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Finally it's time to work! Was an entire month doing the moving thing and I was freaking tired...

Here's the update of the situation:

In brief: Previously I was in a room at the house of a man with his own schedule. So, there was some time-points where I wasn't able to work. And that made my sleep schedule and work schedule become super crazy because he changed every time in base of his own schedule. All afected to me.

And now, I'm in a little house, with ADR (Other animator) and we have the same schedules so I'm gonna have my work 100% FINALLY!!! GOD...!!!

Again! Thanks for the support! And I'm using smartphone internet rn for a couple days, tomorrow I'm gonna contract the internet service. But btw, finally I'm gonna be able to give my 100% on this. At the moment, I'm gonna be here in this house maybe 1 entire year, so... TIME TO LEARN AND ANIMATE THINGS!!! QWQ!!!!! THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUUUUUU AAAAAA 💕💕💕

(This means, there will be no more delays! 👀)




Huzzah! new place! But dont work yourself too hard, make sure to take breaks ^^


Congrats! and well deserved too, wishing nothing but the best for you = W=)7


damn, you room is bigger than mine now :´v, but i am glad for you


Era mudarte de cuarto no a un palacio

Man vector Ytp

My wall paper on my computer is hex maniac 😏