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Millie stared out the window of her apartment, invigorated to start making a plan on how she would be able to break in. The thought of being able to explore the insides of the factory excited her. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that she couldn't pass up.  Millie did some research online and looked up all sorts of guides on how to break into buildings. She looked up what tools she would need and what supplies she would bring if things went south. As she was researching on her laptop, the doorbell rang. Millie put her plans away, and rushed to answer the door. It was her neighbor and old school friend Tom, Mille and Tom had always been friends since they were in school. He was a nice guy, but he didn't really talk to people, which made him kind of awkward. His hair was chestnut brown and always messy, his eyes were a pale blue, and he had freckles across his cheeks. Tom was wearing a grey t-shirt, dark jeans and black Converse shoes.
"Mills, wassup? Haven't seen you in a while. Where've you been hiding?" Tom said in his normal casual cadence. "I'm fine, I've just been busy with something." Millie replied with a smile. "Wanna get something to eat? I was gonna head out, would be nice to catch up and talk". "Sure!" Millie said enthusiastically, "That sounds great, I actually have something I wanted to mention to you." Tom look intrigued at the thought. Millie always would drag him along on some crazy adventure or scheme to his own detriment, but he always enjoyed spending time with her.  "Oh, here we go, what is it this time?" he asked.  "I'll tell you at the pub." she replied.

They left their apartment building and walked side by side towards the town center and found a nearby pub. The pub was pretty empty, apart from a few patrons having drinks and a waitress cleaning the tables. The pub was old and a little run down, but it served its purpose. It was cheap, and it had a pretty decent beer selection. The two friends sat down at a booth near the  far side of the entrance and ordered a couple of pints of beer as the waitress came to their table. After they had ordered their usual meals and the waitress and left them alone Tom leaned forward towards Millie.  " So, what's up Millie?" Tom asked nervously. "It's a secret!" Millie replied with a grin. "Secret? Come on Mills, just tell me already!" he said eagerly. "Okay. So, you know that the Wonka factory is gonna get demolished next month, right?" she asked. "Yeah, I heard that. What about it?" "Well, I've been thinking that maybe we could go in there before it gets demolished, explore the place and document everything on video. That way we can show the world what it looks like now." "That would be cool! What do you mean by 'document'?" Tom said. "Document? Well, I figure we could make videos of the inside of the factory, and post them online. People will be fascinated by the history of the factory, and they might even donate money to help preserve the factory, or rebuild it. I think it would be awesome to make a documentary of the factory and share it with the world, don't you agree?" she said. "Yeah, that sounds like fun. But what exactly do you have in mind?" he asked. "Well, first we'll need to get in there, right? And that's gonna take some planning. We'll need to make a plan, gather our supplies and equipment and then sneak in there and find the best place to set up shop. Once we're done there, we'll go through the rest of the factory and record everything we see." "So basically, we'll be doing a lot of sneaking around and climbing over walls and stuff?" he asked.

"Well, first we'll need to get in there, right? And that's gonna take some planning. We'll need to make a plan, gather our supplies and equipment and then sneak in there and find the best place to set up shop. Once we're done there, we'll go through the rest of the factory and record everything we see." "So basically, we'll be doing a lot of sneaking around and climbing over walls and stuff?" he asked. "Yup." she replied with a nod. "You sound absolutely insane, you know that? What about the police?" Tom replied. "What about the police?" Millie laughed. "How are we going to avoid the police, they will definitely be patrolling around the area?" "That's not a problem. All we have to do is stay out of sight, and sneak into the factory when the police aren't around." "And what happens if someone sees us?" he asked. "Then we just hide, or run away. We'll be fine, trust me. I've got this covered." she said confidently. "Alright, well I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." Tom said. "Me too." Millie replied with a nervous laugh. "So, what made you wanna break into the factory? Seems kinda out of the blue if you ask me." he asked while taking a sip from his beer.

"Well, I've always been interested in the factory, and I'm curious to see what's inside, and I can't let something this historic get demolished without seeing what's inside. Haven't you ever been curious?" she replied. "Well yeah, when I was younger for sure. I used to love the factory, I always wondered how it works, and what's inside." "Well, I've been wondering the same thing, and I think that we should go inside and document it. Who knows, maybe it won't even be as bad as we think it is." Tom nodded in agreement, as he took another sip of his beer. "So, what do you say?" Millie asked. "I guess so. Let's do it." The waitress returned to hand them their food, a hamburger for Tom and fish and chips for Millie. They ate their food quietly for a few minutes, until Tom broke the silence.  "So, what is your plan for getting inside the factory? I mean, it's gonna be pretty hard to get in there. Won't the police notice us if we try and sneak in?" he asked. Millie took a deep breath and thought for a second.

"Well, I was thinking about breaking in late at night, when it's dark. And then I was thinking that we should find a nice secluded place to set up camp, and wait for the right time. If we get caught, we can just hide and run away, but if we plan properly, we should be able to get inside undetected." she said. "Seems risky. Do you know where we would even start?" he asked. "Not yet, but I've been looking online, and I found some guides on how to break into buildings. I'm gonna do some more research, and then we can decide on a plan of action." she replied. “Jeez Mills, you’re really serious about this!” Tom said, surprised at her dedication.  Millie puffed up her chest pridefully. “When have you known me to half-ass anything?” "Never." he replied with a chuckle. "Exactly my point!" she said triumphantly. They finished their dinner and paid the bill, and left the pub. The evening was still young, so they decided to walk around the town and grab a few drinks to celebrate their new plan of action. A couple hours later they were back at their apartment drinking and talking. "So, are you ready to give me the full rundown on your plan?" Tom asked.

"Of course!" Millie replied with a grin. She got up, grabbed her laptop and walked into the kitchen. She opened up a browser tab and went to Google Maps. She searched for the location and zoomed in on the map. "Here we go." she said, pointing at the screen. "Ok, so, we'll need to find a good spot to set up camp. It needs to be hidden away from people, and it needs to be close enough to the factory so that we can sneak in there without being seen." she said. "You want to camp in the middle of the factory?" Tom asked. "Why not? If we're planning on exploring the entire factory, we'll need to stay out of sight, and that means camping somewhere in the factory. There's no other way around it." she replied. "Alright, I guess that makes sense. So, where's a good place to camp? The only thing I know about the factory is that it's huge." he said. "Well, the factory is made up of several buildings, most of which are connected together in a circle. We're going to need to get inside the main factory building, and then work our way through the rest of the factory. The factory is surrounded by a fence, but I've found some guides online that teach you how to climb over fences, so that shouldn't be any trouble." she said.

"We'll have to be careful, and not do anything stupid. The police don't patrol the area every day, so we probably won't come across anyone while we're trying to sneak into the factory. If we keep a low profile, and be quick about moving around, we should be alright. Just remember, we can't risk getting caught!" she said. "I think I got it. So, how long will all of this take? I'm assuming we're going to be gone for a few days. I'm gonna have to talk to my work." he said. " I've got supplies and stocked up on food. I've got a few days off coming up, so I'll be fine. You can use the computer to send an email to your work. I'll be back in a minute." Millie said, leaving the room. Tom took a seat at the desk and began typing away on the keyboard. He sent a quick message to his boss, explaining that he would be away from work for a few days, and that he wouldn't be available for meetings or calls during that time. He included his personal email address so that they could contact him at home. Then, he pressed send.

He looked at the clock and saw that it was almost midnight. He figured that Millie would be back soon, so he logged into his social media accounts to check if there was any news on the internet. A few minutes later Millie walked back into the room carrying a couple of bags filled with supplies. She placed them on the bed and unpacked the contents. "I bought a tent, some sleeping bags, water bottles, snacks, a backpack and some other things. Everything we need to survive in the wild for a few days." she said happily. "Awesome! Good job, Mills!" Tom said. "Thanks! I was worried that I might forget something, but I’m pretty sure didn't." she replied. "Alright, I'll pack my bag, and we can leave tomorrow." Tom said. Millie picked up one of the bags and put it on her shoulder. "Let's get to sleep, we have a big day ahead of us!" Tom left Millie's apartment to head to his own, where he packed a small bag with a change of clothes and toiletries. He went to bed and fell asleep instantly, as he slept he dreamed about what he would find in the factory with Millie.


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