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I've spent almost a week just reporting and throwing away the animation. One of the patreons leaked the content and shared it on several pages.

I have gone to report and many times they helped me to download their content. But I can't report on mediafire or facebook and.... Well. I asked nicely to people, there was even one who leaked it on Twitter, stealing me diffusion of this animation that took me 5 months of not sleeping or eating well, working stressfull with a lot of anxiety for my legal migration papers of real life and with this animation with non-stop and.... I only received insults. And it already happened to me in many other places... Ask nicely and... insults to me or people defending me or defending my work...

So, seriously... My apologies to you... I couldn't manage to keep the content from leaking. I managed to do it before with Yordle Love, but... This time I couldn't... I have managed to talk to bigger artists to explain me the measures and it is that it is not possible to avoid it, they will always steal and maybe republish or even RESELL the content and.... It makes me helpless.

But it really hurts me because I don't want you to feel that I have stolen from them or that this is a scam, no..... On the discord server in the patreon tab you can go in (you must link your discord to your patreon account to be added automaticaly) and see that we were trying to report as many videos as possible and.... There is one who even posted the video and put in his twitter bio the link of the video... Others who resubmitted my content cutting the message at the end or the credits of those who helped with the music and voice... Others even censored my logo... Another one posted the free animation link in my public twitter posts and I can't delete his tweets because twitter won't let me and I had to hide and block them and... God... It's the first time that I put so much effort in an animation and I said this is my only income to eat and survive and I try to give it all and only after half an hour they steal it and on top of that they insult me... Why...?


Again... Sorry, I feel so bad. And sorry for speak a little sad.
But for you that are real supporter for my content and understand the hard of this. Seriously... Thanks you so much. And like always... Sorry for my potato english.
I'll need maybe a week to order my mind and my ideas and heal my head and body. I love you and thanks again, and yes, I'm accepting it: I'm a crybaby... Not a robot without feelings T___T

PD: I readed all your feedback on DM's, was super amazing and helpfull and you helped me to see things that I didn't, sorry for not response to all, it's cuz... Welp... Was the fault of this.




What I mean is that you haven't really failed us your just fighting an uphill battle. I enjoy your content and Im happy to support you.


Other people are the most unpredictable thing in the World, which is something we cant change. but more important than that is yourself. as long as you have Fun with making YOUR Animations. Concentrating on making your Animations Great is going to make Us, Your Followers, Happier than knowing we were the exclusive people to see it. No matter how many Animators or Artists are out there, Your Work will always be Unique and thats why I'm Here.


Should not notice it too much,you can do more.That's not cool,but you need know that you have so much fans.So maybe this can be something make you more popularity.We can help protect your content in e621 and rule34.


Love your work, sorry to hear that


As someone who's had stuff of mine stolen/reposted without my permission this hits on a personal level, hope you get better soon and don't let horrible people like this get to you


Coleoptrata's idea is really solid. Publicly post samples and things yourself as you go along, so you can point to it if someone tries to claim your work and strike you. Extended version/higher res/no watermark/etc. on paid platforms. I can think of another creator that had to pull frames from their rendering stream (or something like that) to get a fraudulent strike against them for their own work dropped. Make that paper trail to protect yourself. We aren't going anywhere.


This is just disposable


It never should have happened


If it makes you feel any better I saw the leaked video, figured out who made it, came to this patreon, and then pledged because I thought it was really good. So if nothing else it got you a new patron.


Same with me I felt like I cheated someone out of it so I pledged to make up for it anyway keep up the amazing work dude(ette?)

Velvet Strings

I didn't see full leaked video, I seen the leaked preview and became a Patreon because I wanted full thing.


Same here as well, you can't win against idiots that don't understand the work put into any kind of content. Be proud of yourself and keep making dope stuff <3




i love ur animation, hope u get out of this soon




stop saying you failed. Idiots are everywhere and leakers are a normal thing of the internet. we love the video and iam pretty sure, everyone hhere is going to support you, no matter what x3


Love you, hold on


I’m sorry someone stole your video. You did not fail your patrons. You tried your best to uphold your standards. I saw this on your account on Newgrounds and loved it. Please know that the months of work you put into this video got you at least one more Patreon subscriber, and I’m sure many others who will join. We value your work and want to support, even if there are those out there that take advantage or disrespect it. Take care, thank you, hope you feel better.

Sir_ BumblinBro_I

That's honestly how I also found this patreon. I loved the animation and just went looking Happy I found it


Late, but I'll throw in my two cents. I subscribe to a Patreon knowing full well that whatever gets posted on the page will almost certainly hit other sites almost instantly unless the creator uses some super annoying file sharing method that will, at most, delay the spread by like a week or two. I sub on Patreon instead because I like the stuff getting made and want to encourage the creation of more of that stuff. The ding on my phone when it's released and having all the stuff in one place is just a bonus. So while I'm sorry for the frustration you felt at having some jerk leak the animation, please know that you haven't failed.


Lol all porn will always be stolen, I joined because I saw the stolen video and want you to produce more!


I saw your stolen content on a telegram group. Joined here for more.

rydan draco

Its inevitable for porn to be leaked. We all know that, and choose to help fund your future projects so that you can create more amazing pieces!


That leak was the only reason I now know of you and became a patron.