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“Come on you little munchkins, come to Clara.” Clara sat herself down cross legged on her comfy chair and beckoned to Annette and Paul. The looked sheepish. The morning light streamed in through the windows of Clara’s apartment and cast a warm glow about the room. She was in a terrific mood for the same reason that her diminutive friends were reticent about cooperating. She’d been a bit rough with them “Don’t worry, I got carried away last night, but it won’t happen again. I forgot how little you’ve become! Seems like I don’t know my own strength!” Clara beamed and hoisted Paul and then Annette up onto her thighs where they struggled a little to find their balance before they both toppled and caught themselves on her breasts. Clara gave them a little more gentle encouragement via a soft hand on the back. She stroked them a few times before pushing their faces towards her nipples. She was dripping already. “Come on now, a treat from the teat.” At last she felt the little mouths on her nipples. Unfortunately they had become too small to properly suckle and Clara felt their struggles as they sought for purchase on the massive nubs. “There you go my little cutie pies.” Clara coo’d, “The more you drink the more you shrink. We’re going to have a good time tonight when I get home from work. I’ve got some ideas for things we can do now that you’re so small. Your hands and arms can get to the most delicious of places, and your mouths may be too small for my nips but I can think of another nubbin you can suck on.” Paul and Annette caught each other’s eyes, seeing their concern reflected back. The escape plan needed to be brought forward, before it was too late.




Now I wonder what she did the day before. Great images as always Pandoza!


Feels like a scene from a lost classic size story, something that would’ve colonized my dreams when I first discovered the joys of big ladies.