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Welp, this page had a lot of rework to what once was. Reason why it took me this long to post another page. Right now I'm evaluating if I'll be able to post a third page tomorrow because I have to work and finish Rina's Night page. I hope you understand.

Anyway I hope you like it :)

HQ is sent at the beginning of next month to those who fulfill their pledge.





What kind of friend are you Gary? Your running away from your friend when he needs you the most! Pawhands don't turn knobs Gary!


Pizza, Gary. Get the pizza!

Darrell S. Nixon

Leo, this is tremendous artwork, but I’ve just noticed something. From 18 to 19, the werewolf has gone from the bathroom (wash closet) back to the living room (or lounge)


He's been in the living room all along. You can see the transition in the background of page 15, that's just a vanity mirror in the corner area of the living room, right to the couch. I do admit if you think carefully it seems he took several steps backs before plunging to the floor in page 19 to stay in front of the couch again. But that's some of my own mistakes xp


The more I read this page, the more I enjoy it. His inner thoughts, the implied violent motion of the transformation, and the wolf-like stance in the last panel. He's so close!