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The heat from the body they were standing on was almost unbearable. Sweating in full PPE the small team of scientists moved as quickly as they could, hauling their gear into the relative protection of the shadow of the giant’s colossal cock. 

“I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but he’s not that big is he.”

Joel snorted. “Jesus Christ Barry, just concentrate on the job.” But Barry was right. That was why they were here. This giant couple were in some ways of a manageable size, only an estimated 100x human. They were still vast, and this cock measured something in the region of a yacht, or a small passenger jet, but not the size of a tower block. Not yet anyway. The flaccid penis lay on the giant’s belly. Dry but hopefully still coated with the sexual juices from both the male and his female partner. That was what the gear was for. 

“Now get up there and start scraping Barry.”

Barry grumbled, but began to climb, hauling himself up the slope of the giant’s hairy testicle, grabbing onto pubes like young trees on a forested hillside. When Barry had reached the top, Andy followed with the collection barrel and passed it upwards. Just as he’d let it go, Andy looked up to see a vast face rising over the ridge of the giant’s soft cock. A face that was beautiful beyond words, with a broad smile. She laughed. She was laughing at them.

“Run!” cried Andy, turning immediately and throwing his body off the precipice and down into the forest of pubes below. Andy was momentarily stuck grasping the sample barrel, bent over as his colleagues ran to get off the giant’s body. Slowly he turned to see the grinning face lick her lips. Before he could move, Barry saw the face descend upon him, the mouth opening directly over him and engulfing him, along with the cock. He felt hot breath all around him in the pitch darkness of her mouth, and then the rough power of her massive tongue as she violently rolled him against the giant’s member. Soon he’d be waking up.
