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Hey everyone, quick update, as I said in a previous post earlier this year, I wanted "Saviour" to be out before the end of this year and I really do, I want a fresh start for new ideas next year instead of stagnation of ideas, so over the last couple of weeks I've been working away getting the project together but I have had to forfeit making a christmas mini project to do so.

I did want to work through re-animating some scenes, get some better audio done, use some better models in some scenes and re-do some things I've learned since starting this project but it would of taken to long and I'm not sure it would of been worth it, that said, I still think it holds it own, it will be out next Saturday, one way or another!

So thanks for your patience and enjoy your holidays :) happy christmas!



Happy Christmas


Nothing is ever perfect, there will always be flaws here and there and you will receive criticism nonetheless. However with each project you release we will see improvements, you take a flaw from before and make it better in the new, that’s what when your followers see that you’re improving and making an effort. Don’t try to perfect everything, evolve as you go!


Happy Christmas!!🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄




Sweet can’t wait how long is it gonna e




would love to see new cuckold+monster film. but build more on the intimacy between the husband/wife. basically, asking for a new blender version of fallout short lol


Will you do or think about an updated version of "Rach Encounter" ?

Sam W2

Please time the pop up dialog text box from not covering the good parts of a scene. Let us see the full scene first then the dialog box appears. To appreciate you artwork fully.