eyes drifted to the cartoon the was playing on the TV in front of Grace. That was much easier to follow. Not only that, almost everyone on screen was a girl and they were all playing nice. Even the characters that were supposed to be boys were playing nice like girls. He wished that all boys would play nice like that.

Grace was also losing interest in what she was watching. She wanted to do something else. “Can you reach my bag? It has a playbook in there,” Grace asked him. Grace was way too short and strapped in. There wasn't any way to reach the activity book. She couldn't even get out of her seat belt.


He then easily reached down and got her bag. In it, Grace found the activities book she wanted and some crayons. “Thank you.”

“Do you want me to turn off the TV?” Father Murphy asked.

“No, don't bother. I can do both at the same time.”

Father Murphy was relieved, he wanted to find out how the cartoon turned out. He could have put it on his own TV, but this way was better. The attendant might think he was being bad if he was watching a cartoon. Adults always seem to think he was bad if he was doing something a child would do...like playing doctor.

Father Murphy occasionally looked down at what Grace was doing in her book. There were numbers, letters, and things to color in. It was no wonder that Grace was so smart. She seemed to get all the answers right.

The attendant returned, “I think it's time to go potty,” she told Grace.

“I don't need to potty.”

“I have heard you sometimes forget,” the attendant informed her. “Let's go find out.”

It didn't take much coaxing for Grace to go with the attendant. Grace was a good girl she always did what adults told her to do. She handed Father Murphy her crayons and activity book and got out of the seat. She took Murphy Bear with her, hugging it close to her body. The attendant took Grace's hand and led her to the toilets.

Father Murphy was starting to get a little bored with the cartoons. He looked down and saw the picture Grace had been coloring. It wasn't finished yet. He decided to finish it for her before she got back.

Father Murphy wouldn't color in any of the boys though. They were all mean to him and he didn't like boys at all. Then he changed his mind. He would color in the boys, but he would color them like they were girls. He would give them long hair and drawer hearts and stars on their shirts. That would be a great idea. This would help out Grace too. She wouldn't have to draw in those nasty boys.

He found a brown crayon and lengthen the boy's hair. He made it long like a girl's cut. Then he started to draw small hearts on the boy's shirts. After the shirts was decorated in hearts, he filled in the rest with a yellow color. He was having trouble staying inside the lines, but that didn't bother him too much. Grace wasn't staying inside the lines either.

Finished with his picture, he found another page with counting numbers and he filled those in too.

He looked up and noticed the TV again. Instantly he forgot his book and became enthralled with a toy that was being advertised. It looked like it was so much fun. Maybe he would ask someone to get it for him.

Soon the commercial was over and he started to watch the cartoon again. He was so lost in the cartoon that he didn't notice until it was too late that his pants were getting wet. He looked down at the advancing wetness and felt ashamed. He would have told someone he needed to go. But he didn't feel like going, it just sort of happened. “Sometimes it happens like that without warning,” he thought.

He didn't know what to do. He didn't bring any clothes with him. He couldn't even stop himself. Once the pee-pee started you just couldn't turn it off. Not until it was done.

The urine got everything he wore wet, it leaked down his pants to get his socks and shoes.  Also, his shirt was tucked into his pants so that was wet too. He didn't know what to do. Then he remembered, the attendant said if he had a problem, he should press a certain button.

“Which button was it? He didn't remember. He knew his numbers and letters, but that didn't mean he knew what they meant. It took only a few seconds but he finally found the right button. It had a picture of a waitress on it.

An attendant came to his seat. “Hello,” she said brightly.

Father Murphy knew he was in trouble. He had done something bad. He should have told her before he made a mess, not after but he was having so much fun. “I umm was watching TV and I was just sitting here and then all of a sudden I was just. I mean I'm wet. I know I should have...” He was starting to tear up as he rambled on.

The attendant recognized what had happened. “Don't worry about it, sweetheart. It was just an accident. We all have them,” the attendant told him in a soothing tone.

“Yes, that's right. It was an accident. It wasn't my fault.”

“Of course it wasn't honey.”

“But I don't have any clean clothes. I don't know what to do.”

“Well, I have an idea. I'll fix you right up. Come with me.” The attendant extended her hand.

Father Murphy looked down. He couldn't figure out how to get out of the seat belt. The attendant released the belt without being asked. He then took her hand and left his seat.

“Don't you want your little friend?”

Father Murphy looked down and saw a stuffed bear with a clerical collar sitting in the seat next to him. He picked it up. It made him feel better. He had gotten over the worst of his bad feelings when the attendant took charge of the situation. Now his spirits were brightening. It would be easier to walk, even with wet pants as long as he had his bear with him.

“What's your name honey?”

“My name is Grace,” Father Murphy told her.

“What a pretty name. What's your little friend's name?”

“His name is Murphy. He is the only boy I like.”

“So you are boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“Oh no,” the new Grace said blushing a little. Distracted by the conversation he didn't notice any of the looks the few passengers gave him as he walked by.

Once in the large changing room. This was a special room built for this airplane. It was designed for this plane particularly as some of its passengers needed. Those that sat in the seat that he had just left. This plane was more and more in use recently.

Entering the room, the attendant unfastened all of Grace's buttons. Then she removed her shirt. The button of the shirt was indeed wet, but the attendant would have removed it even if it wasn't. Next, she told grace to sit on a table and pulled off her shoes and socks, and then pulled down her pants. Soon Grace was completely naked. She didn't have any embarrassment at being naked. She didn't have any modesty at all.

The attendant cleaned Grace's privates with a wet nap. Grace didn't look down. She had been told countless times that good girls don't look at or touch their privates. When she was cleaned up, the attendant produced a pull-up. It had a Minnie Mouse design on the front and was mostly a light purple in color.

Once the pull-up was secured, the attendant snaked a pair of white tights around her fingers and pulled them up one foot at a time over Grace's feet. Then she rolled them to her knees and then to her thighs. Finally, Grace had to stand again to get them over her diaper.

After the tights, the attendant had Grace put her arms into a white blouse with a rounded collar. She then buttoned it up. Finally, Grace was asked to raise her arms to put on a plaid jumper (with a shield-shaped crest) that could be lowered onto her body. She stepped into some black mary-janes and her outfit was complete.

Grace was ready to return to her seat. “One last thing,” the attendant said.


“This.” The attendant produced a plaid bow that matched his jumper. His hair was too short to make a ponytail, but she affixed it to his hair in the place where the device had been. This bow had its own electronic circuitry.

Once in place, the bow completed the job of the device that Father Murphy never knew he had been wearing. It would remove all memories and knowledge that Father Murphy had had before. And reinforce everything in his mind that would be typical of a young toddler.

It would remain in his hair until it was removed. Once removed Grace wouldn't be able to retain any new memories. Anything he had learned during the day would be forgotten while he slept returning him to the state he was when the bow was removed for the last time.

The attendant showed Grace herself in front of a full-length mirror. Grace recognized herself. This is what a four-year-old girl is supposed to look like. “Pretty as a picture,” the attendant explained.

Grace smiled at the compliment as she looked at herself. She was taller than the attendant and outweighed her by at least fifty pounds. She had broad shoulders and an angular face. She could see the hair on his arms and under his tights. But despite seeing what an objective observer would say is an adult man cross-dressing like a little girl all that registered was the cute face and body of a toddler. This is what he expected a toddler girl to look like.

“Do you want a lolly?”

“Please, thank you.”

Grace was given a lolly and taken back to her seat. She was strapped in and returned to her activity book.

“Now remember if you need anything else, just press the call button.”

“I will.”

“Lunch will be served soon. Do you want mac and cheese?”

“I love mac and cheese.”

“And some milk?”


“Good. You enjoy yourself I'll be back soon with lunch.”

When the plane was about to land, the attendant told Grace, “You wait in your seat until everyone gets out. I'll take you to where you need to go.”

“Thank you.”

Grace was so excited. She was going to spend the next two weeks at a school/camp with girls just like her. She would have so much fun.

The attendant led Grace to a pretty-looking young woman. This woman was a nun but dressed in street clothes. She escorted Grace to the camp.

On the way, the nun explained. “Hi, Grace.” The nun knew her name. “I know you are very excited, I have picked up countless girls like you and they are always excited. You are going to have such a good time.  But I know you are a little nervous too. I want to tell you what is going to happen.

There are lots of girls there, but you are all put in rooms with nine other girls. You will be put in with the newcomers. You will all go through this together. I'm sure they will be your friends for life. All the girls here are nice just like you.”

Grace nodded.

“Everyone wears the same uniform and does the same things. You will meet them all when you get there. We have already labeled your bed with your name. Can you spell your name?”

“Yes, it's Grace.”

“But how do you spell it?”

“G-R-A-C-E.” This was the only word that Grace could spell.

“Great, then you will know which bed is yours.”

At the camp, Grace was shown to her room and the other campers. They were physically all men of differing ages, but Grace saw them as little girls like herself. They all acted bright and bubbly just like Grace did. She met the other campers whose names were Angela, Bonnie, Charity, Donna, Eden, Faith, Harmony, Innocence, and Justice.

They were all dressed identically to Grace and were very friendly. They all greeted her and made her part of their group as if they had always been old friends. Although Grace was told this was their first time here.

Grace settled in with her new friends. Everyone learned the schedule as Grace and they created a game that they all enjoyed until dinner. The day ended with everyone taking a bath. All were shown to their separate bathing areas and were cleaned by the nuns. Then they were put into their nightgowns and put to bed sharply at 7:30. It was only at this time the bow in Grace's hair (and any other of the campers who had arrived today) were removed.

Days, weeks, months, or years later, it didn't matter which, Grace and the other campers would be awoken at the same time. To all of them, whether they had been here overnight or for years, they all thought this was their first morning at the camp. The events of yesterday had been removed from their minds as if yesterday had never happened. They were all eager to spend their first day at camp.

Everyone was herded into a line to get dressed. Angela was first and Justice was last to get changed. They all wore the same uniform, including pull-ups. Despite that every day an hour was set aside for potty training, no camper ever advanced out of pull-ups.

After getting dressed, they were all led in prayers. The prayer included wording that they were all grateful for being here and for what the nuns were doing for them. They promised to be good girls and always follow the directions of the nuns.

The schedule went as follows every day: Breakfast, learning about and identifying animals, singing songs, free play, lunch, potty training, nap time, letters and numbers, dance, more free play, dinner, arts and crafts, preparing for bedtime then off to bed.

Every day was the same thing as they didn't remember what happened the day before anyway. Whether the campers pottied or not didn't matter. Whether they had an accident or not also didn't matter. They would be changed as necessary.

Some campers missed free play from time to time. This was usually for electrolysis to remove their facial/body hair or some other medical procedure. Some of the campers had had their penis and testicles removed, not that they knew one way or another. They had all been 'trained' never to look at their privates, not even while taking a bath or pottying. This was their life from now on. They never left this place nor cared. Every day was a new adventure chock filled with learning and fun with other friendly girls.

If a 'girl' wasn't in Grace's dorm room then he would think he was meeting her for the first time. Even though he might have met this girl hundreds of times before. Grace was amazed and delighted every time he met another girl whose name was also Grace. She couldn't know that all the girls shared the same ten names. Each dorm room had ten girls and each of them was named the same as in Grace's.

No one ever missed that mean stinky boys (or even men) were ever seen again.



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