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So, this one will be a little different and also the last Weekly Update for now. Over the course of the last week, I had a job interview, a sort of trial day, where they wanted to see how I work and on last Friday, I had my first work day. It's a job as a graphics designer at a newspaper/agency, limited to a year and the payment is not worth mentioning. I'm emotionally all over the place, mainly a bit depressed, because my lifestyle just changed over night. It'll take some time to get used to. I also can't tell how much this is going to affect the developement of the game and my overall productivity in the long run. So I can totally understand if you're gonna change your pledge or remove it entirely.

It also didn't help that Summer Games Done Quick ended this weekend and one of the final runs was Undertale and now I have sad music on my mind. I'm specificaly talking about His Theme https://youtu.be/IkOK8tdEsFY which is atually slower in the game, something I learned from the speedrunners.

I'll post download links to the Giant's Sandbox 0.1.1 update shortly after this update. It does not feature as much content as I had planned, due to the recent events.

I will keep you updated on how things develope.

That's all for now.

Thank you for your support and I'm sorry.




Remove my pledge ? No way ! You're doing an amazing content. I suport you, even if it's just 1$

Izaäk Sean Sol Sundjata Starrman

I'll keep sending you a pledge because I really like your work. I'm a business owner, and I understand fully, what it is like to have no time to do the things you love. I'll keep supporting you, though I might need to adjust my tier, not because of you, but because money is a bit tight on my end at this time.


We will always support you! You are amazing! I understand how taking a new job can affect projects. My own YouTube Channel has hit snags in the past. You just need to take your time and do what you need to do in life. We will always be here for you. ❤


Good luck with your new job! I know it can get pretty hectic going through such a big shake-up but I'm sure you'll get settled into it soon enough. And don't sweat it if you can't post as much as you used to, I don't plan on dropping support any time soon. :3


Thank you and I can understand that but I also can't even imagine what it is like to own a business.


Thank you very much for your support <3 I hope I can figure things out quickly.


Yeah, my whole world got kinda turned upside down. Thanks a lot though <3


We understand. You don't have to apologize. Your work is more than worth enough the wait for this game. Get your life in order first and take care :)


It's okay, do work whenever you can, looking forward to trying out the newest version


Maybe make a trailer on youtube as you did with the giant sandbox 0.0.5?


I'm gonna make a pretty boring trailer for it, so Youtube won't take it down.


No worries, dude! Like you said, these things take time. We'll cross the bridges when we get there. For now I'd like to thank you for the latest version and wish you all the best. I'll be sticking around for quite a while. ;)


It's okay man, and listen. Sorry if my recent "requests" were of an annoyance, I just really wanted to get my hands on the recent version. But hey, take all the time you need in order to adapt to this new life-style. Though I do lie on the younger side of things, I understand perfectly what you are going through.