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Remember that Barefoot Renamon picture I did a while ago? She's now an official character.

So this is aunt Barbara. Why Barbara? Because it makes for a nice alliteration with barefoot but also because the name carries the meaning "strange" or "foreign", which certainly describes her look in comparison to others of her species.

There's actually more background story behind this image series and there's certainly a time jump between picture two and three. I won't go into detail just yet, since I'm still figuring things out but I might just write a story about it. I'd really like to get some proper world building going on at some point.

Also here are single versions of the three pics above for your viewing convenience:




Oooh, I like the look of her. Will she perhaps eventually appear in the giant's sandbox? Older Rena, wearing a nice pair of stockings is just lovely.


I don't think that she'll make an appearance, since I'd have to model her myself and I have never learned 3D modeling. I'd love to see her in the game though for sure.


Would love a story involving her


You should draw her and mother playing with sprite as the family photo.

Atlan from Atlarchy

You seem to get lucky... also a nice babysitter she is XD