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Some patreons will remember this old picture. Was taken the 4 of february. The day when I scaped from Argentina to Chile (A country next) Welp!

A few days ago I got a note of migration stuff. But before I will explain my situation:

I scaped from Argentina. There if you do Dollars, sometimes are illegal. 

And if you do it "legal" with the goverment there you will lost approximately 70% of your gains. (Seriously... No joke.)

In that time some weird stuff happened in my work and I get fired in the start of the pandemy moments. So I was desesperated and depressed.

So I tryied for almost 3 years to get out of that country and that was the BOOM thing that changed everything.

I found the 3D stuff and I learned it just drinking coffee and eating salad cookies for almost the 2 firsts months. And after that I opened my commissions.

After a few months of that, I scapped from my country. (This is the old picture of the room I'm still living it. Best Gamer Setup Ever)

I was here, being a ilegal person for almost 7/8 months. Scared... Trying to stabilize my situation day by day. With no family. With no friends. Nothing.... Thanks to you i'm in the half of the travel to get the stability finally. Every cent that you gave me in the past helped me... A LOT!

So, the news are: I recivied a note from migrations told me my situation now is regular/stable in the country. Now I'm legal for the moment. I must wait 130 or more days for the response about my "Visa"

If I get a Visa, I'll be able to get out of this little room of 2Mtrsx1,45Mtrs and search something better to live. I'm really sorry if you see me super stressfull, or inactive in the discord server. This is cuz I'm making a lot of work cuz I really need this to live.

Thanks you again for being here supporting me. I know a lot of artists tries to show himselfs like a profesional robots. But is not my case. I have feelings too.
So thanks. 💗

And thanks for not filter my animation, that was super good and cute... That help me a lot too cuz thanks to that a lot of people come and I was able this month to eat more literally. I know a lot of people come just for that animation and now will leave. But omg! was my first month with meal every fugging day! aaaaaAAA I'M STILL SUPER HAPPY FOR THAT AAA

And sorry for a lot of text... Qwp)/✨




You've had a long day.


Woah you went through so much i had no idea :o! Im glad to hear everything is ok. A very dear friend of mine is also from Chile lol. Hope everyrhing will continue just as smoothly <3


aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! pero que bueno! espero y te den la visa amigo, se lo que se siente empezar desde zero mucha pero que mucha suerte y valor! me vienen flashbacks de vietnan con este post haha.


A veces la gente está forzada a escapar... Pero a veces todo puede ir mejor! Qwq


Que bueno saber que te encuentras en una mejor situación, no tenia idea y no me puedo imaginar lo que se sintió haber pasado por todo eso. Gracias por compartir tus experiencias y te deseo lo mejor de aquí en adelante!