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A peculiar space ship flew at a constant speed in the skies above the Aegean Sea. After a while, it started its descent towards a seemingly empty area with no landmass in sight.

"So this is how you've managed to stay hidden from the world all these centuries. An illusion spell," Naruto said impressed.

The reason for his amazement was that there was an archipelago of islands of several miles across each that had been hidden by the concealment spell. To cast a spell of such proportions was definitely the work of a god.

"Don't land too fast. Give them time to gather their troops. They're going to feel safer if they have their weapons in their hands," Wonder Woman suggested.

Naruto looked at her weirdly.

"Why would they need weapons? ...you're hiding something from me, aren't you?"

The princess cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Um, actually-"

"Don't even think about lying, shrew!" Kyuubi growled from the side. He was not going to forget any time soon that Diana betrayed him and left him to get beaten up by Naruto.

"What did you call me?" she said and glared daggers at the fox.

Fox and woman glared at each other intensely for a few very long moments. But a sudden flick on the forehead snapped both their heads up and they let out yelps of pain.

"The hell was that for, dipshit?" Kyuubi shouted.

"Naruto, you're going to pay for this!" Diana also yelled.

Wonder Woman and Kyuubi looked at each other briefly, communicating through their eyes. A mere second was enough to reach an understanding and then they nodded at each other. When they both turned their head to look at him at the same time, he felt a chill go down his spine.

"Guys, cut the nonsense. Look, we're going to land soon, no time to fool around now. Guys-?"

Now, it was his time to yell for help when the fox and the Amazon jumped on him. He had tried to break them and stop them from fighting but the two ended up joining hands against him. Naruto learned that day to never get between Kyuubi and Diana again.

By the time Kyuubi and Wonder Woman got their fill from beating up the blond, several hundred women riding on horses had already gathered up on the island below.

"I assume they don't like visitors?" Naruto said when he saw the large group of women wielding primitive weapons.

"Not one bit. Especially when it's a man," Wonder Woman said quietly.

"Should I kill them?" the ever-trigger-happy bijuu suggested from the side, only to be met with two pairs of eyes glaring at him. "I'm just saying..." the fox pouted.

Their spaceship was now only a hundred feet above the ground, floating in the air.

"How should we deal with them?" Naruto asked when he saw the hundreds of women pulling on their bows, aiming at the ship. Preferably, he did not want to fight against them. After all, it was the first time he was going to see his future mother-in-law. What would she think of him if he started beating the crap out of her people?

'Makes me think of that documentary with the tribes of savage cavemen from the jungle of South America,' he thought absent-mindedly, images of indigenous people throwing their spears and arrows at helicopters playing at the front of his mind.

"You just thought of something rude, didn't you?" Diana abruptly said, throwing him a mean look.

He was a little freaked out.

'I've heard of a woman's intuition but this... bruh.'

He wisely chose to not answer her question.

Diana sighed.

"Open the trapdoor, I'll go talk to them."

"You've been exiled from Themyscira already but it looks like you still haven't learned your lesson. What's the reason you're bringing a man to Themyscira again, sister?" a red-haired woman clad in full-body armour shouted.

The first time Wonder Woman brought men to Paradise Island had been for the sake of saving the Amazons who had been turned into stone by the evil sorcerer Faust. Despite that she had saved the lives of everyone on the island, due to their laws, Hippolyta had been forced to exile her. Men stepping on the land of Themyscira was a great taboo, apparently even big enough to cancel the merits of saving the lives of hundreds of Amazons.

"It's good to see you too, Artemis," Diana replied kindly, trying to ignore the redhead's aggressive tone. Before the rest of the Amazons had a chance to start shouting, she continued: "I returned to Themyscira under the orders of Zeus himself. I was ordered to head into Tartarus by myself and slay Hades as proof of my loyalty to the gods of Olympus."

Loud murmurs broke from the army of women and even the headstrong Amazon, Artemis, looked shocked.

"Princess, what have you done?" she asked wide-eyed.

To everyone gathered there, Zeus' orders to Diana to go to Tartarus were no different than a death sentence. In their eyes, Diana was basically ordered by the gods to commit suicide.

"What about the man that came with you on the ship?" a dark-skinned woman asked.

"He chose to follow me into Tartarus and help me in my task."

Her words brought another wave of unrest among the Amazons.

"A man chose to-?"

"No way!"

Amazons were women who had died unjustly at the hands of men in their past lives. As a way of alleviating their suffering, goddess Aphrodite took their souls and reincarnated them into the current Amazons. Goddess Athena had taken a liking to the Goddess of Love's endeavour and joined hands with her, becoming one of the patron goddesses of the Amazons. While the Amazons worshipped all the Olympian Gods, Aphrodite and Athena were the deities that Amazons held in the highest esteem in their hearts, something that was proven through the fact that only these two goddesses had a temple dedicated to them specifically on the Island of Paradise.

That said, the Amazons had been taught from the beginning to hate men. Misandry was a major part of their culture, especially after the way that Hades dragged them into his betrayal of the Olympian Gods. For them, it was unthinkable that a man had willingly chosen to follow Wonder Woman and go to die together with her. Men were devils in their eyes.

It was while the Amazons were befuddled and did not know what to do that their Queen finally arrived on the beach too, riding her white horse.

"Diana, you didn't tell me that you were in a relationship with a man," Hippolyta said snidely and looked at the man with reddish-blond spiky hair next to her daughter. His slit red eyes and the 3 pairs of dark scars on his cheeks were making her secretly nervous. It was not too far off to mistake him for a demon.

"Mother I-..." Diana began to say but fell silent when she saw Artemis, the Amazon with long red hair coming into the throne room, next to Hippolyta.

"Don't mind me, go on," Artemis said, "I'm also curious to hear what made you fall in love with a pig."


A massive appendage slammed into the Amazon's body, violently launching her into one of the walls of the rooms. She lost her consciousness on the spot.

"Kurama! What the hell are you doing?!" Diana shouted in disbelief.

It was the first time Naruto and Kyuubi had ever heard the princess cuss. Nonetheless, Kyuubi did not seem to care. Having grown to be as large as a horse, the nine-tailed fox looked exactly like a demon. His deep growls and his crimson-red yes sent terror into the eyes of anyone who saw him. The Yellow Lantern Corps had tried to recruit him in the past for a good reason. His ability to provoke fear was unmatched.

"A bunch of lowly monkeys not knowing their place," the fox said angrily.

He did not mind it when he and Naruto were calling each other names and beat the crap out of one another. But the moment that anyone else disrespected Naruto, Kyuubi would fiercely defend him and when someone spoke ill of the fox, Naruto would teach those people a lesson too. Seeing the way that the Amazons as a whole were disregarding Naruto and then hearing Artemis calling him a pig was the last drop that spilt the glass.

"I held back out of respect for you, Diana," Kyuubi said, "but make no mistake. I won't allow anyone to treat me or Naruto like garbage."

He would never allow anyone to treat Naruto like the villagers in Konoha had treated him when he was a kid or how his female teammate abused him on a daily basis. If Naruto did not stand up for himself due to various reasons, the fox was going to do it.

"Did you hear that, woman?" Kyuubi turned his head and growled at Hippolyta.

Naruto facepalmed himself.

"There goes my good first impression."

He blew out a long sigh.

"Alright, calm down everyone," he said eventually. "Listen, I know some men are horrible, but it goes the same for some women too. There are good and bad apples everywhere. You can't just dump everyone in the same pot."

"You mean to say you're one of the 'good apples'?" Hippolyta asked.

"Is me following her to Tartarus to kill a god not proof enough that I love her?" Naruto said, looking straight into her eyes. "Besides, there's a much easier way to see the truth of my words, isn't it?"

This time, Hippolyta could not mask her surprise.

"Do you mean-?"

"Yes, use the Lasso of Truth on me," Naruto confirmed.

"You don't need to do this, Naruto!" Diana unexpectedly refused. "I've never doubted your feelings for one moment."

"But your mother does. Just give her the lasso, Diana. Think if you were a parent, wouldn't you want to see what your daughter's suitor really thinks in his mind? I know I would. It's understandable."

Though still not happy, she eventually handed the Lasso of Truth to her mother.

Appearing rather hesitant, the Queen of the Amazons came to Naruto and put the lasso loosely around his neck, on his shoulders. Her eyes were filled with curiosity as she looked at him up close. Not many people would willingly give someone permission to find out what truly lay in the depths of their heart.

"You can ask me anything you want," he said, giving her the green light.

Hippolyta nodded at him. Then, the Lasso of Truth started to glow with a golden light.

"The Lasso of Hestia commands you to speak the truth. Answer me, do you love Diana?"

Naruto's face winced. His mind instinctively reacted to the magical intrusion that tried to scour through his thoughts.

'It feels similar to the Uchiha's genjutsu. Maybe I could break out of it if I wanted?'

But in spite of those thoughts, he did not fight against it and let the Lasso control him.

"Yes, I do."

Hippolyta asked:

"Why are you willing to follow Diana into Tartarus?"

"Because I love her. I will protect her, even at the cost of my life."

If Wonder Woman was the same person from a year ago, the one from before she had met Naruto, hearing someone saying those words (especially a man), would provoke anger in her. She was the proud princess of the Amazons. She did not need someone to protect her, much less a man. Currently, however, his words filled her heart with warmth. Naruto did not often tell her that he loved her but whenever he did, she felt butterflies in her stomach.

Hippolyta did not miss the tender expression on her daughter's face, nor the love smouldering in her blue eyes. Even before she asked the first question, the fact that Naruto brought forth by himself the suggestion to be tested under the Lasso of Truth had already won over her trust. Seeing the way Diana was looking at him made her understand that the two of them truly held deep feelings for each other.

'Since that's the case, I might as well give them a little push, a little help.' the Queen thought to herself.

Unlike other Amazons, she did not abhor all men. She knew that there were good people among men too, as Naruto said. It was just that she did not want her daughter to make the same mistake as she had done, to fall in love with the wrong person, with a man who would use her and then throw her away. But now that she was convinced that Naruto was sincere about his feelings for Diana, she did not mind them being together. Therefore, she decided to actually support them, as a mother should.

"What are your plans in regards to Diana in the future?" Hippolyta asked, indirectly giving Naruto the chance to say that he wanted to marry her.

Under the coercion of the Lasso of Truth, Naruto answered:

"I want us to leave the Earth together because the rabble of this planet does not deserve her. I want her to be happy. I want to marry her and have a daughter with her."

Diana was on the verge of tearing up. Hippolyta appeared to be moved too by his answer.

"I think it's enough, mother," the princess said. She wanted nothing more than to hug him at that moment.

"Alright. But I have one more question." Hippolyta said. "What is that you like the most about my daughter?"

"Her muscles," Naruto replied.

Kyuubi: "..."

Diana: "..."

Hippolyta: "..."

The three of them looked at Naruto with blank faces, in disbelief.

"The Lasso of Hestia commands you to speak the truth!" Hippolyta repeated in an authoritative voice. "What do you love the most about my daughter? Answer me!"

When Hippolyta asked that question again, Kyuubi thought to himself:

'Oh, boi. Now she's done it. You opened a can of worms you shouldn't have.'

As someone who had been with Naruto from the very day he was born, the fox knew his character better than anyone else. He knew what was about to come.

Naruto's face stiffened for a moment, a sign that the lasso was truly working on him, and then he said again:

"Her muscles."

When the effect of the lasso ended, he could not help saying in annoyance:

"What, you were expecting me to say her big boobs or something? Yes, I love her boobs too but it doesn't compare to her muscles!"

"Naruto!" Diana cried out in embarrassment and flushed.

But when she saw his eyes roaming up and down her body shamelessly and his lecherous grin, her face turned even redder, all the way to her ears.

The blonde-haired Amazon Queen looked at him still with a blank face, not knowing what to say. Interpreting her being at a loss for words as her judging him for his tastes, Naruto said self-righteously:

"Boobs are great and ass is great too. But her muscles? That's where it is!"

He was speaking with passion, his eyes burning with conviction.

"Long legs with strong calves, thick thighs, and wide hips contrasting with a thin waist... A strong core with six-pack abs and a defined v-cut combined with a pair of large breasts and a toned, big ass!"

Now, he was speaking even more fervently, with reverence in his voice:

"The peak of athleticism meeting the peak of female body attractiveness, resulting in perfection given human form! You scrubs know nothing! How can someone look so strong but tender too at the same time? How can someone have such well-defined muscles but also exude such feminine grace at once? I bow to Aphrodite for gifting Diana her blessing because she is a work of art! She is divine!"

At that moment, Hippolyta lost it and just stared at him with her mouth open.

The sound of a sword being unsheathed was heard.

"Why, y-you shameless s-swine! Mother, shall I kill him?"

Wonder Woman's face was boiling. She began to stutter as if she could not contain her shame and anger anymore. She almost saw red in front of her eyes for a second.

However, Naruto seemed oblivious to her morbid embarrassment. With his eyes closed and his fist clenched in front of him he said, his voice filled with zeal:

"If I am to die one day, I have a dream: that I would die suffocated by her thick thighs and-"

"AAARGH!" Diana could no longer take it. With a battle cry, she lunged at him.

Kyuubi was not one to care about humans' customs and common sense but at that moment, if foxes could blush from embarrassment, he would. He covered his face with one of his tails and turned around, ashamed at being associated with someone as shameless as Naruto.

"I don't know this guy. I don't know this guy," he muttered to himself and made himself small again. He slipped out of the throne room, not able to bear with watching the ongoing scene anymore.

Several hours later, Wonder Woman was thrashing around in her bed, kicking the air with her legs. Burying her face into her pillow, she let out a scream. She had just recalled again the scene of her mother interrogating Naruto with the Lasso of Truth.

'How could he say something like that?! In front of my mother!'

She let out another muffled scream in her pillow. Then, she turned on her back and looked at the tall ceiling of her royal chamber with a blank look on her face.

'Ah. I won't be able to look my mother in the eyes for years.'

'I want to die.'

Thankfully, the saving grace was that she did not have to deal with anybody anymore. Under the Queen's orders, and thinking that this was probably the last day of her life, the rest of the Amazons did not bother Diana anymore. Naruto and Kyuubi were also given rooms in the Queen's residence where they were going to stay for the night. They were going to open the gates of Tartarus the next day.

While Wonder Woman was still steaming in her embarrassment, she heard a knock on the door. She sat up and quickly tidied her bed a little and ran her hands through her long hair, trying to make herself somewhat presentable.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"It's me."

Recognizing the owner of the voice, her blush returned to her face at full force.

"Go away! Swine!"

The newcomer, however, opened the door and stepped inside. Seeing her angry and embarrassed face, the blush marring her cheeks and the glare in her eyes made him grin widely from one ear to another. Wearing a simple white Amazonian robe, with her long hair flowing smoothly down her back and her face flushing, she looked like an innocent and shy maiden.

'Crap, she's so cute.'

He had to force himself to keep his face serious. After he had narrowly evaded her sword back, in the throne room, and ran away, the princess refused to speak to him for several hours. Now, he came to her room to make amends.

"I'm sorry, Diana," he said.

"How could you embarrass me like that in front of my mother?!" she blew up, her face becoming even redder the more she thought about it. When she recalled the way her mother stood mouth agape when she heard his words, the princess buried her face in her palms.

Naruto closed the distance and tentatively put his hands on her shoulders, inwardly expecting her to push him away.

"What would you have wanted me to do? She's the one who asked what I like the most about you while using the Lasso of Truth. I had to answer, didn't I?"

When she looked up at him, he could feel the heat that her face was radiating.

"You didn't have to go into such perverted details!"

Naruto involuntarily smiled again.

"You're laughing! I'm dying of shame here and you're laughing!" she jeered at him.

"I can't help it! You're just too cute!"

"And you're a pervert! Pig!"

"Hey, what's wrong with perving on my girl?" he said with a grin. "Who am I going to perv on if not on you?"

She did not answer but she returned his hug and buried her face into the crook of his neck. They stood embraced like that for a while, in calming silence.

"Although you're a pervert, I still love you. Be grateful for it," she mumbled into his neck, making him smile.

Wonder Woman had gone through a complete rollercoaster of emotions that day. First, early in the morning, having a life-and-death battle against a bloodlusted Kryptonian. Then, her friends and teammates condemned her for killing Maxwell Lord. Then, Zeus basically sent her to die, in Tartarus.

'They're thinking that if Hades isn't going to kill me himself, the creatures of Tartarus or Hera's assassins will.'

After that, she saw tens of thousands of people in New York, demanding her death. The very people that she had risked her life countless times to protect. Lastly, she felt the sweetness of being loved and supported by Naruto. Though the incident during the 'interrogation' embarrassed her to no end, deep down she was secretly elated. No woman would ever say that they hated the fact that their significant other was head over heels in love with them.

Thinking of that, Diana took the initiative to raise her head and captured his lips in a kiss. That chaste kiss soon became something more when her tongue slipped through his lips and intertwined with his. They parted for a short moment to breathe but they dived back seeking the other's lips right away. His hands trailed down her back, feeling her waist and momentarily stopped on her buttcheeks.

She moaned provocatively in his mouth to excite him when he squeezed her ass.

Although they did not voice it out, they both knew what was coming. That it was finally time. She embraced his neck and bounced into his arms, her long legs naturally wrapping around his waist. Holding her in his arms, he kissed her deeply as he carried her to her queen-sized bed.

He put her down gently and Diana momentarily let go of him to pull and tug at his top. Still wearing a charming flush on her face, the pupils of her eye dilated when she took in his well-built chest and shoulders resulted after a century of working as a shinobi and a mercenary. When she looked up and met his eyes, she felt heat pooling in her stomach.

But she broke eye contact when she noticed his hands going to the buckle of his belt and taking off his pants too. Her blue eyes became wider when he saw all of him, towering and ready to go.

'We're finally going to do it! We're going to do it here, on Themyscira, where men are not allowed!'

She was the princess of the Amazons, a maiden that was not supposed to mingle with men. And she was definitely not supposed to have sex on Themyscira of all places, a few rooms away from her mother, on a land that was forbidden to men.

Those two thoughts set her on fire. The taboo nature of what they were about to do had her start breathing heavily in arousal.

He did not have a chance to react before he found himself on his back. Straddling his waist, she started grinding her hips on him and kissed him aggressively, as if she was trying to swallow his tongue. But he was not going to let her fully dominate him. He rolled with her on the bed and Diana ended up on the bottom, with him on top of her. She struggled to get back on top and he instinctively entered the Sage Mode to become strong enough to pin her down.

They glared at each other as if they were rivals for a few moments. Neither wanted to submit.

"I've waited for this for so long," he said, his voice rasp with arousal.

"And that is only your fault," she retorted. "I've wanted you for months."

"But isn't it better now? After I got your mother's blessing? From now on, you are mine, Diana. Mine only."

The possessiveness of that statement sent tingles to her core.

Pinning her hands above her head together with one of his, his other hand came to cup her cheek. His thumb tenderly traced her jaw and chin but when it touched her luscious lower lip, she took him by surprise by suddenly taking it in her mouth and sucking on it.

"Fuck that's so hot."

Even if he was using senjutsu-empowered strength to pin her hands down, she was still physically more powerful than him and could have broken free. But the feeling of being under his control turned her on as she had never expected. When he leaned in and started to pepper her neck with kisses, the pleasure made her involuntarily squirm and use her enormous strength to break free.

When his lips came to her collarbone and started going further south, Diana suddenly ripped her own robe apart, exposing her bare chest to him. The twin, perfectly shaped, and voluptuous mounds and the pointy peaks and the dark pink areola around them, left him mesmerized.

She was turned on too badly, too impatient to let him admire her in a daze for long. She pulled him to her chest and pushed the back of his head, making him almost forcibly bury his face in them. He was not complaining. Not one bit.

Her back arched when his lips found her nipples and started to suck on them. Licking, sucking, kissing and groping her breasts, he lost himself in the paradise of her womanly charms. For Diana, his ministrations were like pouring oil on a fire. Her thighs started rubbing against each other as her core began itching and tingling with arousal.

"Naruto, please!"

Kissing his way down from her breasts, Naruto once again was filled with euphoria. He had not lied when he said that her athleticism was what attracted him the most. He kissed and groped her toned abs passionately, inching down at a snail's pace.

By now, the princess was completely wet. Her breath quickened when he felt his lips going closer to her most private place and she willingly spread her long legs wide open for him. But he kissed his way around her pussy, avoiding it on purpose. When his teeth gently sank into the tender skin of her inner thigh, he drew a loud gasp from her, as if she was choking. Her back arched and her hips unconsciously rose from the bed.

She fell back on the bed but her thighs continued to spasm and shake as a small trickle of fluid leaked from her pussy and stained the white bedsheets beneath.

He looked at her in wonder. Though a virgin, he had read and watched enough porn to know what she had just experienced. What she was still experiencing seeing as her orgasm had yet to end.

His switch was flipped.

He dived between her legs and started to kiss her pussy lips hungrily. When the tip of his tongue touched a particular nub, Diana's strong thighs suddenly clenched around his head.

"Stop! I can't! Ahhh!" she cried out in rapture.

With her hands, she was pushing his head away but with her thighs, she was locking it in against her pussy. It was like she did not know what she wanted. Her brain wanted the pleasure to stop but her body hungered for more if how she was desperately bucking against his mouth was anything to go by.

For Naruto, it looked like his dream to die smothered by Diana's thick thighs was going to come true much sooner than he had expected. He did not realize how close he had been to dying by suffocation until her thighs finally released him two minutes later, and he started gasping and coughing for air.

With his tongue still feeling the slightly sweet taste of her juices, he looked in awe at the perverse image in front of him. The otherwise proper, and serious Amazon princess who never even said bad words was now lying naked on her back, her hands gripping at ripped pieces of the bedsheets and her hips were bucking slowly in post-orgasmic bliss.

As for Diana, she had lost her mind during those few minutes. She had never thought sex could feel that good. Three thousand years was a very long time and although she had never slept with a man before, she had tasted the pleasures of the flesh with some of her Amazon sisters in the past. However, she had never had an orgasm like that before. It was not that Naruto was more skilled than the Amazons with whom she had slept before; after all, it was his first time doing it.

'It's different. It's different when it's with the one I love.'

Her mind was still reeling from the shock of sensations that her body had gone through. When she finally came around and looked at him, she quickly sat up scared.

"Great Athena, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, oh my goddess!"

The sides of Naruto's face and his ears were an angry shade of red, bearing the marks of how Wonder Woman's thighs had constricted him when he went down on her. She touched his face and ears in worry, hoping he was alright.

He chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. You almost made my deathwish come true."

In spite of herself, she started laughing too at the ridiculousness of the situation. But inwardly she was alarmed. She knew her strength very well.

'If it was a regular human I would have probably killed him unknowingly.'

She sighed in relief that it was him and not someone else.

'It's like we're perfect for each other.' she thought dreamily.

"I love you," she said and leaned in, kissing him again on the lips.

Tasting herself in his mouth did not disgust her. If anything, it only served to turn her on even more. She pushed him down and this time she consciously used her great strength to keep him pinned there. Even if he activated his sage mode again, he would not be able to break free from her grasp.

"I let you have your way with me. It's my turn to be on top."

She straddled his hips and he stopped resisting her.

"So beautiful, so hot!" he said, his eye drinking in her appearance.

She knew that too but she never got tired of hearing him expressing his admiration. She bent down to kiss him again, her large breasts putting a pleasant weight on his chest. But then she sat up and smiled at him seductively as her hand came to wrap around him. She raised her hips and lined him with her entrance. While looking him in the eyes, she let herself sink slowly on his dick. But when his bulbous head penetrated her virgin pussy, she could no longer maintain eye contact. That first thrust made her close her eyes and she threw her head back, moaning, her back arched in untold pleasure.


Naruto, to his great shame, lost it the first moment that her warmth engulfed him. He began thrusting into her unconsciously as he spurted his seed inside her. The way she threw her head back and moaned, and seeing how her sexy abs contracted when she took him in, coupled with feeling the heat and the tightness of his first pussy proved to be too much for him. He had already been on the brink of exploding after he saw the way she orgasmed before. He emptied himself in her womb.

But he was not the only one to lose his control. He had been so consumed by his own euphoria that he had not noticed that Diana too orgasmed the moment his dick bottomed her out. She had lost her barrier thousands of years ago, in training. The slight feeling of discomfort from her walls accommodating her first penis ever fell short in intensity compared to the pleasant feeling of warmth and fullness. And when his head incidentally brushed by a particular spot, it was like an electric current shocked her. Her back arched and her walls clamped like a vice around him. Just the thought of him spilling his seed inside her and making her pregnant triggered a smaller, secondary orgasm. Her body devoid of strength, she let herself fall on top of him bonelessly, breathing with difficulty.

It took a few good minutes for them to recollect themselves and gather their wits.

"I'm sorry. It just felt too good. I couldn't last," he said quietly, his face burning with shame.

Fortunately, as she lay on top of him with her chin above his shoulder, she could not see his face.

"Don't worry. We have all night," she whispered and her teeth nipped and pulled at the lob of his ear. "I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk."

He had never heard her speaking vulgarly before. It was because she was so polite and well-behaved all the time that her dirty talking turned him on so badly that his stomach twisted.

As he was still inside her, flaccid, Diana suddenly moaned erotically in his ear when she felt him rise to stand at full mast again. Their organs dripping with fluids now, a repetitive wet smacking sound rang in the room alongside their grunts and moans as the princess started riding him.

Wanting it rougher, she sat up and after putting her hands on his chest, Diana started slamming her hips against him faster and faster, getting wilder by the second. The smacks their hips produced became even louder and two of the bed's legs suddenly snapped with a loud crack from the powerful impacts.

"I love you. I love you, Naruto. I love you!" she said repeatedly, almost like a chant, as she slammed herself against him so hard that it hurt him.

He was torn between being scared and aroused. This new facet of Diana was something he had not seen coming. One particular hard thrust forced him to enter into his bijuu-mode to keep up with her. A yellow-red cloak of chakra engulfed his body but with them being connected the way they currently were, his chakra seeped into her body too, engulfing her like himself.

The stimulation of her chakra coursing through her body while she was furiously riding him proved to be too much. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell on her back, fluids gushing from her pussy like a faucet, splashing all over his stomach and even reaching his chest.

"Void..." he could not help calling out to the abstract entity above him as he tried to calm down the frantic beating of his heart.

His mind recalled a saying that he had seen on the internet: 'A lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets'. He had just gotten a taste of that. Remembering the way she thrashed as she squeezed her thighs around his head and the way she started riding him so wildly that she broke the bed got him to harden again.

'She was saying I was a pervert but it was the pot calling the kettle back,' he thought and chuckled.

He pulled himself out of her and then he took her in his arms, bringing her in a proper position to sleep. The bed was inclined due to the two legs that snapped while she was riding him, the bedsheets were stained with their fluids and they were both a sweaty mess but Naruto could not bring himself to care at that moment. He could not remember when was the last time he had been as tired as in the present.

Pulling Diana closer into his arms, he hugged her dearly to his chest.

'I can't believe such an amazing woman is mine.'

"Sleep well, princess. I love you," he whispered and then closed his eyes, falling asleep.


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