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Well, things appear to have come to some place of understanding...or you'll see once I have the dialogue in place xD - In the meantime you can certainly imagine what they are talking about :)

I'll do my best to have the finished page by this weekend.





Hey Leo, once this is done, how likely are you to take one another Rina story in the future? I mean, this was a big piece you did there, so I'm guessing you'll want to do other things, now... Just saying, I for one felt really invested in Rina's story. ^^


Well certainly I may take a small break of Rina but there are other comics waiting to be resumed like 'Hunter's Mate's and 'Force of Nature'. But for Rina herself I've mentioned the idea of remaking 'the gift' and expand on it. But we'll see.


Certainly fun to see how the aftermath is playing out. Rina looks quite adorable throughout it. Cyn fun going through such a gamut of expression and reactions. Interesting to see how you will explore the Rina-verse in the future.