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Dave woke up on a hard surface. It was pitch black and had the feeling of an enclosed space, although he couldn’t tell how large it was. There was a smell that he thought was vinyl, but also plastic. That wasn’t getting him anywhere. He was naked. To his left a short way off he heard a sniffle, and the sound of someone rubbing their eyes.

“Hello?” He said.

“Dave! You’re awake. I thought you’d never wake up.”

“Lynne, is that you?” He heard a shuffling and felt a hand groping against his thigh, he pulled Lynne to his body and held her close. She was crying. She was naked too. “I… where are we?”

“I don’t know. I tried banging on the walls. I think they’re plastic.”

Dave stood up and took hesitant steps with his hands out in from of him, trying to feel his way through the blackness. As his hands hit a solid surface he felt a thumping coming through the ground. Lynne screamed.

With breathtaking speed the room around them lifted into the air, leaving them standing on a bright white surface surrounded by a vast space. They were both blinded and it took a few seconds for their stunned eyes to adjust to the light. Lynne screamed again. Dave turned slowly and was greeted with what looked like a theatre curtain made of a thick cable knit. Then he looked up towards where the ceiling should be and found his eyes travelling up a wall of skin. There was a body that rose stories and stories up into the sky. As he craned his head back he could see the underside of huge breasts, kneaded by fingers as large as tree trunks, and then further up, two piercing eyes and a familiar smile beamed down at them.


The vast woman grabbed her nipples and gave them both a violent tweak before bringing her fidgeting hands down to her sides. She slipped her thumbs under the elastic of her waistband and pulled her panties down to her hips. Dave stared up at his ex’s twat, larger than the side of a house, looming above them.

“Oh My God.” whispered Lynne slowly and breathlessly.

Sadie smiled again, and pushed her hips forward, bumping into the side of the surface them were standing on, rocking the tiny couple’s footing.

“Make it easy Dave…” Sadie bit her lip. “I want you to fuck her inside me. Then maybe I’ll keep you both.”



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