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So, things are not going too well for me this week. It started on Sunday, while I was working on Giant's Sandbox. My teeth started aching and I couldn't really chew properly anymore. After a fairly sleepless night due to the pain, I went to the dentist first thing on Monday. Turns out there was an infection beneath two of my molars, both had fillings already. So they suggested to go for a root canal treatment on both of them. With the first step of the treatment done on one of the teeth, I got a recipie for some antibiotics and went home.

It was a rough day and the only thing I could really do was lay down and wait for the pain to subside, which it didn't. This again led to another sleepless night. I've tried to mitigate it with some painkillers but they straight up didn't have any effect. So the next day, I went to see the dentist again. This time, they also started the treatment on the second tooth. The original plan was to treat one tooth at a time. Once again I went home, still completely hammered from the fact that I hadn't properly slept in two days, so once more I did nothing but lay around.

Third night comes around and while I didn't feel any pain, only minor discomfort from a swollen cheeck, I couldn't sleep either. I also felt very hot and sweated profusely. It was only 19°C (66.2°F) in my bedroom and that is usually not a temperature you'd be lying in bed only half covered and topless, while still sweating. So today I went to the dentist once more. They certainly didn't like that my cheek was still swollen. They treated both teeth again, I forgot how that stuff is called that they put inside and while doing so, they also found a pus-filled pouch between the last most molar (which is one of the treated teeth) and the wisdom tooth behind it. After clearing that out, they also gave me different antibiotics, since the sleeping issues and profuse sweating is a possible side-effect of the first one I took.

So yeah, that has been my week so far. Currently, things are looking okay. I actually managed to sleep about 2-3 hours earlier. Maybe I won't have to visit the dentist tomorrow again, although it would be a combo breaker, since my next proper appointment for the regular root canal treatment is on Friday. I'm also not looking forward to what has to happen to that wisdom tooth. They didn't say anything yet but I assume something needs to be done. It's actually rotated 90° so it's upper side points towards the other teeth. Wisdom teeth are stupid.

I know I promised to release an update to the game but things got quite out of hand. I certainly can't wait for things to return to normal.



Sorry to hear I know how rootcanals can get x.x but hope everything will be alright soon, your own health comes first


Thanks for the update wishing you a speedy recovery (ᵔᴥᵔ)


If you wisdom tooth is that far sideways then i would assume they would suggest removing it since it could impact your molars. A couple of my Wisdom teeth were like that and i had all 4 removed.


Yeah, I'm sure that it is very likely that it'll get removed, once the root canal treatment is finished.


Hope you feel better


Thank you. I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed next week.


It’s been a while since the operation. Are you alright? Did everything turn out as expected?


Hey man, hope you are ok


Good to hear. From experience I know dental issues are the worst - hang in there! All the best.