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Hello there!

If you don't like to read a lot, there's a "tl;dr" at the bottom.

So first up, life things. To be fair, not much has been going on there though the company I'm currently working for has to let me go by the end of the year, meaning I'll start 2020 jobless. This kinda sucks but things like that happen, I guess. On the bright side, I'll have a lot of free time on my hands, until I land a new job. Therefor, aside from working on naughty stuff, I've considered picking up streaming and see how that goes. Can't hurt to try.

As for Giant's Sandbox, things aren't looking too bright, as you might have guessed already. Let me explain to you why. This whole thing started as a passion project and it was fun to work on, until things started to get messy. See, I originally planned to create a much simpler game but over the course of time, I've started stacking things on top of it, things I didn't plan for in the beginning. So a lot of the features (especially VR), had been tacked onto a structure, that was not build for them from the start. This resulted in an incredible mess in terms of code and logic. I've added comments to the code and kept it as organized as much as possible but it's just too convoluted at this point. I'm always afraid that I'll break the whole thing, if I add something new.

This whole mess could have been avoided or somewhat mitigated, by having a proper game design document and actually sticking to it. Though at the point where I began developement, all I wanted was some giants stomping around and to have growing and shrinking options. However, I got carried away with the most dangerous way of thinking about projects like that, "wouldn't it be great if..." and "I should totally add...". That worked for a while but over time I became less enthusiastic about it and grew more reluctant to work on it, which culminated in not having it updated for over a year now. I do want to release one final update though, however don't expect any new features really. It'll mainly be bug fixes and I'll add a bunch of new character models to play with.

Not working on the game has always been sitting there in the back of my mind, making me feel even worse for not doing it. At this point, I just want to be done with it, move it aside and focus on new things. It was my first big solo project and lets be honest, it was destined to fail. I've learned a lot from it though and I'd like to take that knowledge and apply it to something new. For example, I'd like to make a proper version of Endless Rampage, amongst other things. I want to keep things simple and focused, with proper planning from the start.

I hope this helps to somewhat understand my current situation with the game and all that. Either way, thank you very much for reading and for all your support <3

tl;dr: Starting 2020 jobless and releasing one final update to Giant's Sandbox before putting it on hold indefinetly to focus on new projects.



Awes. Sorry to hear that. But I will continue to support your works! You are an amazing artist and have much talent in many different things. *mouse hugs!*


I am sorry to hear that you would be jobless, however, as you said, there are many opportunities to look out for so I believe you will get somewhere that you feel happy about. To be honest with you, at least your game is playable and a very good concept compare to many GT &amp; GTS games I have played and seen. You should feel great to see that your game has become a big influence on the community and that you have a game to play compared to my game. I am surprised how you judge your Design Document being messy because you were still able to pull out a game that is at least fun and experiment to the game world. My games design document is pretty long and big and has been taking me a very long time to update the core features of it. Heck, I do not have have a proper gameplay description of the game, just mechanics. I know the feeling of adding new cool features to your game, I been there before and never ended well for me. My game has not even been physically updated nearly 1 or 2 years now. I just have way too many projects to deal with and having so little time with education, plus work too. I do look forward to seeing your bug-fix update. Bug fixes are better than nothing because at least it would be there to enjoy the replay value it has and appreciate the effort you went through to make it. I am happy for you that you have made a great achievement and I hope for the very best that your future leads to a 'bigger path' to happily 'stroll' around, hehe.


I figured GS felt pretty 'complete' as it is right now, never really crossed my mind that it was unfinished and I definitely never considered it a failure. It's pretty clear you put a lot of effort into it so you shouldn't be so hard on yourself :3 Sorry to hear you're getting let go but I hope the job hunting goes well!


If anything think of the game as a good refrence model. Even if you are done with it, all the things tou learned made it worth while for future projects. Your work is great and people will understand


It's surprising to hear that actually because when I look at the game, I see nothing but construction sites and all the things that don't look quite right and all that.


Thank you and yeah, there is a lot I've learned from it and I do plan to apply that to future projects.


Hey there Sprite! A few of my thoughts: -Sorry to hear that your job is letting you go. I wish you best of luck once the new year rolls around, and I would definitely enjoy tuning in to a stream, as well as helping with the Patreon. ^^ -On the subject of Giant's Sandbox, I'm really sad to hear it's going to be on hiatus. But at the same time, I understand it's for the best. I honestly consider GS to be one of the best macro games from the community, and the interactivity within is some of the best playable macro fun I've seen. A lot of the features you've added are honestly really great, and I think you've made some amazing work. I'm a bit bummed to see it on pause, but I completely respect and understand your decision. I think it's a great little project, all things considered. Anyway. I wish you the best in your endeavors, Sprite. I can't wait to see what's next, whatever it may be. Thanks for the update. &lt;3


Thank you, I do appreciate that. I'm also still happy to hear that you've enjoyed the game that much.


Giants sandbox was awesome, but life priorities definitely come first. Hope you get your job situation sorted out. &gt;.&lt;


Hey Evil-Sprite, I hope you will find a new job soon. I think for guy a talanted as you, it shouldn´t be a Problem ^^. Maybe you can make the game open source, like sizebox.


Thank you very much. Making Giant's Sandbox open source is a bit difficult, since most of the assets are store bought and I can't just release them for free.

Atlan from Atlarchy

Oh... That explains a lot... I'm sorry... It happens too often to passionate people, but you did the best choice you could have done! The game inspired a lot of people to make their own and they are coming out very well... Some better, some worse, but we even have official non-fetish giantess/giant games now. Hope you are no longer in trouble after all that time. No need to reply to me, just know I wish all best for you!