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This will be an interesting we as I'm going to attempt to release Breaking Bad season 1 on Youtube in 2 episode segments.  We'll see how it goes.

I'm hoping this will increase the interest in Patreon as we're so much further ahead here vs there.




Channel building and YouTube question: Is there a reason you don't have a "join" button for your YouTube. I think it's usually $2.99 or so a month for my favorites. I get special stickers next to my name in comments and live chat etc. Is it tricky to set that option up? Youtube Membership.


I've talked to other reactors and they are seeing neat zero benefits from it. YouTube is basically trying to pull creators away from Patreon and start a special side channel with benefits for YouTubers who sign up for $3. There is concern about expectations from creators vs expectations from users. It's still something to consider. YouTube is still building that "side" business. We'll see what the future brings.


Very interesting. I appreciate the info. I'm a fan of knowledge too. BTW my superpower would be something like the Flash. A kinda run flying.

Mark Finley

Does this mean less movies per month? Fridays only?


Yes/No S1 of BB will be every other week. This is just another test on my audience. Stranger Things did horrible, we'll see how this does.