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The earthquakes had caused mass panic in the streets. The shaking came at regular intervals, like the ticking of a clock, like the slow beating of a heart, like… footfalls. The magnitude grew stronger and more intense and by the time the stopped some of the older and less sturdy buildings were listing and cracking. Some people had already looked up and started screaming as a shadow fell across the streets and buildings like an eclipse had suddenly blocked out the sun. They had looked up to see two huge shapes reaching up way above the clouds. Then the shapes began to drop closer to them, cutting out more and more light, filling more and more of the sky. Then the largest quake of all hit, throwing everyone from their feet, sending shelves crashing down and shattering glass. People looked up to the sky to see the faces of two young women, faces open and radiant… smirking. As one opened her mouth and spoke the boom ruptured eardrums and shook the city and it's occupants to the core as a shockwave of sound travelled through them. Then there was a something like the rumble of thunder that echoed around the city streets.


“Worship us.” Saphie said to the miniature city below. They both giggle as she reaches down to pluck up a particularly pretty skyscraper.
