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Mike was racing. Their world had been rocked by that bone head Anna’s rough handling of the petri dish as she lay back in her bed. Ridiculous horny girl, couldn’t she just leave them be? As it happened a slight bump had thrown him and Abbey up into the air and over the shallow side of their container. It had been an incredibly disorientating experience. Imagine standing on a football field, but have it moving around like a rollercoaster, or a helicopter… it wasn’t really possible to find an analogy. He was sure that nothing that big had ever moved that fast in the real world. At their normal size anyway.

So Mike was racing. They had tumbled through the air like they were falling out of a plane, but it seemed that at this size the forces of gravity don’t have as much of an effect. The landing was harsh, but considering he’d fallen about a hundred stories he could stand up unharmed. He had landed on a great expanse of skin that rose like a small hill from the surrounding flat. Stubble stood around him like the remains of a forest that had been clear cut. Abbey had fallen a few hundred yards away. When he realised where, he started running. She was not in a safe spot. As he ran downhill, he was headed for the valley between two huge ridges that disappeared into the far distance. Eventually the plane he was on began to drop sharply downwards. He had to make sure he was headed for the direct centre. 

The thin ridge he ran onto was actually very clearly defined. He could see it narrowing around him and knew that soon he was going to have to down climb. He could hear Abbey’s cries for help now. She wasn’t panicked, she was too strong a person, and too capable an athlete to be brought down by this, but she was in a tricky spot. At least she was still alive and hadn’t fallen further. Small blessings. Reaching the end of the clitoral hood, Mike looked down. Far down. He saw an arm waving. It was Abbey’s arm. She was climbing up in the crease between Anna’s labial folds. In rock climbing it would have been called a chimney. She would probably be fine to come up to him but he had run all this way and felt he needed to help here. After taking a moment to suck in some air, he swung his legs out over the overhang and dropped onto the surface of the labia minora below. Then all hell broke loose. 




PHE-NO-ME-NAL!!! Amazing work as always Pandoza!!