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The generals had told them this could never happen. They had said that they were the only ones to have developed the serum, that the Russians could never catch up, could never get over the technical difficulties involved in reproducing the Goliath Programme. But they were wrong. They were spectacularly wrong, and now America’s superheroes watched in disbelief as the world’s greatest nightmare was coming true.

She was so far away that she was partly obscured by the summer haze, but they had to crane their heads back to see her face. It was a face they feared: General Yuliana Petrova. A hard woman of the Russian north who made her name executing dissidents in the Gulags before making it to the front line and rising through the ranks as a brutal field general. Now she had been magnified to unimaginable heights, possibly up to two miles tall. The Russian version of the serum had not only given her size but packed out her physique with slabs of rock hard muscle. She was built like a superwoman the size of a mountain.

Shells and missiles from the fighter jets streaming around Petrova did nothing. She seemed to find them vaguely amusing as bunker busters popped against her pale skin. She had caught Amazon, and the hundred foot tall super soldier was pinched between the Russian’s finger and thumb; one third of the Goliath Programme was already caught like a fluttering bug. The general swung her other hand, nonchalantly swatting a jet out of the air. It was all that Titania and Valkyrie could do to stand and face her. Crouched down between buildings the monstrous invader might not even be able to see them until they could come up with a plan, but they would have to act quickly. They were America’s only hope.

*So the scenario isn’t very fleshed out but I can’t (and don’t want to) go all MCU on this, but thought a superhero type world might be fun for this.*

*Also I had a big rethink about the lighting for this and rerendered with this dramtic contre-jour lighting (backlit, or against the sun). As I have a whole set of both I'm dumping everything on the alt. angles post for Big and Mega Boss tiers. I thiink this version is less clear but more awesome.*




The god ray coming from her crotch is stunning! Wonderful as always!