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So as usual, I encountered a bunch of unexpected issues before and after compiling the game. Also I had to learn how to make a launcher in Visual Studio, to launch it with VR enabled. All this stuff took me all day to figure out basically. However both 64-bit and 32-bit versions are compiled and zipped up, ready to be uploaded. The upload will take a while though and it's already past 12:30 AM and I have to go to work in a couple of hours, so getting some sleep would be nice. I'll upload the files and make a post, when I come home from work. Sorry for the delay.

All in all, once again a deadline I did not make. Yey.



Considering you said you'd have it done by the end of the week, I don't think Monday is that bad :3 problems come up and it's great that you managed to fix them quickly! Looking forward to trying this out tomorrow, thanks again for all your hard work ~


I would much rather wait than I would get something that isn’t up to your standards- especially if the game wouldn’t run properly if it were to be forced out. Your transparency with the game’s development is what keeps me invested even if deadlines aren’t always met. I hope the process hasn’t been too stressful on you. I’m sure I speak for many of us when I say that I have faith you’ll figure this all out. Thank you for all your hard work, greatly looking forward to the next update :)


So nice,i'll try it with my HTC Vive !