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This was bad. Kim and Washington had left the APC some thirty minutes ago to go out into the ruins of a hospital to look for any abandoned medical supplied that could be scavenged. It looked like the main buildings in the complex had already been cleared out, although they remained in a good condition with several of the upper stories still sound. Disappointed but optimistic about the possibility of further recon they returned to the APC to discover that they were no longer alone.

A pair of enormous feet loomed over the vehicle. The transport was a hefty piece of machinery, capable of comfortably transporting a squad of eight plus a driver and a gunner, but their get away looked like a puny toy next to even one of these toes.

“Shit.” Kim muttered as she slid down behind the low cover of a ruined wall. All they could do in their position was to keep still and hope they weren’t spotted. The giant undoubtedly had a clear view down over the entire area and would be looking for the occupants of the transport. 

The feet were slender but as the giant’s weight shifted slightly the ground creaked and groaned, concrete and asphalt complaining as they struggled to maintain their integrity. Looking up from the feet, past the ankle and up lithe, strong legs, Kim could see the giant was female. She looked long, fit, and athletic; something like the body of a basketball player or a high jumper, and she was scanning the ground. 

There was a loud screech and Kim’s attention dropped back down to the APC. A large section had now disappeared under one of the feet and eight inch thick bodywork was screaming as it was being slowly smeared into the ground. As the hinges gave up and the door blew out Kim could make out the flash of a figure.

“Double shit. Chen’s still in there!”

The figure of Chen was now half in half out of the ever shrinking portal. He was trying to make a decision. Should he make a break for it? If the crushing continued it was certain death, but if the foot was just toying with them he might be able to wait it out. If he was in the open there was nowhere to hide.

“He doesn’t even know we’re here…” Kim now whispered to Washington as she crouched, perfectly still, every muscle tense with her finger ready on the trigger. Isolated and with no support it was now or never for them all.




Have you considered writing any full-length stories in one of your settings? I think you could pull it off.


Thanks for saying that! Actually I am working on one right now. It's probably classed as a short story as I'm at 35 4k images with a start and a finish (open ended finish) in a fresh setting and kind of a generic growth to 2000ft but of a mature woman. I'd like to add a few more images, maybe to get it up to 40. But I need to write the writing too. I'm considering how to release it.