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As you can see the Bonus Image is a discarded Page that I worked on Stream. Because initially this was supposed to be page 5! Because this was requested by Cearenbow to finish the page with this muzzle sequence and a full drawing page for the end on another page.

In the end I was feeling that doing so I would be skipping too much detail and tf work, (growing for, muscles, claws that now you can see on page 5 sketch). Cearenbow accepted that I could add a new page (page 5) and rework this one as a more fitting progression before the final page. I think it was the best decision.

Anyway, I hope you like it!





Really like how you did the muzzle change. Quite the exciting howl there she has at the rearing the head back. No doubt help by how stimulating her naughty tail is being there.