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“Forward battery fired.”

“Direct hit.”

“No effect captain.”


The pillar of flesh and bone as large as a skyscraper slammed into USS Indomitable midships on the starboard side, caving her hull and causing her to take on water. As the giant took her next stride the titanic shin moved onwards through the water and the wake created caused her to list, and then roll onto her side, the munitions storage exploding catastrophically. She was sinking fast.


“They are like stupid flies aren’t they?”

“Stupid flies with little firecrackers.”

“Honestly if they hurt they’d be really annoying, as it is it’s like a little sound and light show.”

“Just make sure we get the ships and they won’t have anywhere to land. That’s the funniest part, they really haven’t thought about that.”

“Well this is our welcome to the world, our first engagement.”

“I think they’re going to remember this one!”

“Me too! Especially as I have these little souvenirs.”

“You’re so naughty Priya!”

“What do you mean?”

“Look at them! They’re the perfect size and perfect shape for a dildo replacement.”

“Mona! You’re so filthy!”

“You know you were already thinking doing it yourself! Besides, I want to see the look on the general’s face when I dump it down in the middle of his parade ground after I’ve used it.”

Laughter rang out across the water as the women bent down to the water and reach towards the battleships and aircraft carriers of the US Navy’s Seventh Fleet.


As low level research scientists at the Indian government’s Department of Scientific affairs, Monisha Bajwa and Priyanka Agarwal had been used to the dismissive gestures and creepy advances of their male superiors. The Gamma Ray Omni Wavelength chamber malfunction changed all of that. After a power overload to the system caused a catastrophic malfunction that caught the two young women inside the chamber with no protection they were transformed into colossal symbols of physical and erotic power, thousands of feet tall and with outrageous figures that would make the gods blush. Now the world was full of minuscule toys who worshipped them in their tens of millions, with cities laid out like carpets of delicate crystals, and landscapes like gardens of ornate mosses.




Will they catch a submarine and play with it? Sex toy maybe???


It's in the picture. She has one stuffed into her bottoms and tucked into her bikini. I wrote exactly that in the story?


See it now. Looks like the sub is kinda tiny for a dildo. LOL. Will we see her use it as a dildo and maybe lick it?