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Catch of the Day

The chopper skimmed through the clouds, the pilot expertly picking her way through the massive forms billowing around them. The team sat in silence. They were a strike force ready to be dropped in to the toughest situations: “Dropped in the shit” as they said when the odds were at their worst. They had been briefed on a disturbance at a base to the East of the Rockies, just north of Denver. A military base had gone quiet and the higher ups had shit the bed. fighters were being scrambled, but recon was needed, boots on the ground. That’s where they came in. 

“There could be some serious shit down there. Don’t freak out, whatever you see!” 

The CO was a barking hardass but he was sweating. He was freaking already. What did he know?

“Something up ahead. Something showing on the scanners that shouldn’t be there. 3 clicks on our 2.” That got everyone looking out the windows and doors. There was a shape almost discernible through the clouds. A density. There was a glimpse of a dark swish and a flash of something solid and light… almost fleshy. 

“We need to get higher.” 

The chopper rose, still on the same heading and drove into a cloud bank. The air was cool and still for a moment, and then the clouds broke and light flooded through the cockpit. It the momentary blinding light they saw the ground just below them, but they were a thousand feet in the air. The ground was a rumpled surface, cut further with ridges, and a soft, light pink. Then above them on the left side a shadow, four, no five dark lines across the sky, descending towards them. Then dead ahead it all made sense. A body, a face. A woman looking down at them, her size beyond all comprehension. She was naked, clouds tickled her collarbone and curled around her enormous breasts. Her short hair was tucked behind her ears to keep it out of her face and she looked like she was trying not to laugh. The ground below was her palm, and descending towards them from above, the dark lines were here fingers! Her other hand was coming down to catch them. 

“Pull up!” the CO screamed.

“No time.”the pilot replied, taking evasive action. 

As the sky went completely dark she dropped, the chopper landing heavily on the palm below them. They had been thrown around but they were in one piece, emergency lights casting a red light on the moaning and groaning elite troops. A muffled booming was all around them. The giantess had caught them like a butterfly and now she was laughing.



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