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Tricia pulled her gaze away from the struggling figure and back up towards the beaming face of Mrs Yip. Gathering herself she continued the interview.

“Ah, so.. Mrs Yip, what are…”

Mid sentence Tricia was thrown from her feet as the vast, plush, platform of palm she was standing on rocketed upwards and backwards. Mrs Yip had leapt to her feet with a little squeal that shook windows and set off car alarms. Road and pavement cracked beneath her indoor slippers. 

“Ohh my my my.” Mrs Yip said. The passengers in her hand were momentarily forgotten as she slipped the strap of her top down over her shoulder. There was a wriggling beneath her shirt, next to her nipple. It seemed that Nelson, by  accident or design, had not been able to keep his hold on her hem and had slipped out of sight. Mrs Yip bit her bottom lip, trying unsuccessfully to stifle a moan as she peeled her camisole down, exposing her bare breast. There, hanging from her now very erect nipple, was Nelson. Mrs Yip looked down at the struggling figure with a mixture of yearning and amusement as he dangled almost two hundred feet in the air. Luckily for the young man the nipple provided excellent handholds.


Nelson was beaming as he swung and pulled himself up. In part he was absolutely terrified and he smiled when he was nervous, and in part his adrenaline had kicked in and was propelling him to athletic feats he could never have dreamed possible. Clawing his way up over the firm and rough, but soft and warm surface was like the greatest rush he could imagine. Her body was so vast that  it was like scaling a mountain. Looking up he could see the desire in Mrs Yip’s face and that made him both excited and fearful. Maybe this was his destiny after all but how many more of these near escapes would he have to make just to survive her? She may be an old lady but she was now more than he could ever handle. How do you service a woman as large as a tower block? Nelson tried to look on the bright side as he clambered up to straddle her nipple, and relative safety. He was going to be experiencing things that nobody ever had before - at least until Mrs Chen and Rose found themselves some toy boys too. Mrs Yip had not stopped staring at him this whole time. As he steadied himself he called up to her. 

“A little help please?”

*Although the first Mrs Yip's Big Interview scene didn't get the best numbers here or on Twitter/DA, so many people commented saying they'd like to see a continuation that on this occasion I bowed to the will of the people. The race for 'main image' was run very close by another POV. This one won in the end because to me it worked better as part of a narrative, although the other was a simpler and more dynamic composition. Big boss and Mega Boss patrons can see it in the alt angles. In this angle you also get a better view of Nelson and the nipple he's hanging onto for dear life too (although now I feel like he's quite enjoying the challenge).*




Fav character that you have come up with!! I'm glad we even got more of her than we did!! If only we could get even more, I just can't get enough of Ms Yip!!

Geri Munro

God bless You! I will be a patreon member as long as Mrs Yip exists!....:)))