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Hi there wolves!

I've just sent the Rewards of last February to those who fulfilled their pledge. I hope everything is correct.

And yes, I know it's already March 12, way beyond the "the first few days of next month". But shit happens...all the time. Yo never know when fur and fangs will sprout and you'll end up prowling the suburbs....the usual.

A few heads up:

- For the few of you who also follow my Alpha Luna work, "Beta-Collie" is still priority over resuming chapter 5. Until that is done, AL and AL patreon won't be coming back.

-Beta-Collie will be 18 pages and not 17 as I anticipated. I hope to finish those 2 pages this month, we'll see.

-"Hunter's mate" will skip this month. The commissioner is unable to fund the work atm but also with all I have in plate probably is a good thing it happens right now. I hope "Pemny's Curse" is able ti fill that void.

- "Force of nature" will only have 1 pic this month due work load.

-"Becoming Wolves" will have 3 or 4 pages this month, still is unclear. It depends on how much editing work I may have to do. Not many know that BW started as a rough sketch comic that I did for fun based on Timid tabby's story back in 2011, there was no shading at all and I've been reusing a few drawings of the original work that I did and never posted. So if you see difference on terms of detail and polish, well now you know why. And trying to balance the new art with the old it can be tricky.

Wel lthat's all I have in mind atm, any question and more you can always contact me at my email licantro @ gmail.com

Also if you use discord, remember to become a pack member at https://discord.gg/cbNX7E  where I have mu channel with my comissions and work schedule posted.

Until the next transformation....




Life certainly happens. Still great to hear from you again and thanks on the update to what to expect this month.


Problems in your real life are sadly no things you can plan. I really wish that you get to a point where you see and end to them. But its always good to hear you are doing well.


Leo, I hope all is well. I pray for you and hope there is a speedy resolution in regards to your health.