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It’s become an obsession at this point. All the art I’ve seen, the fanfics I’ve read, the  anonymous role plays I’ve partaken in. Still not enough, I still need more. I lay awake most nights yearning for more. My dreams are so vivid, it’s almost like reality… I can’t remember when I started fantasizing about inflation and blueberries, it’s all such a blur at this point. I feel like a freak. I can’t satisfy this hunger I have, it’s an addiction. The humiliation. The fear. Being fully engorged in juice. Blissful ecstasy. I’ve fantasized about being inflated to the point of near-exploding, only to be drained completely covered in my own juices. But fantasy isn’t enough, I need more. I need the real experience.

After the ‘incident’ with the Violet Beauregarde on the news, they had to discontinue the chewing gum they were developing. It spurred an underground black market to find any remnants of the illusive and dangerous candy. Internet rumors sprung up about others trying it, giving them the ‘ultimate thrill’. I didn’t believe it at first, it sounded like a work of fiction. That is, until videos started to surface. I remember seeing one for the time. It was surreal. The way that poor girl puffed up… It was perfect, just as I imagined. First the nose started turning blue, then the fingers. Her arms and legs started expanding so fast. Her clothes ripping apart as her body was morphing into a huge bowling ball, and the noises. Oh lord, the noises. The gurgling and gorging, her mouth was leaking a dark purple liquid dribbling down her wobbly chin and onto her fat belly. I was completely enamoured by it. I knew I needed that gum.

I searched and searched for months on end, with no avail. I poured all my free time into finding any leads or scraps of information. I was an addict, chasing a high I hadn’t even experienced. It was utterly hopeless, I tried everything. My last resort was to search the deep web, it was my last chance to fulfil my dream. I searched through pages and pages of sketchy websites, risked getting a virus on my PC just to get that damn gum. I posted on forums, lurked around on drug market websites to see if anything would come of it. I searched for weeks and weeks, but absolute radio silence. Nothing.

While doing my nightly browse to find any information about the gum, PING suddenly a message pops up in my inbox. Finally! I hover my cursor over the open button in disbelief, I take a deep breath. My palms start to get clammy, my hands are shaking with adrenaline at the sheer thought that I could be so close to what I’ve desperately been trying to find for so long. I turn around and look over my shoulders, feeling like I’m doing something illegal by just looking at this message. Okay then, here we go. CLICK. The message says that the original batch from the factory is completely lost, but as they were disposing it someone gathered enough to study it. At the bottom of the message was an address, and in big red letters “COME ALONE. CASH ONLY. $100 PER STICK OF GUM.”. There it was, this was my chance. I thought it could be a scam, or even worse I could be killed by the sender. I guess it’s a risk I’m going to have to take. I couldn’t sleep that night, thinking of finally experiencing my blueberry fantasies was all I could think about. The next day I withdrew $250. Two hundred for the gum, and an extra fifty I’ll keep hidden just in case something were to happen. I went to the address on the message; my stomach churning in knots with fear and excitement, my heart racing. All I can think of now is being stuffed with juices, oh god I can’t wait.

As I walked towards the destination, my heart starts pounding. I keep looking over my shoulders, and make sudden turns down streets to make sure I’m not being followed. I’m so paranoid at this point, I feel like a criminal. I arrive at the address, I look around and I can see anything or anyone. Shit. I think I’m on a wild goose chase, I knew it was too good to be true. I start pacing around the street in a panic, thinking I’ve wasted my time trying to chase this silly dream. Suddenly I hear a whistle, “hey kid, you lost?”. I spin around surprised that I didn’t notice him before. “Uh, no I’m just waiting for a friend”, my voice definitely gave me away. I didn’t belong in this area, and he definitely could see that. He looked me up and down, his eyes reading me like an open book. He tilts his head to the side and  back, gesturing me to follow him. “Come on, not here”. I tried to formulate a sentence, but out of sheer shock I just couldn’t. How did he know I was buying? Was I that obvious? I sheepishly walk beside him, trying to act nonchalant. “So, you got the stuff yeah?”. He stops in his tracks and puts his arm up to stop me too. He quickly surveys the area and whispers angrily “pipe down kid, not here”. From that moment we both knew I was a fish out of water, I shut my mouth and kept my head down and followed him without saying another word to him.

We head into a house, he turns me and says “What you looking for? Weed? Coke?”. I stammer and try to interject. “Uh- no. I’m um looking for… the gum”. He nods, and heads up the stairs and shouts down to me “wait in the living room, I’ll be two minutes”. I slowly peer through to his living room and awkwardly sit on the edge of his sofa. My hands on my knees like a student waiting to see the principal, I feel so nervous that I’m breaking into a cold sweat. I take a deep breath, close my eyes and whisper under my breath “I can do this” and let out a big sigh. I hear his footsteps coming down the stairs, I turn to look at him and he comes into the room holding a small wooden box and sits next to me. He opens it up, and I see ten, maybe 15 individual sticks of gum. “So how many do you want?”. I reach to grab my money and say, “two, please. It’s hundred bucks a stick, right?”. I hand him the money, and he passes the two sticks to me. “I can’t believe it, it’s real”. My voice was audibly shaking, and my hands twitched with excitement as I held the gum in my hands. “You gotta be careful, this shit can really fuck you up”. I put the sticks in my pocket for safe keeping, and stand up to leave. “How did you find this stuff anyway? I heard that they disposed of them”. The guy smirks and chuckles softly “I’m not at liberty to reveal my suppliers”. I nod in agreement “oh sure, that make sense”. He chuckles and shakes his head, “I hope you know what you’re in for”. I nod awkwardly and head out of the house.

I rushed home as fast as my legs could carry me, I could barely unlock the door to my apartment as my hands were shaking so much. I pulled out the two sticks of gum from my pocket and threw my coat onto my bed. I sat in my chair, cradling the precious pieces like they were bars of gold. I unwrapped one of the sticks and raise it up to the light. “Well, it looks like gum.” I bring it towards my nose and inhale deeply. “Hmm. Smells like gum”. I stare longingly at the piece of gum. I slowly open my mouth and put the gum into my mouth and started to chew. I closed my eyes and waited to be pumped up with juices. Then nothing, I kept chewing and chewing. I couldn’t believe it! $200 for two pieces of gum! I got scammed! I wanted to go back to that dealer and give him a piece of my mind, I was so livid I slammed my fist onto my table. But, wait my thumb. It’s turning blue…

It's happening, it’s really happening. I can see my palms slowly darken into a rich, deep purple as if it were like ink from a pen. I approached a mirror and could see my nose was turning purple as well, I started touching it in disbelief. My saliva had the sweet and sharp taste of blueberry, and I continue to keep swallowing repeatedly only to feel the sensation get stronger and stronger. My arms are starting to get puffy at this point, it feels like air is being pumped through my entire body. I let out an audible groan, the transformation is affecting me all over at this point. I now realize there’s no going back, and I will become a blueberry. 

My arms and legs are getting plumper by the second, as well as my ass and thighs. I can feel the juice running through my whole body, stretching me apart making me feel like a big purple balloon. I just start dribbling juice at this point, it’s getting everywhere. I can’t see my toes anymore, my body shape is so spherical all I can see is my fat purple belly. The juice is dribbling from my chin and slowly making its way down to my belly, like a river during high tide it starts to flow faster and faster as I continue to get larger and larger.

Even now I feel like I can’t get any bigger, I still keep growing. The pressure of the juices presses up against my skin, gets tighter every second. The pain is too pleasurable to comprehend, I am simply engorged and in a pure state of arousal to feel or notice. My fat and plumpy body is covering my room wall to wall, I’m running out of space. I’m getting too big, I need to be popped soon otherwise I’m gonna explode everywhere. My clothes are completely ripped and torn apart, like a purple incredible hulk, they have stretched to the point where they can no longer hold together. My stomach was sloshing around as I tried to roll my body to sit up. My ass is so wobbly and fat it feels like a giant cushion, and my feet are consumed by the fat from my legs. It looks like I’ve slowed the down the growing for now. 

The shame and embarrassment washed over me, I have never felt so vulnerable in my life. I am utterly useless in the blobby state. I can’t even call myself human at this point, all I am is a big fatty ball of juice. Sloshing around every time I moved my body, I sat there in my room immobilized. A big purple baby, unable to move easily and fully stuffed like a prize pig in a state fair. As time goes by I realize that I need to release the pressure building inside of me, as I start to fear this could be permanent. I try to shift my body, but to no avail. I am completely stuck and I cannot move, my arms are flailing around. I try to call out to my roommate, but my mouth gurgles and barely any sound comes out of me. I start to panic, I look around the room to see if there is anything I can use.

My eyes dart around the room, my vision is limited by my head movement. I can barely turn my neck left or right, I can only see what is directly in front of me. I see the lamp on my bedside table, maybe I could knock it over? I try to push my body forward, but I start to roll forward and my face slams and hits the floor with a loud thud. My apartment shakes as my body falls over  and I hear a muffled call from my roommate “Hey! You okay up there?”. I try to respond back but it’s just moans and gurgles. I hear her footsteps. I hear my bedroom door open, but I’m too big to move. “Jesus Christ, what happened to you?”. I lift up my head and manage to formulate a few words “Uhhh- juice me”. My roommate looks at me completely shocked. “How do I do that?”, with all my strength I lift my head once more and manage to blurt out “squeeze me”.

My roommate cautiously approaches me, looking apprehensively at me. “Wh- where do I do that?” I try to speak but just moans and gurgles just come out of my mouth, as juice starts leaking from my mouth. “Okay okay, I’ll just pinch you here”. My roommate grabs my fat ass and tries to squeeze as hard as they can, like they’re popping a giant zit. I let out a moan in pain and embarrassment, I’ve never felt so embarrassed in my life before. My roommate proceeds to squeeze harder and harder, I can feel the pressure of the pinch, I’m gonna pop. Suddenly, I feel a final sharp pain and head a loud audible pop. I can feel the juices drain from my body, I start to slowly deflate. My arms, legs and ass start to slowly decrease in size, as the liquid drains from my body I am filled with ecstasy. The feeling of juice following out of me feels like a pressure was released. I let out a long and loud moan as I slowly get smaller and smaller. I eventually shrink so much I return to my normal size, my clothes completely ripped to pieces. I’m lying in a huge puddle of juice half naked, with the biggest smile on my face. My roommate looks at me and says “Well, I’m not cleaning this up”. They leave me lying on the ground all purple and wet, covered head to toe in juice. I sigh, sit upright and say “Thank god I bought another”.

To be continued?


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